Tuesday, December 1, 2020

RRR presents... A REAL ROYAL CHRISTMESS by Linda West - REVIEW!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Well now, I don't know about you, but I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA where November went because HELLO!  It's DECEMBER 1ST already and I'm honestly nowhere near ready for the Christmas holidays.  Decorations?  Nope.  Presents?  Nope.  Holiday meal planning?  Nope.  The one thing I am most certainly ready for though is HOLIDAY READING and today's featured title via Rachel's Random Resources is the PERFECT way to induct yourself into this particular reading season.  So hang the mistletoe, or not, and get cozied in for a holiday tinged bookish treat as we introduce today's blog tour guest and ebook of choice...

A Real Royal Christmess
Linda West

About the book...
Jess is trying to win back her boyfriend, who dumped her for being boring. Jamie is trying to complete his father's bucket list before he takes the Crown. Both of them are hiding who they truly are, and when the truth is discovered, it's a real royal Christmess!


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NO, your eyes are not playing tricks on you.  That's not a prince and an elf, despite the green hair....think of it more as a poor choice in color, or at least for all the wrong reasons, before she came into herself.  Yep, that's what I'm going with because although our gal rocks it, she was fine just the way she was.  She didn't need to change herself to keep "the one".  The one that was meant to be THE ONE would love her just the way she was...natural born hair color, non-adventure seeking, a homecooked meal, and choosing to curl up by the fire with a book AND each other.  Yep, that's the dream, and that's something Jess needs to learn in her own time, and because it takes her some time to maybe, sorta, hopefully get there, we get to chuckle at all the antics along the way!  From perceived Instagram model to supposed adventure seeker extraordinaire, her misadventures on the bunny hill (or rather before she even GETS on it!) to the Luge ride that took a most definite wrong turn...it all adds to the laughs, it all gets us more in tune with our gal, and her potential prince!  I loved all the misses, but I adored when things starting falling into place...and the ending?  Well, I won't spoil it for you, but man, I would love a slice of the cobbler the sisters at Kissing Bridge are whipping up!  😉

All in all, a great way to dive into the season that won't last long enough to get your tinsel in a tangle, but it will put some HO-HO-HOpe in your holiday!

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About the author...

Linda West is the best selling author of the adorable and enchanting "Christmas Kisses and Cookies." It is a delightful series of holiday romances based around the town of Kissing Bridge and the magical Landers sisters who are the reigning blue ribbon cookie queens thanks to their mothers' 'special' recipe book. 

Linda was the owner of Mayberry - a celebrity-filled restaurant in Malibu where many of her recipes enchanted the regulars such as Tom Hanks and Anthony Hopkins to name a few. Her recipes are sprinkled throughout her fiction books much to the delight of her fans.

Her newest venture is in the cozy mystery and humor genre. With - Death by Crockpot - the first in her newest series -Linda takes her favorite known characters from Kissing Bridge and throws them into some side-splitting funny adventures. 

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Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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