Thursday, April 8, 2010

Food for Thought

Hi there everyone!

I haven't done one of these posts for a bit, but felt the urgent need to after witnessing a case in point the other day.  A customer walks into our local bookstore and asks the customer service person if they have such-and-such DVD.  The clerk explained that the only ones in store were a few of the newer releases and some in the clearance section, but a larger selection would be available online.   Said customer shook their head and walked off muttering how they couldn't believe they didn't carry more DVD's.  So this exchange made me wonder....

Honestly, when did a bookstore become [insert your favorite mass merchandise store here]?  It's a bookstore, hence the name and so it should be expected to carry books.  Why do some expect them to be one stop entertainment fullfilment stores?  I mean I don't go to the gas station and expect to pick up groceries for the next week, nor do I go to FYE for my book buying needs.  These places (and many more) fill a niche in society.  They provide places where specific services or items are available.  If they happen to have some additional things you weren't expecting, GREAT!  More power to them!  If they don't, there's no need to be upset, after can find what they readily advertise (bookstore = books), you just assumed they would carry something more and we all know what happens when you assume....

What are your thoughts?  Do you go to the bookstore expecting to pick up the newest release as well as your music, DVD's, and more?  Do you find it more convenient or less?  Which do you stop shops, or stores that center on a particular type of item?  The comments are open, let the conversation flow.....


  1. I totally agree with you here, when I hit the book store, I want books - and maybe a book mark - I dont go looking for DVD's or Music - NOT AT ALL EVER! I am there to covet the books, smell the books and look at them - OMG it's like my church...I dont even look at the music or the coffee or the movies - I am not at all there for that...for somethings one stop shopping is nice, but for my book's nope never!

  2. I agree with you too. Book stores are for books. If you find a cd or dvd you want there - congrats but they are not media superstores.

    Personally I hate megastores. I like the feel and ambiance of smaller stores that carry certain items.

  3. that is so crazy! I never go to bookstores to look fo movies, I either go to walmart or target for that. I don't think that bookstores should be required to carry any movie you want.. that's why they're called a "bookstore" that's just crazy.

  4. I'll go even further - I don't even like books on tape at a bookstore! I know that's extreme, after all, they are books (on tape), but I'm a bit of a snob in that regard. I like to read books, not listen to them.

  5. I go to bookstores for books. If I want to buy a DVD I go to Target. I know Hastings has books and DVD’s. I always bypass the DVD section and head straight for the books. If I’m book shopping I have a one track mind.

  6. Actually, each time I go to my local Borders, I find myself wishing they'd get rid of the music and DVD's and carry more BOOKS. It seems like they never have what I want. :-)

  7. I agree book stores should be just for books. In fact I try to stay away from the major chains most of the time because of the added distractions. I love nothing more then to walk into a second hand or small bookstore and just see books. Not a few books but rows and rows of books. I don't want to see the latest DVD or CD. I can get those at Wal Mart.

  8. Wow, I can't believe that guy got angry! I agree with you too, there's no need to go to a bookstore and look for DVDs. That's just wrong. Most big bookstores do carry music and a few DVDs, but I don't think anyone actually goes there specifically to find those items. If they do, then they should be prepared to be disappointed.

  9. Book Crazy Jenn: *SMILE* Love to see the passion that this topic brought out for you! I love to spend time with the books all their glory.

    Juju: Here, here! The megastores are good for some stuff, but the smaller or more specialized stores get to focus on their niche and offer a different kind of experience.

    cynthiall11: LOL. Agreed! Bookstore = books!

    valerie: I am actually there with you on the love to read them but not listen.....although I don't really care either way if they are in the bookstore or not. I do have family that choses to listen to the books, but that's due to their fading vision. To each their own either by choice or by need!

    Mama Bookworm: Same here! I don't remember the last time I looked in that section in a book store.

    Shannon O'Donnell: You stole the words from my mouth. Definitely in agreement with you on this one!

    Bobbie: *SIGH* *daydreams of shelves and shelves and shelves of books...* Oh, sorry....yes! That's a daily distraction of mine and love as well!

    Emidy: Tis true, tis true. Books first!

  10. I agree with you. I don't mind if the bookstore has a few CD's or DVD's, particularly if they're based on or related to books. But I'd rather they use the space for an expanded book inventory.

    I personally would never buy CD's or DVD's at a bookstore, because in my experience they're cheaper with a better selection elsewhere.

    Great post!

  11. A little late, but I stores are for books. I'm definitely not big on mega stores either. It's so much nicer to go into a small specialized store and find someone who knows what you need. If I want a one stop shop I will shop online. Great topic!

  12. Now you've seen our store and how we have many a product that is NOT a book. Like laptop cooling desks. ..Isn't that a product one would go to Best Buy for?

    The name of the store clearly does not say DVD in it, so I don't know why they were surprised.. plus both Target and WalMart are a hop away..

    ..I don't want to go on. :)

  13. NotNessie: Very true! Bookstores sales focus (or should) more on the books, less on the add ins...

    The1stdaughter: Good point! That is what the online arena is there for! ^_^

    Bri Meets Books: LOL. Yes, I know...but you know you've run into this type of customer too. ^_^
