Wednesday, May 15, 2024

SPRING CLEANING... Bookish Style!

The weather has been unpredictable recently.
Work has been uber busy, and not so much fun.
Home life has been overwhelmingly filled with loss.
Reading has been...well, let's just say that focusing has been a bit of a challenge with everything going on, but I'm chugging along on my scheduled reads.

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The only thing is that I have a few titles that have unintentionally piled up, so it's time to do a little SPRING CLEANING of my HAVE READ and HAVE CAUGHT MY ATTENTION pile. What's that mean for you? A plethora of shorter reviews to tantalize, tease, and tempt these titles onto your MUST READ list. You're welcome. 😁

Shall we get this bookish party started? You're about to embark on a journey through Historical Romance, Children's Fantasy, Storybooks, and more.
Ready or not, here they come!

The Kingdom Over the Sea series, Book 2
Zohra Nabi
Illustrated by
Federica Frenna
Margaret K. McElderry Books

We pick up right where the first story left off, and catch up with our newly minted friends who are still surviving, but still in great danger.  Yara's mother is still lost to her, but she hasn't given up hope on a rescue.  Her friends have their own challenges to overcome between family members in danger, finding themselves, and keeping Yara in touch with herself.  That becomes even harder as her desire to save her mother intensifies, especially after the arrival of her familiar in such a state, but the journey they are all about to embark on is filled with peril, discoveries that surprise, magic like nothing you've dreamed, and realizations that work over the sea and beyond the stars.  A great pick for Children's Fantasy fans of age and beyond with a wonderful message to carry right off the page and into your heart.

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Lotte R. James
Harlequin Historical

Historical Romance is definitely one of my favorite genres.  In this LGBTQ+ friendly release, Ruth has been pressed into the manager role of the theater her father owned with his recent departure, and has also inherited all the unknown monetary struggles that will soon manifest into the facilities closure, if something drastic doesn't happen soon.  She takes matters into her own hands and reaches out to the one person she believes can and will help her save his legacy...Artemis, the girl turned woman whom her father gave a chance to find her voice all those years ago.  The problem is life has taken its toll on Artemis as well as her confidence, and like all shaken foundations, it needs the right support...the likes of which may be found in the most unexpected of places, and yet...and yet.  I enjoyed the story as a whole, seeing all the pieces come together, and I found the relationship that develops between our two leading ladies the perfect accompaniment as the acts unfold.  Their shared history bound by memories and experience, and their love for the craft and form, set a foundation on which to build a future, the likes of which they can only imagine.  A great pick for fans of the genre, and a wonderful addition to the author's body of work.

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Morgan Matson
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

I've read another of this author's works, and this one continues the writing style we've come to know with a story imagined yet believable.  A young girl whose travel adventure gets interrupted by circumstances beyond her control, and yet it seems fate might be having its way with her because Russell may just be that healthy dose of the unexpected that turns her world right side up.  CAN you know someone in just a night?  Perhaps, but isn't the continual discovery after the first glimpse of something intriguing one of the most charming parts?  A great addition to the genre, and a sure to entice selection for teen readers seeking out their own adventures this summer!

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Ben Miller
Illustrated by
Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini

This story was QUITE the adventure!
I loved all the tongue in cheek humor, the nods to today's spring-up-overnight society, the curiosity that all ages share to do that which is warned against, and the message regarding the importance of family, and making time for those and that which are most important.  After all, the true magic of this life is in the LIVING, and the experiences we have and share make it that much richer.  A wonderful story filled with imagination gone wild...just the way it should be!

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Special thanks to the authors, publicists, and publishers listed for the copies for review. (THANKS!) For more information on any title listed, feel free to click through the links provided above.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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