Wednesday, August 25, 2010

GRAPHIC NOVEL: Tinker Bell and the Wings of Rani (Disney Fairies Graphic Novel, #2)

Hello everyone!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...where we try our best to satiate your reading appetite with a bookish post each day.  Once you've finished investigating today's post, be sure to check out the contests currently running on the site as listed in the right hand sidebar.  One is for a thrilling mystery novel for adult readers and the other is for a soon to be released YA title suitable for all ages.  Don't miss out!
Today's featured title is one aimed at younger readers but suitable for one and all.  Hmm, I seem to say that a lot but really, reading is an activity that can be shared by all and if a story is THAT good, why not share amongst reading levels?  After all, you each take something a little different away from it anyway so the more the merrier!  Of course, when Disney is involved, it's easy to see why "all ages" is a proper fit...shall we continue?  Today's book of choice is....

Disney Fairies Graphic Novel #2:
Teresa Radice and Augusto Machetto
illustrated by
Emilio Urbano, Giulia Conti, Daniela Vetro, Roberta Zanotta

A great follow-up to the first book in this graphic novel series full of magic, beauty, vibrant color, with rampant messages of good feeling. Contained within this colorful work are 5 unique stories that carry a thread of similarity...friendship.  Though each one is a special read indeed, I did have two favorites amongst these treasures.  First, 'The Most Beautiful Dress'. In this tale, Beck is in need of a dress for the Festival of Dazzling Colors and we all know how hard finding the perfect one is.  By story's end, she shows everyone that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and a little imagination can go a long way.  My second choice of fairy inspired wonder goes to 'The Wings of Rani'.  In this story, it is revealed just why Rani doesn't have wings like the other fairies.  Though graphic novels don't always tend to incorporate anything incredibly deep or profound (personal opinion guys, personal opinion), this one surprised me quite a bit.  It is a story of sacrifice and the efforts of one fairy doing the most she possibly can to make sure their world, her friends, and her family, survived to see a new day...much more than I would have imagined.

Certainly a recommended read for Disney fans regardless of age, though the little princess (or prince) in your life may fancy it solely for themselves...and who could blame them!  The colors are vivid as are the adventures that Tinkerbell and her fairy friends embark on.  The stories tend to move quickly but the images are well worth slowing down to investigate further and explore the details included.  There's a little pixie dust to spare in this Disney-esque collection....none of which you'd want to miss. 

For a sneak peek inside this installment in the series, visit the Papercutz website.  This book was released June of this year, so be on the look out for it at a bookstore near you!  Special thanks to Penny Sansevieri at Author Marketing Experts, Inc. for the review copy.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this company, be sure to visit their website

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Oh this looks like the cutest thing ever! I love Tinkerbell & everything Disney so I will definitely be adding this to my wishlist :)

  2. Ahhh...I love this series! My nieces are really enjoying the last one you reviewed and now I know what to send them next. Love it! Thanks for the great review and recommendation!

  3. Oh wow this book looks so cute! I want to buy it :)
