Sunday, June 26, 2011

Passions Many Faces: The Tourist Trail by John Yunker

Hi there, insatiable readers!
How's your weekend shaping up so far? Good I hope.
Welcome to my first post created entirely on my Blogger app via my new smart if there are any bloopers (such as the fact that this was to post YESTERDAY and it didn't because yours truly posted it to her test blog by accident...oye) or lack of normal formatting, be kind okay? Oh and as for the winner of the recent contest, that will be announced very soon so hang tight and good luck! Now on to the review....

Penguins and conservation and passion, oh my! Today we are dealing with all three of these in a BIG way thanks to this unique fiction title. But just how fictitious is it? (I wonder...) Time for the big reveal. Today's book of choice is...

John Yunker

From the back cover.....
Some people stop at the water's edge.
Some keep going...

Now that's not the full back cover excerpt but then again I don't want to give everything away either. This novel ties together the beauty of nature with the reality that is life in all its raw splendor. The bulk of the events occur in Patagonia at the Penguin Research Station, both are places that actually exist too (check out The Penguin Project for details on the penguin census the author took part in...the link to which is available on his site at Here we find biologist Angela Haynes following her passions and working with the local penguin population when a stranger washes up on their otherwise peaceful shores. He's not just any man though...he's an eco supporter and a known felon. Yep..things are about to get a bit sticky especially when she finds herself falling for him. Will she risk her life, her career, and the birds that she loves just to protect this one man?

Turn the page and we discover another storyline unfolding with Ethan and Noa....soul mates or ships passing in the night? In either case the ending may be traumatic than either counted on. Then we have FBI agent Robert Porter who let a renowned criminal slip through his fingers once and is determined it won't happen again. Sometimes it's the smallest most unexpected connections we make that bind us for life.

The multiple character story lines all weave together by book's end though it's not always apparent how the author will pull it off. Trust me, he does and with enough flair to keep you interested. The beauty of the landscapes and creatures seen is not lost on the reader nor is the attention to detail paid when reviewing the knowledge imparted on the lives of these beautiful, resilient and yet fragile creatures. You'll walkaway with not only a great story under your belt but a wealth of knowledge and perhaps even a renewed desire to lend a helping hand to preserve their ecosystems.

All in all, I'd say this is one for young adult readers through adults. The few sensuality tinged scenes are managed demurely so the the message of the story remains in the spotlight. What is that message? Well to me it was one of following your passions and making a difference in the world during our brief time here. To may speak differently, but speak it will. Review copy courtesy of author John Yunker. (Thanks! ) For more information on this title as well as links to other eco and wildlife causes, be sure to check out the authors website.

Until next time.....happy reading!


  1. Cool plot. Sounds like something I would read. And awww, penguins!

    Great review! :)

  2. Sounds like a worthy read. Thanks for including the links.

    Have you seen the story about this penguin in the news - He has somehow ended up on a New Zealand beach instead of Antartica. All very sad, the images of him eating sand thinking it was snow was very disturbing.

  3. A novel that combines nature's beauty with reality of life?! Sounds great! It has a great message as well. Thanks for the review!
