Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

Hello, hello!  Welcome back to another day and another post here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  It's February already.....(WOW!) the year is just getting started and yet flying by at the same time (funny how it can do that).  With all the new releases coming out this year, some tales from days gone by tend to fall by the wayside.  Well....not on my watch!  (Just kidding....well, at least a little....many of you actually revel in the classics and I definitely commend your commitment to showcasing a variety of reading options!)  It being the month of love and flowers and candy (okay, I know...some of you are gagging right now, but I promise it gets better...)'s post fits right in.  Without further adieu, the book of the day is....


"I swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose over all and continually increased.  It grew louder–louder –louder! And still the men chatted pleasantly, and smiled. Was it possible they heard not?"

So rants the villian of our said tale...but IS he a villian in the true sense of the word....or merely a victim of circumstance?  What brought about this bout of madness?  Dare you ask?  As curious as it might seem, the gentleman narrator in question was not taken as a man weak of mind nor senses.  It is perhaps his strength in the later that spelled out his doom.  (dun dun dun....)  For how COULD one really stand the mocking vulture-like eye of a charge....STARING at you.....JUDGING you.....DAY IN and DAY OUT......why, it's enough to drive a person mad...wouldn't you say?

I must tell many times as I've heard the tale, it was always in bits and pieces or generalities.  Never had I read the short story in its complete form.  Short story is really an understatement as it truly is a short work at under ten pages, but the strength in feeling, the connection to the character, the ability to place you in the room with that ill-fated man and his Evil Eye....genius.  I mean it is common knowledge that Poe was one of the greats, whether you are a card-carrying fan or not; it simply can't be denied.  However, it is one thing to KNOW this and another altogether to EXPERIENCE it. 

Originally published in 1843 (WOW!), it's popularity has not wained.  Generation after generation continue to explore the creative if not dark genius behind his works, and many are now available for your viewing pleasure online.  My own copy (at present) happens to be an online edition....which shall sit safely in my files for a future re-read when the timing is right.  Classic novels are meant to be savored in my own humble opinion as often times the language used was of the time period it was from and thus can be hard on the tongue....but given the time to enjoy the "flavor" if you will, you get an experience unlike some of the more popular reads of today, while still allowing your new favorites room to reside.  What about you, fair reader?  (Did someone say...comment creator?  I think someone it comes.....)


Do you read classic books?  If so, what are some of your favorite authors, novels, or short stories?  Share one....share all.....just share!  (Me, I have re-read a dozen times the Charles Dickens novel, A Christmas Carol, and Jack London's, The Call of the Wild, as well as White Fang.  I'm sure there's a few more I could list, but I'm curious to see YOUR answers.)

Review copy from the public domain courtesy of Feedbooks!  (Check 'em out!)

Until next time....happy reading!

**Oh, and the cover art was just my own handiwork with some clipart and interesting font.  Since my copy didn't have anything beyond a "wordy" cover.  Enjoy!


  1. I think that we read a abridged version of this in 8th grade English. From what I remember, it was fascinating! My favorite of Poe's is The Raven. It's awesome, especially when someone reads it aloud.

    As for other classic authors, Jane Austen is my favorite, followed by Charles Dickens and Nathaniel Hawthorne. I do need to get back into reading more classice. I always enjoy them, even though they take a rather long time to read.

  2. This is one of my favorite Poe stories, maybe my favorite, I'm not sure.
    I love reading classics, but not a steady diet, more of like a treat for myself. How can you be a judge of what's good if you've never read the best?

  3. Feedbooks is awesome isn't it? I haven't read any Poe yet but I want to one day soon.

    I love Jane Austen when it comes to classics. I'm really getting into some children's books now, like Anne of Green Gables.

  4. Melanie: Agreed! The Raven is definitely one that is better when read out loud...adds to the atmosphere element I think.

    stacybuckeye: Good point! I don't know that I would want to read the all time best book in the would make everything else seem like less.

    Bella: Well, I KNEW yours would be Jane Austen...LOL. =0)
    This is actually my first experience with Feedbooks, but so far, so good! Glad to see you sampling other areas of the reading spectrum though. It's fun for a break at the very least!

  5. *shivers* Poe creeps me out SOOO bad! It was torture reading him for school.
    I love Jane Austen and Howard Fast.

  6. I love everything by Poe and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights is amazing. I love this story!

  7. I was so devoted to reading the classics while in high school - I need to get back to reading them. It seems I've been catching the TV versions through Masterpiece Classics on a more regular basis.

  8. Ayra: I never had that school we were always reading Jack London, Charles Dickens, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. I swear I've read the Scarlet Letter about 4 times at least for school.

    Patty: Oooh...Wuthering Heights...I've never read that one but I've heard it pretty good!

    Tribute Books: Yeah...classics are great in their own time and place. You have to be in the mood to read them as they can be a bit heady at times....but they last for many generations. =0)

  9. I love the Tell Tale Heart. We read it in 8th grade- the kids LOVE it, but I believe it's the abridged version. It's definitely creepy.

    I also am a huge fan of Austen! I also love A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, To Kill A Mockingbird, Gone with the are right- there are so many overlooked classics!

    My students are currently obsessed with the Hunger Games series. Have you read HG? It's pretty awesome! By the way, thanks for the comment on my page. :)

  10. Christina/Book Addict: Jane Austen...yep, there are quite a few fans of her out there...including one or two in the comments above!
    Regarding the Hunger Games series...nope...haven't read them at this point. Despite the good things I hear, I may not either...the premise of the story just doesn't strike me as something I want to read. Too sad, or too harsh...can't quite put my finger on it....but ya never know. I may give it a whirl one day. Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading! =0)
