Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Who? What? Where?

So, this is my first time participating in this particular MEME but if I have anything to say about it, it won't be my last.  It was started by Melissa over at My World in Words and Pages ( ...fab site if I do say so...and it let's you share a bit about your reading adventure in a new way; by answering the infamous "W" questions. Ready for a little bookish fun readers? Here we go!

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Who are you with? Where are you at? What's happening?

Share with us just a little bit of what is happening in the book you are reading, right where you are now. Just a tiny taste of what's happening, remember try to not give spoilers of the book.

I'm with Nobody... aka Nix...and Claire in a cabin in the woods, in the middle of nowhere learning about his bloody past, how to fade, and that The Society may be a lot more dark than light in the grander scheme of things.

I'm over halfway through NOBODY by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and though I almost lost my grip a time or two, I'm loving it! Racing towards the finish line but to what end, who knows! Can't wait. So who, where, what are you? Do tell!

Until next time ...happy reading!


  1. Eeep! Thank you for joining in this one. :) I really appreciate it and glad you like the idea.

    Now, sounds like a great read with the grander scheme to unfold for you. Glad you are enjoying it!

  2. FUN. I love it. I considered starting a meme like this once. Sounds great.

  3. Fun idea and something that little bit different.

  4. Sweet! I have this in my to-read pile and really looking forward to it!
