Monday, August 20, 2012

In My Shopping Bag (119)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag". (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)

Let's take a peek inside this week....


...from my blogging friend Nayuleska....

Artemis Fowl:  The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer
Horton Halfpott: or, The Fiendish Mystery of Smugwick Manor; or, The Loosening of M'Lady Luggertuck's Corset by Tom Angleberger

The first is a series that I've been following for a while it!  The second, well how can you not be curious about a book with a title like THAT!  ^_^

The Goddess Legacy (Goddess Test, 2.5) by Aimee Carter
Clemency Pogue, book 3:  The Scrivener Bees by J.T. Petty

The first is the "stave-off-the-waiting-period" in between publication while fans count down to the 3rd installment in this series.....the second IS a third installment, but alas I still need the second!  (*adds to MUST FIND SOON list*)


That's it for this week.

So, what did you get?
My wish list is tell!

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Another fantastic selection. I love the look of The Scrivener Bees.

  2. Lovely bag filled with goodies this week. I have Carter's book on my wishlist. Love the cover of The Scrivener Bees..LOL

  3. Oooo Horton! I've been looking at this one and hoping they release it on audio. I look forward to your review.

  4. Very good week in collections. Hope you have a great reading week. :)

  5. Oh! Tom Angleberger!!! I've got this one on my shelf as well. It looks so good! I've been meaning to read it for so long, especially now that he has the Origami Yoda series out that's so popular. Great haul this week!!!

  6. Petty Witter: Book 1 was AWESOME!

    kimbacaffeinate: Loved that series so far as well....should be a good hold over til the next book is out.

    Juju: Will be glad to share!

    Melissa: You too!

    The1stdaughter: Agreed! We have quite a few fans of that one coming through the store... ^_^
