Monday, January 9, 2023

PRE PUB BOOK BUZZ starring... The Three Lives of Alix St. Pierre by Natasha Lester

Where are my Historical Fiction fans at?  Raise your hands HIGH so we can see them!  Now, add in the Historical Romance fans...yep, there we go.  If you could see across the world wide web, you'd be looking at a sea of hands in the air like we just don't care right about now, but in all honesty, we DO care.  We care because we LOVE this genre.  We care because reading about the past while relatively safe in our present, brings us comfort on some level, while moving our hearts with its profound stories filled to the brim with drama, intrigue, and moments that take your breath away.  Today's pre pub book birthday celebrant embodies all of that and more!

Natasha Lester

About the book...
Alix St. Pierre. An unforgettable name for an unforgettable woman. She grew up surrounded by Hollywood glamor, but, as an orphan, never truly felt part of that world. In 1943, with WWII raging and men headed overseas to fight, she lands a publicity job to recruit women into the workforce. Her skills—persuasion, daring, quick-witted under pressure—catch the attention of the U.S. government and she finds herself with an even bigger assignment: sent to Switzerland as a spy. Soon Alix is on the precipice of something big, very big. But how far can she trust her German informant…?

After an Allied victory that didn’t come nearly soon enough, Alix moves to Paris, ready to immerse herself in a new position as director of publicity for the yet-to-be-launched House of Dior. In the glamorous halls of the French fashion house, she can nearly forget everything she lost and the dangerous secret she carries. But when a figure from the war reappears and threatens to destroy her future, Alix realizes that only she can right the wrongs of the past …and finally find justice.


This is one of those stories you can't stop talking about.  Once I started, I was locked in for the duration.  There was no turning back, and despite how grim things may have looked time and time again, there was still magnificent beauty to be found, heartbreaking love to experience, and new beginnings worth fighting for.  

Alix St. Pierre...the only name a woman of her caliber should be saddled with because it was as stunning as the woman baring it.  It wasn't that she was beautiful, although she was.  It wasn't that she was smart, although she most definitely was.  It wasn't that she had overcome obstacles that would have beaten many down, or that she could reinvent herself when the time was right to step into a future just a bit more suited to her.  No, it was ALL of these things and more!  From the fashion savvy press manager to the owner of the bleeding heart, she is a multi-faceted woman who knows how to blend in, and when to stand out.  Her journey from orphan child to fashion connoisseur was astounding, but her time spent during the war is what really made her the remarkable woman we met between the pages.  The things she did, the events she stopped, the ways she found herself only to lose herself again, the moments of quiet solitude and the trials of fighting for what you believe in, all with the ultimate loss hanging right over her conscience.  She's not a person that takes things lightly.  She holds them tight, putting those feelings deep within her person, and making them her own until such a time she can resolve them for the greater good.

I was captivated by each page, every moment drawn deeper and deeper into the story.  Would Alix accomplish the seemingly impossible task before her?  How would she escape the dire end that seemed to be chasing her?  Could Anthony be anything more than a stuffed shirt, oversexed gent that swam in circles Alix never fit into?  Just who was Le Voce, and what ghastly plans did he have still unfolding?  So many questions, and so many paths to wander down to find the answers, but trust me, it's all worth it in the end for the chance to know and love Alix St. Pierre.


About the author...

Natasha Lester worked as a marketing executive for L’Oreal before penning the New York Times and internationally bestselling novel The Paris Orphan. She is also the author of the USA Today bestseller The Paris Seamstress. When she’s not writing, she loves collecting vintage fashion, traveling, reading, practicing yoga and playing with her three children. Natasha lives in Perth, Western Australia.



Special thanks to Kayla of the Wunderkind PR team for the chance to bring this title to you and to Forever for the ARC for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available TOMORROW (01/10/23) via Forever, an imprint of Grand Central Publishing / Hachette Book Group, so mark your calendar, or pre order your copy online today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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