Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time to Share Some Blog Love!

Is it just me, or is it staying colder longer than usual this year?  I mean don't get me wrong, I'd MUCH rather be too cold than too warm (and down here, it usually runs the later), but still....this is probably the first year we've been down here that it has stayed THIS cold for THIS long!  **puts hands in front of portable heater** (Yes, a little Bob Cratchit, but hey, they have to defrost in order to type!)

With the cold wind blowing and the holidays (most of them) come and gone, I figured it's time to share some blog love with some of the great sites (and people!) I've encountered in this community.  Of course, it helped to remind me that I haven't shared any recently when Jo (Ink and Paper AND Once Upon A Bookcase) sent me two awards yesterday (THANKS!), which I am now proudly displaying.  (If you haven't yet, stop over and check her site out!  She is a fellow book blogger who focuses more on fantasy book reviews ...definitely some good adds to be had for your wish list!) 

The award I choose to bestow today came to me last year from Nicole over at WORD FOR TEENS (Thanks, again!).  It's a rather interesting award, if I do say so myself, as it celebrates one of the things that we bloggers hold dear...comments!  Here we go....the award I am passing on today is....

....the Dragon Loyalty Award!
This award is awarded to those followers who are the most loyal and give bloggers joy by commenting regularly and with their support.  The rules are to pass it on to 3-7 followers who are as loyal as dragons.


The1stdaughter @ There's A Book
Clevery Inked @ Cleverly Inked

THANK YOU to each of you for your considerate comments on even my must mundane posts.  They always bring a smile to my face and who doesn't need a smile nowadays!
If you haven't had a chance to check out these lovely folks, I'd highly recommend it!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Thank you thank you! This reminds me that I need to get my awards posted somewhere...again, the blogroll and this are on my agenda this weekend.
    Thank you again!

  2. Congratulations on your award! And thank you so much for passing this along to me. You make commenting easy by having such great posts! :)

  3. Great awards - how fun and congrats to those you passed it too!

    You mentioned cold.... I prefer the heat. Minnesota cold is COLD. :) I am ready for summer!

  4. You're the cutest. Thank you mama. This is tooooo coool.

    I feel ya :) at least it's a bit warmed today :)

  5. Congrads on the award!

    I've been hit hard with the cold. It's actually been a little warmer these past two days now. Just in time for the January Thaw. I don't like extreme heat, but I also don't like the cold 25 degrees (Celsius that is) is perfect for me.

  6. NotNessie: Thank you!

    The1stdaughter: *poke* Yes, this was a dual purpose serving post. Give you an award AND remind you to straighten that part on your blog. *poke* =0)

    Alexia561: Thank you! =0) I hope you enjoy the award as much as I!

    Sheila (Bookjourney): Oooh...I prefer the cold, but not quite THIS cold. Yes, Minnesota does get colder than here, so I'm not sure I entirely envy you. You at least get snow though, right? =0)

    Yunaleska: *smiles* Welcome!

    Juju: Your welcome! ...and yes, it's warmed a little up this way too...actually made it outside with long sleeves and pants, no jacket! (grant it I could have used one...but I was in a hurry and I didn't turn into a popscicle...all pluses in my book)

    Jules: Thanks! Sorry to hear about the cold! Still getting rid of the last of mine as well. Yup...25 Celcius is about 77 F...still a little balmy depending where you are...I'll take 65 - 70 F. =0)
