Friday, January 22, 2010

Food For Thought

Hello again, everyone!  Today marks the return of a feature I post once in a blue moon (hey, is the moon blue?  **looks at sky** Nope...oh well...), but it seemed fitting for the post.  It's all about inspiration and dreams. 

The picture you see (or maybe don't...I took it with my cell a moving car....from a distance....there is only so much enhancing I can do here people...) above a few days ago.  It was just a passing mere curiousity that I happened upon while waiting in morning traffic on my daily commute.  What is it?  Well, apparantly the back side of this public transportation vehicle needed a little cleaning and in lieu of doing so, someone turned the dusty canvas into a mobile work of art!  The drawing you see on the right is my own rendition of what was created by the original artist (not as good, but since the picture is not "all that" it helps with the visual).

Now you may be asking, "why would I want to see this?"  ...and with good reason.  No, I have not lost my mind or anything else drastic as that....I simply wanted to share what an anonymous someone chose to do with a random talent that they possess.  If they can make simple artwork on this awkward canvas, how far are they truly from practicing their art form if given the means and the time?

Today's food for thought goes to all the dreamers...and so the question posed is this.  If given the right opportunity, what would your dream course be for your life (professionally or personally, it matters not)?  Feel free to share in the comment section....who knows....putting the thought out there may be one more step in the right direction for you!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. What would my dream course be?
    I would love for my husband and I to move to a small town and open a bookstore/craft shop :)

    How about you?

  2. Juju: Oooh! I like it! Mine...probably to work in publishing to discover new authors and new reads, find love, and have time to spare for more reading. (Of course, I'd settle for not having to work while still being financially secure and more reading time....) =0)

  3. Dream course?

    Getting an agent for my wips, one who doesn't mind if I write different genres, getting all my wips published and earning enough as a writer to do it full time.

    It's a dream I'm currently working on!

    (Plus I'd still keep up my reviewing :)

  4. mine would be to become a great photographer. to make myself a -little- name at this profession.

    we had a blue moon in arg for the new year. next will be in 19 years.
    i now know the meaning of that saying!

  5. I love this post - it's all about noticing the little things in life and appreciating them.

    I wish to always be able to do this and not get caught up in the things that don't matter.

  6. Yunaleska: Love both of those! Best wishes on the WIPs!

    Ella Press: Wow! That's really cool! Don't believe I've ever seen one (in person that is). Photography is a great field! Keep practicing and I'm sure you'll get there one day!

    Tribute Books: Well put! I definitely understand why you'd want to keep doing what you do.....loving your work makes the rewards that much sweeter. Thanks for stopping by! =0)

  7. Dream Coarse would be to open a camp ground in the keys. WHo doesnt love fun in the sun?

  8. Cleverly Inked: Good point! Never been to the Keys but I hear that it is pretty nice and very relaxed. Sounds like the perfect escape with some good reading material.... =0)
