Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Gabby Girls Adventure: The Secret of the Scarlet Stone by T.L. Clarke

Hello again!
Happy Wednesday.

Is it just me or do the days seem to go faster and faster this time of year?  There's something about the holidays that puts everything on fast forward and until I figure out that formula to create more time, I totally need a break.  No worries....I'm not quitting the blog scene nor am I even taking time away from it per se, but the blog posts will return to a more steady pace as opposed to last month's bit of hectic-ness.  Sound good?  Hope so, if not...sorry, still happening.  Now on to the lighter and more bookish side of things...

Today's featured title is a Middle Grade adventure perfect for young girls still finding a sense of themselves as well as those that the "young" moniker no longer applies, but are still finding themselves; add in a dash of mystery plus a bit of adventure and you have this one in a nutshell.  Let's crack open that shell for a few minutes though, shall we?  Today's book of choice is....

A Gabby Girls Adventure:

Summer has come and gone.  Before you know it, fall has arrives and with it, the beginning of a new school year.  Usually the first day of school is not such a tragic event.  Most kids are returning to the hallowed halls of learning for another year of higher education and seeing all the friends they left behind while on summer break.  Gabrielle Martin wishes that this was the case.  Unfortunately for her, life just got a little more complicated.  You see, instead of the same old school, same old friends as last year, she's is being sent away to Vineswell Academy.  No, she wasn't kicked out of her last school or anything that tragic although she is a bit of a troublemaker (self diagnosed)'s simply a family tradition that at the tender age of thirteen, all young ladies attend this formidable school and glean the pearls of wisdom that will guide them to the next phase in their lives.  With Grandma Celeste's blessing and her mother's scarlet necklace worn close to her heart, Gabrielle sets out on this new adventure with high hopes and an addictive attitude ready to take on the world.  Little does she know that facing a new school and making new friends would be the least of her worries this school year.  Let's K.I.M. it guys!

Ahem, so before I leave you wondering what in the world "K.I.M." stands means "keep it moving" (pretty nifty, right?) and it's just one of the many fun phrases that our main girl Gabi comes off with throughout this first adventure.  A good start to a blossoming MG series with room to grow, the Gabby Girls reach out from the pages to female readers of all ages. The storyline is adventurous and exciting as they seek to find the answers that will uncover the truth behind their family legacies and so much more.  Along the way, the girls (and readers) learn a lesson or two in team work and equality. Things like never underestimating another, treating others as you wish to be treated, and even when to hold your tongue (not literally since that's kind of awkward but figuratively).  With a great mix of characters and personalities amongst them, there is never a dull moment when you are counted as one of this gabby bunch. 

Speaking of this gabby bunch, I think a quick introduction is in order, don't you?  Let's see, we have...
  • Gabrielle - The original "gabby" girl, you have to love her for her spunky nature, loyalty to friends new and old....and fashion sense.  She stashes a lollipop in each pigtail for easy access.  (Just try reading about her and not getting a jones for one.) 
  • Jessica - By far the meekest of the group and in need of a major boost of self confidence, when the cards are in play she always comes through...
  • Zora - The brainy girl of the bunch.  She can recognize many a language at a glance and never fails to come through with the answer or at the very least an educated guess.
  • Rosalinda - Though a princess from the outside, she's more than first meets the eye and won't shy from telling you the same!

Beyond their unique personalities, each young lady has a little something extra that they've known about all along but tried to ignore, a special skill if you will; unfortunately, ignoring these advantages is no longer an option since their very lives are on the line.  With each turn of the page, the girls delve deeper and deeper into the mystery that surrounds the scarlet necklace and what exactly it has to do with each of them.  The clues uncovered along the way that lead to the final discovery are shared not only between the girls but with readers allowing for an even more interactive experience as you try to decode the messages with the girls.  

The only negative aspect that I can truly speak to is the repetitive nature of the writing. Certain phrases or words are used over and over in various parts of the story which for the older reader can be a bit wearisome....HOWEVER, younger readers may utilize this aspect to their advantage as it could certainly aid in their retention of the events transpiring.  Perhaps it was intended to work in this fashion...something to think about for certain.  Otherwise, the mix of characters in both personality and backgrounds was refreshing.  The mini-quest upon which they embark was full of danger and fun.  The final reveal....unexpected and definitely intriguing...making me rather curious as to where the second book might take us...

Overall, a good read! The Gabby Girls invite you into their circle of friendship and share their musketeer message of "all for one" in each leg of their adventure. Follow along and see if you can sort out the clues to uncover the mystery not only about the scarlet stone but about the value of friendship. This book is already available in a store near merely need to seek it out.  As for my review copy, the eBook was supplied by the author herself.  (THANKS!)  For more information on T.L. Clarke's current work, visit her site, Facebook page, or follow along on Twitter

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. I enjoy catchy phrases in books, it gives the books some zip. Sounds like a good read

  2. Hmm, not too sure I'd enjoy this but I know Niece #2 (12) would love it.

  3. Oh wow! This looks like my kind of book. Am I like my namesake? *putting this on wishlist* Yay! Cool book!

  4. Cute review. I love that "musketeer" message!

  5. Great review!! I think this sounds like a book that my daughter would love! She has been reading all my YA books I've been reviewing so that has been fun!! Thanks for coming by my blog too! Have a great day!

    The Delusional Diaries

  6. Great review. Might be something my daughter would like to read, I'll keep it in mind.

  7. Cleverly Inked: Good point...

    Petty Witter: Good deal!

    Nayuleska: LOL...yes, I thought you might like that part. ^_^

    Juju: Me too!

    LMW: Thanks! Sounds like you have a young reader on your hands, glad to hear she enjoys books so much. ^_^ Happy reading!

    Dorothy: Thanks! ^_^

  8. This sounds like a great MG read. Funny you mention the repetitive issue. I find that a lot of MG books do that, maybe because of retention like you mentioned? Who knows? Either way, I still like the "paranormal" feel to this one. Sounds like a great introduction into that world. Fantastic review!
