Tuesday, April 12, 2011

In My Shopping Bag (75)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag this week....



Trauma Queen by Barbara Dee
(courtesy of Simon and Schuster)
What's that?  You think you have a case of deja vue?  No worries...you sort of do.  Received a copy of this particular title the week before last week thanks to the author, but received this one from the publisher this past week.  Whatever will I do with TWO copies of a soon-to-be released (on April 19th to be specific) book?  *ponders*  Read this over the weekend.  Review and something more to follow soon.

Ada, Legend of a Healer by R.A. McDonald
(courtesy of Connor at House of Lore Publishing)
This one is scheduled for review here in July (yep...July)...that is if I can wait that long.  The story sounds good (check out the official site to sample) and the artwork is wonderful.  Just look at the picture included on the sticker above!  It's even better at the site or in person.  On sale now if you feel to urge to grab a copy all your own....

This Girl is Different by J.J. Johnson
(courtesy of Peachtree Publishers)
If the cover doesn't spark your interest enough, the story is certain to.  Can't wait to dive into this one on the double.  Released April 1, 2011, it should be readily available through your favorite book outlet.

The Juice Box Bully by Bob Sornson and Maria Dismondy
(courtesy of author Maria Dismondy)
The author name ring a bell?  It should.  We featured another of her books speaking out against bullying and discrimination a few months back.  Can't wait to tell you all about this little gem.  A short story, but a powerful message.  Review to come soon....



LaRue Across America:  Postcards from the Vacation by Mark Teague
(via contest from Danielle at There's A Book)
Such a fun storybook and look...it features a dog!  Not just any dog though...but LaRue.  A postcard writing, imaginative pooch that is sure to make you smile or even burst out laughing.  Enjoyed my tag-a-long on his vacation that nearly wasn't...and looking forward to sharing it with you very soon.


That's it for this week.
 So what do you think?
What did YOU get?
Do tell!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Wow! That was super quick! I'm so happy you received the Mark Teague book, I know you'll love it. It's hilarious!

    And yay for This Girl is Different as well as another copy of Trauma Queen, both fantastic reads! :o)

    Hope you're doing well! {{hugs}}

  2. My sister got Trauma Queen for review too. She seems to have liked it a lot.
    I think I saw This Girl is Different on Netgalley - I might request it there.

    Happy Reading!

  3. the1stdaughter: Agreed...it was super fast and Trauma Queen was a good read. Thanks for the hugs....still trying...

    Misha: If she liked that one, she might want to try THIS IS ME FROM NOW ON by the same author. As for This Girl Is Different...I think I saw it there as well. Happy reading.

  4. I got 'This Girl is Different' too! :o) ((I just didn't get a post up this week, meh...maybe a combined post will go up next week?)) I'm def looking forward to it :o)

  5. RivkaBelle: Funny thing....I almost did the same thing with the post. Small world.
