Sunday, March 17, 2024

STORYBOOK SUNDAY prepares for Earth Day 2024!

We're celebrating another day of bookish fun with Storybook Sunday! For those not up to speed on the post, I read a lot of great storybooks and thought, why not give them their own day in the sun. Hence, Storybook Sunday appears every now and then!

Next month, Earth Day is upon us, and while every day is TECHNICALLY a day worthy to celebrate the planet we live on, April 22nd, 2024 is THE day this year.  Are you ready?  Do you have your party planned, your clean-up organized...your reading sorted?  😉  Well then, I can definitely help you out on that last part.  The two storybooks we're featuring today make PERFECT additions to your festivities, while spreading the word about sustainable gardening, utilizing resources, the circle of life from seed to table, and a gentle reminder of how small, or big, our place in this world truly is. Ready to discover more?  Ladies and gents, take a gander at today's featured titles...

Illustrated by
Doubleday Books for Young Readers
Release Date:  03/12/24

This was a great take on the classic of old. It gives us a female farmer, planting vegetables of all shapes and sizes, caring for them from seed to table, and back again. It's filled with clever rhymes to keep the story rolling, and encourage readers to not only learn a thing or two about the life cycle of these sustainable farming options, but sing along too! I loved the variety of vegetables she grew and harvested, the bright illustrations throughout, the fact page at book's end, and a recipe to try with your new vege knowhow. It's a great story for any time, and a fun way to celebrate Earth Day as we remember why it's so important to take care of our home. 

🌍   🌎   🌏   🌎   🌍

Knopf Books for Young Readers
Release Date:  03/19/24

This curious tale tells of a speck, hence the title, as it makes its way through this great big world. Think about a drop of water in comparison to the ocean... and then think smaller. The thing is that a tiny little speck can spark life in many shapes and sizes; it just has to find where it belongs. The same can be said about all living things, great, small, and in-between. We're all big in some spaces, and incredibly small in others, but once we find our place, we can grow and become all we aim to be. It doesn't have to be alone, the journey, nor the settling, but it does have to be gone through... and in the end, the rewards are always worth the effort. 

With striking illustrations throughout, you'll feel the magic and wonder as if you were the speck yourself, while being reminded that we're all specks, in a sense, making our way through the world one day, one decision at a time. The Earth Day aspect kicks in with the celebration of life in all its stages, and how everything is meant to work together in harmony, helping the world go round. 

🌍   🌎   🌏   🌎   🌍

Special thanks to the Blue Slip Media and the Penguin Random House for the copies for review...(THANKS!)... and the chance to shine a light on ways to celebrate Earth Day with all of you! For more information on these titles, authors, illustrators, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. One is available now, and the other is coming soon, so mark your calendar or stop by your local brick and mortar today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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