Thursday, August 11, 2011

Elliot and the Pixie Plot by Jennifer Nielsen

Hi there readers!

As promised, a new review for a title you don't want to least in MY opinion, but I think you'll agree.  It comes to us from the Children's Fiction genre with a fantastical adventure just waiting to be read.  Ready for the big reveal?  Get your wish list ready because here it comes.  Today's book of choice is....

Elliot and the Pixie Plot
(Book 2 of the Goblin Wars)
Jennifer Nielsen
illustrated by Gideon Kendall

Have I mentioned how much I seriously love this growing series?  If I haven't, permit me a moment to gush.  Book 1 was fabulous, a reading gem to enjoy in beauty and form (okay so it was Underworld beauty which isn't exactly beauty queen but you get the picture...and to get a clearer picture, search out my review right here on the site), and a wonderful addition to the children's literature arena.  With its creative storyline, wonderful narrative style (complete with banter between them and you, the reader) and illustrations to add just enough of a visual, the overall picture was one to behold.

When I heard book 2 was coming out, I pounced...well, not literally, but as soon as I saw it arrive in store, I had to read it.  What I expected was an enjoyable jaunt with Elliot and friends in somewhat the same tone as the first time around;  what I got was a vibrant story with a magical adventure just bursting at the seams with creativity.  Yes my was as good as gold or even better.

This time around Elliot Penster, real world boy and yet king of the Brownies in the Underworld (how that happened is explained in book 1...which may also be available as a free download still on Amazon...), has many problems on his hands.  From the mundane (like avoiding Tubs, the sorta former bully) to the migraine inducing (like avoiding his science partner Cami whom one would rather not be seen with), the real world is hard enough...let alone the life of a king.  But a king he is and so he inherits the problems of his people and right now that problem is Grissel. 

Grissel is the Goblin king currently imprisoned in the brownie jail...who will do anything to get out.  ANYTHING.  Like what you ask?  Oh I don't about having the fairies abduct your friends, the pixies abduct another close acquaintance, and then both of them make an unreasonable request in order for them to be returned unharmed.  Yeah, he's desperate alright...but you would be too if you were fed chocolate cake all day with nothing the drink (well, you would be after a while at least).  The release of this creature sounds easy, but in fact the last time he was out, many Brownies went from friendly little Underworldlings to appetizers, entrees, and desserts. 

Suffice it to say, his chances of getting out by word of the king are slight...but it IS the Underworld and there are OTHER ways of getting him to agree.  Can we say Kovol?  (Who's that? NEED to read book 1!)  Yeah, a demon that's feared across the land...and Elliot's being sent to do what to him? ~rereads plot~ Oh boy. O_O. Guess it's a good thing he's asleep... ~gulp~

As the book warns you from the beginning, the middle and the end, prepare yourself to face your fears and if you're lucky, you just might avoid an extended stay at St. Phobics Hospital for Really Scared Children.  (Yeah, I ended up cancelling my they TOTALLY have rooms available...)  Don't get me wrong, it's state of the art, but I think I'll stick with the 3 hour tour....the 3 hour tour (sorry, couldn't resist). 

Recommended reading for older children (8ish and up) through adults.  It's a wonderful tale of adventure and magical creatures (and banter...I love the banter with the narrator), you won't soon forget.  This book celebrated its bookish birthday last week, so be on the lookout for it on a store shelf near you.  To find out more about the author, check out her website or follow along on Twitter ( know I do.  To discover more about the publisher, check out the Sourcebooks Jabberwocky site (

Until next time....happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Grissel, what a wonderful name.

    I've been hearing such good things about both this book and the first I think I'll have to add both to my wish list. Thanks for a great review and a glowing recommendation.
