Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Roving Reader

Loving the cover re-do for this title!

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Through the Looking Glass
by Lewis Carrol

Just in time for the upcoming movie release!
Check it out!


  1. I see what they were trying to do with the cover redesign, but not entirely sure I like it. It's a little too cartoon-y for my taste, which is strange because I usually love cover re-dos.

    Am looking forward to the new movie though!

  2. I LOVE the new cover. It seems to go with the movie trailer I saw.

  3. I love this! I can't wait for the movie and I really would like to read/review the books beforehand, but we'll see how things go. Great cover!

  4. Im not sure about it because I dont know what the previous one looked like

  5. Alexia561: I know what you mean....that's probably why the cover caught my eye. (I can't wait for the movie either! Should be interesting!)

    stacybuckeye: I agree. The colorful nature is definitely a dead ringer for the new wildly colored trailers out there....

    the1stdaughter: I was fortunate enough to have read the book way back when, but a re-read before the movie would be a great refresher! =0)

    Clevery Inked: It's hard to say what the "original" one was as there are SO many different covers. For the most part....the first ones were much less on the vibrant colors and more so on the intricate drawing.

  6. Cover is funky. I had a compendium/omnibus of Lewis Carrol when I was little. I can't read Alice again - it's too weird for me!
