Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Taste Testing Tuesdays...LITERALLY!: The Case of the Missing Carrot Cake by Robin Newman

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're approaching Taste Testing Tuesdays from a more literal angle.  That's right!  Instead of just sampling a book (which is of course MORE than enough fun), we're going to dive into a book that is not only a fun read but a tasty one too!  Are you game?  Then grab your best sleuthing costume and prepare to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!  Today's book of choice is...

A Wilcox & Griswold Mystery
Robin Newman
Illustrated by
Deborah Zemke
Creston Books

About the book...
Captain Griswold and Detective Wilcox are two hard-boiled police mice and MFIs—Missing Food Investigators. When Miss Rabbit’s carrot cake goes missing the day before her big party, Griswold and Wilcox must investigate a farm full of fun, colorful suspects—and it will take smarts (and a delicious dose of humor) to crack the case. 


Introducing the MFI...short for Missing Food Investigators.  Namely, Wilcox and Griswold, but enough with the niceties.  We're only here for the facts.

Fact #1:  Miss Rabbit's carrot cake is missing.
This causes great alarm in the rabbit household and with good reason!  It's suppose to be one tasty cake!

Fact #2:  She placed it within easy reach of pretty much EVERYONE on the farm.
Miss Rabbit didn't earn any brownie points here for keeping the cake safe, but she never imagined someone on her farm would be devious enough to take it!

Fact #3:  There's many eyewitnesses that have seen some funny business recently.
How funny the business is depends on the sharer of the story but let's just say that the owl and the pig have got some inside information.

Fact #4:  There's only one way in the rabbit hole and one way out.  
An interesting thing to assess, but not an easy thing to figure out.  An inside job?  Someone aiding and the sticky fingered filchers?

Fact #5:  The MFI always get their man...um, woman...um, critter?
They are the ones to call in times of crisis...and when baked goods are missing, it's time to bring out the big guns.

In case you couldn't tell, I thoroughly enjoyed myself with this one!  From the exterior presentation to the internal illustrations, the who-dun-it story to the final reveal, there's something to keep you curious and turning pages whether you're tall, small, or somewhere in-between.  The characters may be animals but they've personalities to boot, easily distinguishing themselves from each other.  My favorite, aside from the MFI agents, would have to be Hot Dog.  How can you NOT love someone that's in the man's best friend category and can cook too!  Story wise, it's short enough for young readers just starting out to have fun with just a little help, while older readers will get a kick out of the overall layout and development.  I can honestly see this one fitting in well as a read aloud choice for classrooms as well as a fun way to while away a summer afternoon.

Recommended read for First Chapter fans young and young at heart with an eye for mystery and a taste for just desserts!  Oh and for that extra tasty tie in to today's post, at book's end you can find a recipe to make your very own carrot cake!  Now how's THAT for a delicious way to carry the fun right off the page...


About the author...

ROBIN NEWMAN has been a practicing attorney and legal editor, but she prefers to write about witches, mice, pigs, and peacocks. She lives in New York with her husband, son, goldfish, and English cocker spaniel.

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About the illustrator...

DEBORAH ZEMKE is the author and illustrator of more than 20 children’s books, and a frequent contributor to Ranger Rick magazine.


Special thanks to Angelle at JKS Communications for the review copy.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the illustrator, the publisher, or those promotions forthcoming, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title just released May 2015 via Creston Books, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. A fun and pun filled joy to read this one. Thanks for the great review.
