Friday, June 24, 2011

Reminders and Realizations

Hi there everyone!
It's the Insatiable Reader here, come to bring you the news.

First, a quick REMINDER that your chance to win a copy of My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody ends TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT CST.  The question posed was to see how many of you would actually try what Brooklyn does in the story...most are leaning towards a resounding no...but hey, the comments going along with your answers are interesting nonetheless.  So feel free to get your entries in THROUGH really was a fun read....I think you'll like it too.  ^_^


Second....the REALIZATION of which I referenced in the title of this stems from my lack of online time as of late.  I recently got one of the sparkly new smartphones (yeah...a bit of a learning curve but I'm getting the hang of it) and so I can pop on now and then throughout the day but as you may have noticed something happened yesterday that hasn't for...well, years.  I didn't have a post.


It nagged at me for a bit but you know what?
I'm over it....not blogging, just the "if-I-don't-have-a-new-post-everyday-I-will-die" attitude.  I mean don't get me wrong, I'll still try to have one up every day; call it just my natural instincts to want to bring you new material, or whatever.  However if I can't, I'm not going to fret about it.  I'd rather give you a quality post than just put something...ANYTHING....up to keep it fresh.  So, if you see a post that is sans pictures, I probably typed and posted it from my phone....but it will be of the quality I strive for.  If you don't see a post, I haven't quit the blogosphere....I just probably didn't have a chance to put the finishing touches on the one I was working on.

Will this drop my follower count?
I hope not.  *gulp*  ...but if it does, I'll brave through it.

So that's it....for now.
Will be working on a post for later today on the phone, so stop back to check that out if you get a moment.  Otherwise...have a FABULOUS weekend....and of course, HAPPY READING!


  1. I am sure that not posting everyday is perfectly fine. We have a life outside our blogs too after all :D I used to obsess over posting everyday before - now I am more relaxed about it.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I used to try and post every day, but realized that I sometimes don't have anything to say. Would rather you not fret about it and post whenever you feel like it. We'll be here waiting no matter what! :)

  3. Never worry about that! Those of us who love you will always stick around (even if we don't get to comment all that much). It's good every now and then to take a day off. Trust me, I know I've been doing it a bit here and there recently. It's been great for me personally and helped me catch up on life.

    You're fabulous! Those of us that know that are in it for the long haul! :o)

  4. I don't post everyday, I do try to keep my meme's and what not. I have not dropped in readers and followers. Actually it makes it easier for readers to stay up to date. I post about 4-7 times a week.

  5. Good lord, i"m lucky if I post once a week some weeks. You cool, lady. We are still here!
