Monday, September 5, 2022

RRR presents... A PERFECT DISCOVERY by Margaret Amatt - REVIEW!

HI guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today is REALLY about the "satisfaction" part of my blog's name and I hope you're "hungry" because we have not one, not two, but THREE blog tours swinging by bringing you the bookish goodness you want, and deserve! So sit back, relax, and have those TBRs at the ready as we start at the beginning and wind our way into bookish mayhem! First up, a Contemporary Romance title currently on tour with Rachel's Random Resources. It's a book that really DIGS the past, but its characters are looking for a better future. Would I recommend holding their collective breaths? Hmm, let's just say they may change a few colors of blue before they get close to that dream, but nothing is impossible...especially when love factors in. Ladies and gents, today's first blog tour guest and ebook of choice...

A Perfect Discovery
Margaret Amatt

About the book...
To find love, they need to dig deep.

When kind-hearted archaeologist Rhona Lamond has her precious research stolen, she returns home to the Isle of Mull, lost and frustrated. An island project that tugs at Rhona’s soul comes up, and she’s desperate to take it on. But there’s a major problem.

Property developer Calum Matheson has a longstanding feud with the Lamond family. After a plot of land he owns is discovered to be a site of historical importance, his plans are thrown into disarray and building work put on hold. Calum doesn’t think things can get any worse, until archaeologist Rhona turns up. Not only is she a Lamond, but she’s all grown up, and even stubbornly unromantic Calum can’t fail to notice her – or the effect she has on him.

Their attraction ignites but how can they overcome years of hate between their families? Both must decide what’s more important, family or love.



Rhona and Calum.
A modern day Romeo and Juliet, if ever there was, but their story isn't near as tragic (no deaths involved, although lives ARE threatened!), and there's a definite The Mummy type edge to it (you know, the brainy beauty, and the dashing man traipsing through dig sites, and other drama)...all adding up to quite a bookish discovery!

We get to know each of them in the here and now, but those opinions are colored by a past that remains painfully shaded throughout most of the story...painful for the characters, that is, not for readers.  Rhona has been raised to stay away from the Matheson's, and Calum knows better than to get involved in any fashion with a Lamond.  The chance to uncover the hidden history of a civilization mere steps from her own home is something she just can't ignore...even if the owner is someone she should.  Yes, that's're connecting the dots, but the image it makes isn't quite crystal clear.  Despite all the family history, the more Rhona gets to know Calum, she can't match the monster to the man.  She just knows there's something more to the story of what transpired between her brother and Calum, once upon a time, but she'll be hard put to find out what it is...and even if she does, it may not be in time to save what growing between them! caught that, didn't you?  FEELINGS are being caught left and right, on both sides of this virtual wall, and people could get seriously hurt if things don't change.  CAN love change the hearts of those that want to hold on to past pain so badly?  Can it open a window where a door has been slammed, locked, and bolted?  Surely if anything can break down the walls erected, it'll be this....and trust me, the journey to that dismantling is worth every step.

I loved Rhona's character from the start.  Grant it, she needed to step up and claim what was hers because that little troll at her last dig that burned her so badly, so needed to be taken down a few notches, but that wasn't her way...and fate DOES step in eventually.  She was true to herself, listened to her gut instincts, and followed her heart...the fact that she was a darn good archeologist was simply icing on the cake!  Calum was more of an acquired taste, but I firmly believe it was because of the person he erected around his true self for protection after the past battered him so brutally.  Given a redo, I think he and she would have potentially had a beginning a lot sooner in life, but love finds us at just the right moment, whether we initially see it or not.  Perhaps he wouldn't have known what he was looking at if it occurred sooner, or perhaps the trials he went through and the uphill struggle they faced together served to make them a better match in the end...truths or suppositions we'll never know the answer to, but what we DO know is that this story is one not to miss, with characters you'll grow to love.  

A great pick for Contemporary Romance fans as well as those that like a little Shakespeare-esque tinge to their reading material.


About the author...

Margaret is a writer, mummy, wife and chocolate eater (in any order you care to choose). She lives in highland Perthshire in a little house close to the woods where she often sees red squirrels, deer and other such tremendously Scottish wildlife… Though not normally haggises or even men in kilts!

She has published nine books and written many more. Margaret won a short story writing competition in 2012 and her winning entry was performed live to an audience at Pitlochry Festival Theatre as part of their Winter Words Event. This spring boarded Margaret’s journey from writing for fun to novel writing – though she still enjoys every minute of it.

Margaret is also a keen amateur photographer, who enjoys drawing, reading, and talking about books.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as the ebook for review.  (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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