Friday, April 9, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (5)

It's that time again!  Time for the BOOK BLOGGER HOP, brought to you by Jennifer over at Crazy-for-Books! This idea was created as another means of finding, sharing, and otherwise connecting those in the blogosphere! How can you participate? Check out the main post on Jennifer's page, add your blog name and link into the MckLinky, and get "hopping" over to the other sites listed to make those connections!

Now that I've spread the news, I'm off to "hop" on over to a few other sites!
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. A great idea, I've had several new visitors and have visited some wonderful blogs. My 1st blogoversary in a weeks time, please feel free to enter in the spirit of things by entering my book giveaway - I'd love to know where in Europe we'd go.

  2. Petty Witter: Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to check out the giveaway (happy early blogoversary!)....and think about where we'd go...(that's a toughie!).
