Monday, May 4, 2015

BLOG TOUR: Side Trip to Kathmandu by Marie Moore - Guest Post + Contest!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're kicking off the week with a blog tour stop over courtesy of Lori over at Great Escapes Book Tours!  (~waves~) It stars the third installment of the Sidney Marsh cozy mystery series, the first of which I featured RIGHT HERE, once upon a time.  I would have been all over this one for a review but alas, one can not say yes to EVERY request that passes through (not for lack of wanting, but lack of time in the sought time frame!) but I did manage to score a date that I could shine the spotlight on it for all of you.  You know, because then YOU can read it and spill some secrets about it to ME.  *hehe*  Ready or not, here comes today's featured title and blog tour guest...

Marie Moore
Camel Press

About the book...
Sidney Marsh’s job as a New York travel agent is on the line. On her last two tours, she and her colleague Jay ended up smack in the middle of murder and mayhem. Their sleuthing sideline did not endear them to their employer, Itchy Feet Travel, so naturally they are relieved when their wealthy friend Brooke requests their presence on a no expense spared tour of India and Nepal. Another agency has made the arrangements, so all they need do is sit back and enjoy the ride. Well, not quite all. Brooke has enlisted them to keep a sharp eye on their fellow travelers, all “friends” who have grown rich from the demise of others. After surviving an attempt on her life, Brooke is certain the culprit must be one of the five: a handsome Scotsman, a Bollywood actress, an investment banker, a Parisian filmmaker, or a twice widowed blonde. Many of the tour accommodations prove to be as dodgy as the reputations of the travelers themselves. After one of the members of the moving house party dies of an apparent heart attack, everyone’s nerves are on edge. Sidney can hardly be blamed for assuming a deadly game is afoot … or for falling for Adam, the doting Scotsman. Now, if only she can unmask the killer before the killer beats her to the punch.

AMAZON   |   B&N


See what I mean?

From the name of the travel agency to the suspicious yet "doting" Scotsman, there are elements to draw in a myriad of readers and if it adds up to anything like the first adventure, you definitely won't be sorry.

Now, one can't simply have a spotlight and nothing more when you have this much interest in a title, now can you?  Glad you agree.  With that sentiment in mind, I give you a SPECIAL GUEST POST from the author to me, I mean US!


GUEST POST:  Author Marie Moore

Welcome to the world of Sidney Marsh, intrepid travel agent, adventurer, and girl detective! 
Creating and writing Sidney’s adventures is really just so much fun for me that I can only compare it to the little girl thrill of playing dolls, something I loved to do as a child.  But this is a game of pretend writ large.

Sidney, like me, is a Mississippi girl from a small town “where I can count all the stoplights in my head if I try” thrust into the larger world of New York City and beyond as she works leading tours for her agency, Itchy Feet Travel.  Sidney was first introduced to cozy mystery fans in 2012 in Shore Excursion, on a cruise you never want to go on, because you might not make it back alive! 
From there, Sidney led us to Africa, in Game Drive, where she quickly learns, as Sarah Wisseman said, that “humans can be far more dangerous than animals”. 

Now Sidney is back with a new adventure, Side Trip to Kathmandu, taking us with her to Northern India and Nepal.  This time Sidney’s job is on the line.  Her boss at the agency, Mr. Silverman, has warned her that “on the trips you’ve been leading lately, stuff happens.  Bad stuff.  People die.  It may just be bad luck, it may not be your fault, but somehow it happens.  And if your luck doesn’t change, and I mean right now, you are out of a job. This is your last chance, Sidney, my lawyers are screaming.  Itchy Feet Travel can’t take any more unfortunate accidents.  It’s bad for business.”
So Sidney and Jay, her best friend and colleague, set out for India, to escort a luxury trip for their good friend and wealthiest client, Brooke Shyler, and her jet-setting buddies.  This time Sidney hopes for a clean trip, a safe trip, with no “unfortunate accidents”.  But of course, where Sidney is involved somehow that’s just not happening.

The characters of my mysteries, Sidney, Jay, Brooke, Mr. Silverman, Diana, and the others, once created, take on a life of their own.  I don’t know if this is true for other authors or not, but it certainly is for me.  They live in my head, popping up with stuff when I least expect it…when I’m stuck in traffic, maybe, or in the grocery aisle at Kroger. None of them are copied from people I know in my real life, for I think that basing characters on your nearest and dearest is somehow unfair, and limiting to the imagination.

Sidney’s adventures thus far, are all set in exotic locations in the hope that you will enjoy the exotic destinations she visits.  In my own work as a travel agent I have visited all these marvelous places and it is my hope that through Sidney’s eyes you can visit them too.  It’s important to me to get the details right and give you the feel of actually having been there.

Writing this series is hard work, of course, but it is a game I love to play.  Like chess, the movement of one piece, one character, affects all the others, and ultimately, the outcome of the game.  In creating the story, I try to be fair with the reader, leaving enough clues around so that the puzzle can be solved if you read them correctly.  Some readers figure it out early on, others not until the last. Whether you solve it or not, my hope is that you will enjoy the experience and leave whatever your cares may be alone for a little while to step into Sidney’s world.

I hope you’ll go along with us on this latest adventure. Come out and play!  Come join the game!  I promise it will be fun!


About the author...

Marie Moore is a native Mississippian. She graduated from Ole Miss, married a lawyer in her hometown, taught junior high science, raised a family, and worked for a small weekly trinewspaper—first as a writer and later as Managing Editor. She wrote hard news, features and a weekly column, and won a couple of MS Press Association awards for her stories. In 1985, Marie left the newspaper to open a retail travel agency, which she managed for the next fifteen years. The Sidney Marsh mysteries are inspired by those experiences. Marie is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America. She and her husband now live in Memphis, TN, and Holly Springs, MS. 



Special thanks to author Marie Moore for her delightful post and Lori at Great Escape Book Tours for the chance to feature a stop on this promotion.  (THANKS!)  For more information on THIS TOUR, the title, the author, the publisher, or those tours on the horizon with the company, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title reached publication March 2015 via Camel Press, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  BUT, in the mean about a chance to WIN a copy to call your own?
*plugs ears to avoid deafening squeals*
Okay, okay, calm down a second.

Up for grabs (1) ecopy (winner's choice on the format) for your reading pleasure!
All you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting book and sounds like a go to for adventure fun this means I'll give it a whirl my feet are also itchy
