Monday, September 16, 2024

CHANGE: Growing Up is Hard to Do (DOUBLE REVIEW!)

Welcome back readers!
Today's post is all about change.  Growing up is hard to do, and finding yourself in the mix can be difficult.  Sometimes what we find is amazing.  Sometimes what we find is confusing.  Sometimes what we learn about ourselves, and those around us, makes it that much more of a maze to traverse, but, if we're lucky, we have those around us that understand, and help us see the beauty in what we might've missed, and the strength in truth behind the hard decisions we might have to make.  Sound a bit heavy for Middle Grade Fiction?  Hey, LIFE is heavy, so why shouldn't that be reflected at times in literature?  Ladies and gents, let's take a closer look at two titles in this category, one that's out now, and one coming soon, that should be on your radar...

J.S. Lemon
Farrar Straus Giroux
Published:  09/10/24

I admit, this was a beautiful story in reflection, but during the read, I was a tad confused.  I was having a difficult time trying to sort out whether it was more reality based or fantasy based, and in the end I decided it was a little of both.  It's about the changes we all go through as we grow up.  It's about finding our true selves, accepting our true selves, and finding those that will do that for us as well.  It's about never shying away from our truth, and learning to let the opinions of others bounce off our outer shell because the one that truly matters is our own.  We'll find our crowd, eventually.  We'll form our inner circle, eventually.  We'll discover that the naysayers and the outspoken that were against us were really just lost on their own journeys and lashing out to try and feel comfortable in their own skin. Is it right?  No...but it doesn't make it any less a valid part of the experience.  

I felt for Greta and I think those things she struggles with resonate with younger readers, serving as a reminder that they aren't the only ones trying to figure things out.  Change is a constant in life, but finding that comfort zone comes with time, promise, and the moments that got you there will be flashcard memories that created the you that is you today.

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The Web of the Spider series, Book 1
Michael P. Spradlin
Margaret K. McElderry Books
Release Date:  09/24/24

I love my Historical Fiction and this was a great way for younger readers interested in the genre to get their feet on the ground during this transformative time.  Was it hard to read?  In some ways, yes...I did think that unless the person going into it has an innate interest, it might be dry in some places, but the other half of the reading difficulty lies purely in the subject matter as it gives us a glimpse of how evil can rise, spread, and transform a people.  Hitler came at a time when Germany was down and out with messages of gathering their strength once again, but he also came with vile ideas of who should be allowed not only to reign, but to LIVE, and a whole assortment of other ugliness I won't get into here.

Rolf was a great character to see through because he was trying to take it all in, reason it out, and assemble just where he stood in it all.  His brother was taking one road, his father another, and his best friend another still, but he allowed himself to see the facts for the fiction, and discover his own path like we all have to at some point or another in our lives.  Most of our decisions will seem small in scale when compared to those the surround this time period, but, as the author points out, it's those small decisions along the way, the seemingly innocent side steps, and placements, that add up to a bigger picture in the end.  The moment we turn away from an injustice we could have prevented, an innocent that needed assistance we refused to give, that darker side of mankind gains another foothold in our world...and that's a place none of us truly want to live.  A great start to a promising series that will help the next generation to learn from the past and never forget.

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Special thanks to Cate at Nicole Banholzer PR, and Alex at Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, for the copies for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on these titles, the authors, or the publishers, feel free to click through the links provided above.  As listed, one is available now, with the other coming soon, so grab your calendar and mark it down, or (pre)order your copies today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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