Friday, November 13, 2009

Food for Thought

At Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, watching the effects of alcohol on older generations. One word...scary. MORE LATER....

*UPDATE*  11/15/09
Hello!  Here is the "more later" update....yes, you read correctly.  I went to a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert and I must say it was a rather "interesting" experience.  First off, let me say that I discovered apart from "Freebird" and "Sweet Home Alabama" (as well as a some called something like "that smell"...which I heard once in passing and really wish I could forget...), I know absolutely zero percent more of their catalogue of music.  Really it's not such a bad thing since I was really treating my parents to the "performance".  Second, Southern Rock, as they are classified, is really an acquired test....apparantly not my own either.  Cie la vie...I'll chalk it up to an experience none the less and can say I did see a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group live and in living color.  (Okay, not the only one I've concert adventures include groups ranging from Aerosmith to NSYNC to Sister Hazel and so on....loads of fun!)

The experience portion of night was really in the people watching.  The crowd consisted of a split demographic...some teens, and then more long time fans.  Surprisingly, the non-teens were the more interesting "entertainment"....although I think (no, I HOPE) that the alcoholic beverages were to blame.  I mean seriously, if not for adverting my eyes, I fear my retinas would have been burned permanently with the images.  So as not to scar potential readers of this post, I will only vaguely allude to the two older gents clearly three sheets to the wind that proceeded to dance with with his wife (presumedly) and the other with a chair.  Yep....just let your imaginiation ruminate on that for a few minutes....then DELETE.

All in all, still have a decent time.  The opening act was a group called Blackberry Smoke (again, not my cup of tea....definitely went with the main act's style in both looks and sound).  The second group was Rev Theory....from what I could hear (anyone of you that has been to a concert knows exactly what I mean here) sounded pretty good, although they were more Rock or Hard Rock as opposed to the featured style.  Several hour drive later and I landed on my home "planet" and proceeded to sleep for many hours to come....and there is my excuse for lack of blog updates.  Sorry about that!  I did manage to get some reading in though, one book will be stopping by the blog on a virtual tour later this month (thus a review will be on hold til then) and a couple more will be hitting the site in the next day or so.  Thanks for sticking with me and ...

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. LOL, wish I could have been there. That was the old party time goodness, they really knew how to throw mean parties. I bet it was some kind of culture shock moment, though...tame compared to back then, lol. Never went to see Lynyrd Skynrd good lord I've misspelled that terribly but I did see Crosby Stills Nash & Young...all these groups were part of the sixties moment but I believe LS came a little later - like the 70's. It was nothing to go to the local record store and pick up a copy of their newest release and have fifty million people over "doing their thing" at your house - and I mean everything you can think of. Got old as we all got old, grew up and started families so forth but man what memories it brings back. A lot of my generation never did grow up or at least when LS was playing on stage, they reverted back to their teenage hood...I bet it was some experience for you, lol!

  2. Dorothy: Don't worry about the spelling....had to look it up myself! It's really amazing (and a bit crazy) to see how different generations react to the music of their time. Some are protest, some are peace and love, and some are just rock it out. I definitely agree with the "never grew up" bit. LOL. Although shocking for my eyes, they were still having a good time and far cleaner than some acts that are getting PAID to perform. Thanks for sharing! =0)

  3. A. I'm totally jealous.
    B. My husband and I are obsessed with Freebird.

  4. Juju: Now doesn't look good on everyone. LOL. You would have loved the performance than. That song is normally long but it was probably about 10 minutes long in this rendition and everyone was going crazy. =0)
