Monday, March 7, 2011

In My Shopping Bag (70)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag this week....



Song of the Silk Road by Mingmei Yip
(ARC courtesy of Erin at Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc.)
First off, my picture there does not due the cover justice.  It's really a gorgeous shade a green and the flowers in the fore ground there just play so well with the overall image.  Second, though this one is fiction, it seems to read like a true story.  Can't wait to dive into it.  Scheduled release is set for April this year.  Watch for the blog tour to swing through next month!

A Day with Duke by Sandra Hammond
(Review copy courtesy of the author)
A wonderful little children's story about a dog that gets into a lot of trouble, but you know what....he's just being a dog!  Anyone with pets can relate to the tails...I mean tales...of "terror" and wonder within.  Review to come soon....

The Raising by Laura Kasischke
(ARC courtesy of Trish at TLC Book Tours and Harper Perennial)
This looks like one of those haunting novels you remember well after the read.  Will it live up to that expectation?  We shall find out very soon.  Scheduled release date is March 15th.  Watch for the TLC Blog Tour to swing through the beginning of April!

An Apple a Day by Caroline Taggart
(Review copy courtesy of Rubyna at FSB Associates)
Look familiar?  It should.  This particular author has been featured a few times in the past here on the site and the books never fail to be a fun learning experience.  Quite looking forward to this one as it explores the meaning and origin of the oh so familiar proverbs we toss around verbally today....

Blood & Flowers by Penny Blubaugh
(Review copy courtesy of Harper Teen)
This one was a total surprise when it showed up on my doorstep but a happy one nonetheless.  It's said to be about a performing troupe of fairies that come under attack and how to ultimately choose survival or paying the price for the way they wish to live.  Should be interesting...  This title hit shelves within the last week or two, so if your curiosity has gotten the better of should be available for a quick grab and read.

Murder Takes the Cake by Gayle Trent
(Review copy courtesy of Gallery Books / Simon and Schuster)
Another surprise arrival this week but I must say it sounds like a perfect fit for my site.  No really!  The mystery takes place around a cake maker's business and there's plenty of room for foodie puns and references....kinda like my site.  ^_^  Release date is set for March 29th.




Pee Wee & Plush by Johanna Hurwitz
The Ghost Library by David Melling
The first was too cute to miss even if it is the second in a series...about guinea pigs!  The second, well how can any bookish person pass up this one?!  It even has nifty fold out pages now and then as the story "unfolds".

Love Meg by C. Leigh Purtell
A Book of Ages by Eric Hanson
The first...a YA find that I'm curious about.  The second, a curious humor book of sorts that tells you what different famous and not so famous were doing at any given age; certainly not a cover to cover read but should be fun nonetheless.

The Forest of Hands & Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Found this little UK edition beauty when out shopping at our local bookstores.  Ironic actually since I was just reading another review on this title on Friday.... (insert Twilight Zone music here)


That's it for this week.
 So what do you think?  What did YOU get?
Do tell!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Spencer Shopping: Thanks! ^_^

    Juju: Ah, so you know of this author.... my first encounter. ^_^

  2. Another great shopping bag. There are several of these I'd like to read including The Forest Of Hands And Teeth which I have heard a lot about though funnily enough have always been put off by the scary cover. This is the first time I have seen this particular cover and it doesn't look nearly as frightening, ah the power of front covers, as if the story is going to be any different.

  3. Petty Witter: Awesome. Yeah, the cover issue can be found with most titles. Some it draws you some it doesn't. The US version of this one is a bit more "direct" but I actually like the feel of this one even if it has a "Twilight" feel to it. (Quite the opposite case though for The Red Pyramid....) ^_^

  4. That's a great shopping bag! I have a gift to buy for a youngster, and I was drawn to A Day With Duke. I think you just gave me the perfect idea. Thanks!

  5. Ooo, the first three look really good!

  6. Beth Hoffman: Awesome! Glad I could help... ^_^

    Tribute Books: ^_^ I thought you'd like those...hehe...

  7. Ohhhh! I am so drooling and jealous! I would love to get my hands on Murder Takes the Cake. Gayle is such a fun author!
    The Ghost Library looks awesome as well!
    Enjoy them all!!

  8. Okay, seriously, that kitty on the cover of Murder Takes the Cake is adorable! I'm definitely looking into that author, especially since Juju says such good things about her!

    You had a fantastic week! I love love love that UK cover for The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I've been wanting to read that series for awhile now. Great haul!
