Monday, August 20, 2012

Treasure Ahoy! (GIVEAWAY)

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be no matter what the weather outside may be, because here you can count on a bookish time on the high seas come rain or shine.  Notice the mention of "high seas" there...there's a reason for that.  Yes indeed.

Any fans of Robert Louis Stevenson's infamous work, Treasure Island?  *raises hand*  It may be of some interest to you then (as it was me) that there are a slew of new adventures being released this year revolving around this particular tale.  That's right!  Back we go to the island that caused so much trouble with its promise of treasure and pirates galore with a myriad of adventures just waiting to unfold.  The book in particular I am featuring today has us greeting our old friends Jim and Long John in a more round about way for you see this time the high seas are not calling to this fabled pair, but to their offspring.  Here's a peek behind the pages...


Silver:  Return to Treasure Island
Andrew Motion

From the publisher....
A rip-roaring sequel to Treasure Island—Robert Louis Stevenson’s beloved classic—about two young friends and their high-seas adventure with dangerous pirates and long-lost treasure.
It's almost forty years after the events of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island: Jim Hawkins now runs an inn called the Hispaniola on the English coast with his son, Jim, and Long John Silver has returned to England to live in obscurity with his daughter, Natty. Their lives are quiet and unremarkable; their adventures have seemingly ended.
But for Jim and Natty, the adventure is just beginning. One night, Natty approaches young Jim with a proposition: return to Treasure Island and find the remaining treasure that their fathers left behind so many years before. As Jim and Natty set sail in their fathers' footsteps, they quickly learn that this journey will not be easy. Immediately, they come up against murderous pirates, long-held grudges, and greed and deception lurking in every corner. And when they arrive on Treasure Island, they find terrible scenes awaiting them—difficulties which require all their wit as well as their courage. Nor does the adventure end there, since they have to sail homeward again... 


Sounds good, right?
I know I'M curious to see what awaits this young duo...but alas, my reading of this tale will have to wait for a future date (mid-November to be precise....just in time for Robert Louis Stevenson's birthday!).  Shiver me timbers and all that jazz....but wait!  YOU don't have to wait just because I do!  In fact, how's about I send a little treasure YOUR way?

Thanks to the great folks at Random House, I can!
Just use the Rafflecopter below to enter to win your copy of this newly released high seas adventure....

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Special thanks to Jonathan at Crown Trade / Broadway Paperbacks, a division of Random House Inc. (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their full catalog, feel free to visit them online, like them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  Thirsty for more?  Check out the book excerpt from Chapter 1 available online now.

Until next time....good luck everyone...and happy reading!


  1. I'm very interested in reading more reviews of this one. The concept sounds like a lot of fun but I've seen a number of very negative reviews and those have kept it lower on my TBR pile. Still, I'd like to check it out.

  2. Oh! I've got this one coming up soon! It sounds like so much fun. I can't wait to dive into it! :o)

  3. Treasure Island is certainly a big act to follow, I'm eager to know whether this in any way lives up to the original.
