Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Roving Reader

Now doesn't this look like a cute twist on the old classic!
Although....the little guy isn't "ugly"...he's just different...

The Ugly Duckling Dinosaur
Cheryl Bardoe

What caught your eye when out and about this weekend?
Do tell!

** The Roving Reader is a MEME type feature created by yours truly to share those book covers spotted when out and about that catch your eye for one reason or another. Want to get in on the fun? You're welcome to use the MEME, just give a little credit love. Simply snap a picture of your recent find and post away! Happy reading! **


  1. Reading The Ugly Duckling used to make me so sad despite the happy ending.
    This seems like a cute take on The Ugly Duckling. I agree with you - the dinosaur on the cover isn't ugly at all.

  2. I've never heard of this book before. Looks like a cute book.

    Misha, why did it make you sad? I don't want to end up blubbering if I read it to my grandchildren! :)

  3. Misha: Aww....I know what you mean, but definitely grateful it turns out all right for the little guy. ^_^

    Marsel: Glad to introduce you. ^_^

    Juju: Agreed!
