Thursday, January 14, 2010

SFIR Featured at There's A Book!

Welcome back readers!  It's a new day and a new post, one of two in fact for the day!  Time to share the spotlight's shine with a fellow book blogger and a recent interview they did with yours truly.


Danielle runs a nifty little blog called There's A Book.
Focusing mainly on children's titles with the occasional personal choice thrown in for good measure, she shares the reviewing stage with Turkeybird and Littlebug (yep, gonna make you visit the site to see exactly who they are).  One of my favorite features that she currently has running is called 'When I Was Young'.  It explores the blogger behind the blog and allows you to share anything from your favorite book as a child to how your blog got started and even your personality outside of the bloggy world.  Check it out every Wednesday to see the new featured blogger!
In the mean time, get to know a little more about me with the current post.

Until next time...happy reading!

**Just a quick note....the blog icon I used for There's A Book is not official nor do I claim any rights to it.  It is merely a part of the LOVELY background used on her site.  Thank you...this message will self-destruct in....(just kidding!)


  1. Thank you thank you! It was my pleasure! And yes, the images will self-destruct as well...very soon! ;o)
