Thursday, January 21, 2010

Learning to Say Yes: I Don't Want to Go by Addie Meyer Sanders

Hello, hello!  It's that time again....time to share a quick review of another title that's sure to hit the mark!  The book featured today was a quick though enjoyable read brought to my attention through the (insert booming-echo voice here) Twitter-verse (end booming echo voice)!  Through the course of daily tweets the other day, Danielle (There's A Book) happened to retweet a post from Big Universe.  Unbeknownst to me previously (but I will be checking it out in more depth soon), the site offers you the chance to "read, create, and share children's books" and this tweet definitely followed along those same lines.  The offer was simple...a chance to read a great book for kids online for free.  How could I turn that down?  (Well, obviously I didn't or this post wouldn't be here but I'm definitely glad I read it!)  Today's book of choice is....

Addie Meyer Sanders

This is the story of a young boy named Joey.  He is going to visit his grandparents for the very first time and is in the midst of packing for the trip.  There's just one thing....he doesn't want to go!  So begins a string events that simply put...Joey does not want any part of.  New situations, new people, new surroundings...all things that strike fear into the heart of many children.  But what of the experiences they will miss out on if their fear conquers them?

I love the way that each situation was introduced as a blasé outing by the adult counterparts, and then turned into something so much more than the child ever had in mind.  Isn't it usually that way (at least as a child)?  We imagine a situation or outing to be one thing, and then POOF, we are proven wrong for better or worse.  (I must say I am partial to the "better" ones though.)  It all comes down to learning to take chances and putting trust in those we hold dear.  Would they really steer us wrong?  More than likely, no.  Will we grow from the experience?  In almost every case, YES....and that my friends is what life is really about (or at least one thing).  If we don't try new things or venture from our comfort zones, well many of us would still be sucking our thumbs and curled up with our favorite blanket.  (...not that that is a bad thing, but you can't stay there forever.)

If you are looking for a quick read, I would definitely head over to Big Universe to check it won't be sorry you did.  I can imagine it as the perfect companion for any parents library of "how-to's" when it comes to raising their children.  It's a fun look at a fear shared by both girls and boys around the globe....all explored from start to finish in the safety of a parent's (or guardian, babysitter...etc.) arms.  What better way is there to expell the proverbial monster from under the bed?

Everyone grew up with (and may still have) a childhood fear.  Ranging from the silly to the serious, they played big in our growing minds.  Do you remember a childhood fear from your own past?  Have you conquered it?  (Care to share in the comments below!)

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. A childhood fear? Good question.
    I can't seem to remember one.

  2. I'm so happy to know my retweets get some love from time to time! Especially this one! I thought it really was too fabulous to pass up and I'm glad you found something great to share!

    Childhood fear...being kidnapped. When I was about 5, a friend of mine was kidnapped while I tried to get her to come with me. Instead she jumped in the car of a random stranger. Fortunately they found her the next day, but ever since then I've been terrified. Now, I think the fear has been passed from me to my feelings about my children. It's something I think about a lot and quite frightens me, although I try very hard to not share this with them. They just need to be careful, not be frightened.

    Sounds like a great book though, and one that my son (who has developed a fear of the dark) could really get a lot from. Thanks!
