Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Taste Testing Tuesdays (69)

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading
On the menu this week...one bookish romp through life full of highs (published author, woo-hoo!), lows (broken heart…awww…), and something in between (the Pantera and a sugar glider…LOL)…AND…a journey into a previously unread subcategory of a genre (that’s a mouthful) with mixed results.
What’s missing?  Oh yeah…that book that keeps haunting my “now reading” pile.  To answer your questions…no I haven’t finished it (won’t be “teasing” it again this week either).  Yes, I will this week…promise.  Yep, I’ve said that before but really, I’m trying here.  I could simply put it to a DNF but as I like to finish what I start…*ties ninja headband on…grabs book* …it’s going down.

Let's have a taste, shall we?


Every book has a fragrance.  This is not limited to the common “old book smell” that may immediately come to mind, the sweet scent of yellowed ancient pages, grainy between your fingertips.  For some, certain books smell like a former flame, a lost live, of violet body spray still clinging to the pages, others like an abandoned, homeless child; damp, dirty, carrying the smell of sadness and loss.  Most carry the scent of promise, bright pages shining against the fluorescent light of the local bookstore, gleaming, like hundreds of large pearly teeth bound together in a paperback smile.  The occasional few, despite their unblemished pages, maintain a frown of defeat, holding on to one another, tightly pressed together in the dollar bins of Barnes & Noble, the ink held still, like unshed blackened tears.
-- pg 1, Textual Healing by Eric Smith

Much longer than a two sentence share…I know, I know…I’m breaking the rules, but admit it….it was worth it right?  Quite an opening, if I do say so myself.  *le sigh* Thoroughly enjoying this one and can’t wait to share my (further) thoughts on it with you….review to come soon!

My projected one-day stint in the house turned into three; I’d sunk into a self-diagnosed mini-depression.  One of the benefits of being a real estate agent was that my office consisted of a laptop, a wireless printer, a BlackBerry, and a cell phone; I could work from anywhere, including my bed, while cloaked in funky pajamas. 
-- pg 102, The Bum Magnet by K.L. Brady (ARC)

The story is moving along well enough, but the language/content keeps distracting me (yeah…not for the kiddos, this one).  Cie la vie…it’s from a genre I haven’t previously reviewed so there were bound to me some surprises.  Curious to see id our leading lady is able to find the resolve to follow through on her “unloading her baggage” plan…and just where her “interesting” second “meeting” (yep…lot of quotation marks to spare here..hehe) with Dwayne might lead.  Scheduled release of this title comes around later this month.  Look for the blog tour to swing through on the 21st.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR.* 


Until next time....happy reading!


  1. That first one is amazing.

    I love the smell of old books too.

  2. I agree with Juju- that first teaser is incredible. I love it. I will have to check out that book. Thanks for sharing it and hope you are enjoying it.

  3. Hehe...I KNEW my bookish friends would love that first one. Note to each of you....the story is just as good! (Yep, finished it in the wee hours this morning... ^_^)

    Juju" *nods*

    Christina: Agreed...and definitely think you should. ^_^

  4. I adore the first teaser! I have always loved the scent of books - the older ones have a very distinct smell that just makes my fingers tingle to grab them and take them home, lol.

    Going to have to look around for a copy of this one!(Textual Healing)

  5. I love love love the first one! And I wouldn't have expected it just based on the cover alone. How fun!

    The second one is in my TBR pile and now I'm a bit fearful...I kind of expected some of what you mentioned, but I'm thinking this one may be one I'm not in LOVE with. Oh well! Can't love 'em all! :o)

  6. I love the first one as well! I have to admit, though, that the title has kind of put me off. Looking forward to your review.

  7. April: Yep....a favorite amongst others as well. ^_^ Definitely recommend it....

    Carrie: *nods*

    The1stdaughter: Ah yes...the cover and title are creating quite an adverse reaction....but the contents are wonderful! Agreed on the second...haven't finished yet so can't give a "final verdict". We shall see...

    Melanie: I am seriously going to have to address that title in my review. Making notes now.... ^_^
