Sunday, November 15, 2009

Daring to Dream: The Moon Over Star by Dianna Hutts Aston

Hello, hello!  Welcome back to another day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  I trust that everyone is having a great month so far, or at least making the best of it.  Thanksgiving is fast approaching and then the Christmas holidays are right around the it just me or did the year seem to FLY by?  Anywho....time to get down to the business at hand.  We are definitely over due for a post or two that were book review related (sorry for the lapse there), so here we go!  Today's pick will take to to the stars and beyond...or more specifically, the moon.  The book for today's post is....

The Moon Over Star
Dianna Hutts Aston

The year is 1969 and man is about to set foot on the moon.  It is a momentous occasion to say the very least.  One that is watched and shared by millions the world round, touching the hearts and minds of all generations.  This story however, chooses to share the events through the eyes of one young child by the name of Mae.  Mae witnesses the events with childlike wonder and dares to dream of a day when she too may be able to walk on the moon.  Whether learning about this extraordinary event for the first time, or wishing to relive the memories of it you carry from a first hand account, the story held within these pages combined with the wonderful illustrations capturing both events and imagination will light the fire of possibility in your heart.  Dare to dream once again and let your creativity soar.

I must say that although it was a short story, it certainly captures the passion of the human spirit.  Little Mae is a believeable character in both her excitement regarding the historic event as well as her imaginatory tries to reach the moon.  Even her grandfather, an aged and weathered farmer that has certainly seen days of remembrance (including the first flight as he briefly recounts), manages to capture your heart through the few lines he shares within this tale.  If you have ever dreamed of reaching for the stars, or wish to light that dream in anothers eyes, this is definitely a top pick for your list (at least in my humble opinion).

Copy reviewed received via Penguin USA contest held on Twitter.  (THANKS!)

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Sounds like a great story and especially to be told through the eyes of a child - magical.

  2. Hi there. This one sounds sweet. I like this age level of books.

    Enjoy the Superior Scribbler Award! I'm enjoying your blog.!

  3. Petty Witter: Your sentiments capture it exactly. =0)

    Michelle: Absolutely agree! This age level is a fun escape sometimes....back to a time of simplicity and magic. (Definitely enjoying the award....and glad YOU are enjoying the posts! )
