Friday, December 3, 2010

WAT!: Sorrow's Knot by Erin Bow (WIP)

Hi there, insatiable readers!
It's Friday and only 22 more days until Christmas....oye!
Here's hoping you either have your shopping all done or are well on your way to it so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the holiday season.  Speaking of enjoyment, I simply must tell you about a teaser I read the other day...because really....


Today's post marks only the second installment of this particular MEME but hey, I did say that its appearance would be sporadic.  For those that may have forgotten or are simply curious, the WAT! MEME stands for 'What A Tease!'.  It exists to showcase those samplers and book excerpts that you've read and wish to highlight to some degree on your site...yet you have not had the chance to read the entire book for a review....thus, the "tease" aspect.  Have you run into this problem as well?  Feel free to "borrow" this MEME and post away!  Now on to todays feature...

Erin Bow

Now before you go racing to the bookstore to pick up a copy, know is still listed as a WIP (that's 'Work In Progress')!  I discovered the excerpt via a tweet and clicked out of curiosity...boy am I glad I did!  According to the information listed at her website, this will be a Young Adult novel set for release hopefully in early 2012 (Oh the horror, the agony of having to wait so long!) from Arthur A. Levine Books at Scholastic.  Curious what it's all about?  Here's my brief take...

Otter is the daughter of a rather powerful binder named Willow.  In their world, binders are those with power that help keep both their land and people safe from all the lurks beyond their borders through the magical bindings of the ward; for it's not simply crop eating deer that must be kept out but much darker and dangerous things that their magic is protecting them from.  Shadows, gants, slips...all names for various creatures with seemingly no mass that still occupy space with their voracious hunger and deadly desires.  A girl like Otter would be a feast to their famine should she ever find herself on the wrong side of the ward...good thing there will always be those around to keep watch and defend it...right?

For a sneak peek of your own, just click on over to her's right there waiting for you along with a few other gems to discover.

Final thoughts...what a tease!
I will certainly be watching for more information on this title as time slowly creeps by...

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. So very neat! I love this meme and the way you set it up. I still need to pick up Plain Kate, it really looks so good. Thanks for the heads up on this one! :o)
