Saturday, March 20, 2021

RRR presents... PROJECT KAITLYN by Grayson Avery - REVIEW!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we’re joining Rachel’s Random Resources for a stop along their current tour featuring a HI-LAR-IOUS Romantic Comedy that’ll have you hoping for the best outcome for all, while trying to stifle your laughter for just moment. Any moment. *giggle* Anywho, let’s get this show on the road! Ladies and gents, prepare to be blown away (HA! Inside joke!) by today’s blog tour guest and book of choice...

Project Kaitlyn
Grayson Avery

About the book...
Meet Kaitlyn Colby, a clumsy, inappropriate blurter with self-esteem issues, but also quite handy with an axe. She's certainly no superhero, but she fights the battles of a single mom with sweet snarkasm. Between work and pining for and co-parenting with her man-child ex (is there any other kind?), Kaitlyn has no time to find that special someone. And if she did, would he really want her anyway? Kaitlyn's sister and friends (The Sweet Water Circle) say yes, so following a typical Kaitlyn slip up, The Circle intervenes to force her out of the funk that she fell into following her unwanted divorce.

When Kaitlyn makes a decision to pursue her advertising career over love, she tumbles (like no tumble you've ever seen…or heard) into the life of hunky, bay breeze-drinking Hunter Dixon, an ad exec who is intrigued enough by Kaitlyn that he hires her firm to revive a struggling project, much like herself.

Can Kaitlyn become the woman she needs to be to land the man of her dreams? Maybe. Maybe not. But you'll laugh out loud as she tries. There's no doubt you'll be rooting for the lovable, hilarious, and relatable Kaitlyn. And you'll probably love her friends, too, which is good, because their stories are ready to be told in the Sweet Water Circle series!

Project Kaitlyn could be the funniest book you ever read. It's a hilarious romantic comedy that speaks the truth (well, most of the time) about life and love, and…hiking thongs? What the heck is that? Well, you'll just have to read it to find out!

B&N  |  iBOOKS


This is a story for all of us that have ever felt not quite good enough. This is a reminder to always judge the current person for themselves versus constantly comparing them to past partners. This is a CAUTIONARY tale to always go for the party outfit befitting the event, but also we’re more comfortable avoid unnecessary spills, and tonal outbursts. *ahem*

Kaitlyn’s life is in a tailspin. She’s still hooking up with (on occasion...always his occasion) her ex, while simultaneously trying to be a single mom, career woman, and good friend. Never mind HER needs. Never mind her DESIRES. Never mind her dreams for the future and the possibility of finding love that will last. Thank goodness for the Sweet Water Circle of friends, her closest, bestest gal pals, and their Kaitlyn-needs-a-new-life intervention. Without their fashion tips, pit smelling faux pas, and take control instructions, she never would have gotten up on her own two feet and claimed the life she deserves. Okay, maybe never is a little strong, but it wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting, hottie filled, or anytime this millennium, so yeah...still THANK YOU.

I love how even though Kaitlyn tries new things not every thing turns out. She falls. She stumbles. She makes a fool out of herself, for better or worse. When she’s with Hunter, Mr. Bay-Breeze himself, she’s snarky and witty, but also manages to put her foot in her mouth like anyone else. My point with all this deprecation of the leading lady is that she’s REAL, which makes her relatable, and the back and forth banter filled with second meanings and innuendos will keep you laughing right along with them both.

All in all, a read that’s as fun-tastic as a night out with your besties, that’ll remind you that it truly is great to be you because YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND, and DESERVING of ONLY THE BEST in life. The only one that can truly hold you back is what are you waiting for? Go out and grab YOUR best in life AND love!


About the author... 

Grayson Avery is the author of The Sweet Water Circle Series, a romantic comedy series that focuses on childhood friends in their 30's and 40's as they help each other navigate the stormy waters of dating, marriage, divorce, and a whole lot of inappropriate, naughty, and downright hysterical situations.



Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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