Friday, February 5, 2010

Dessert: Your One Stop Fun Break Shop! (8)

It's Friday!  Whoo-HOO!  Time to finish out the week with a BANG and get ready for some weekend fun!  Whether you are planning on celebrating your two day free-ness by spending time at home, running around town, or going to work (okay, so that last part is not so much free-ness, but hey, some people DO work on the typical weekend reason they can't share in the fun), it's time to kick it off with a little treat!  Here is your Friday dessert post for this two parts!  Why?  Well, trust'll want to have a small break before the punch line.....

Keep scrolling

Betcha didn't see THAT one coming!
Today's cartoonish entry courtesy of my 2010 Rubes calendar (Rubes)!

Have a great weekend!
Until next time....happy reading!

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