Tuesday, October 4, 2011

WINNER...of a 'Damned' fine book

Hi everyone!
Time to announce the winner of a contest that recently ended here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  This time around you had a chance to win a copy of Damned by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie!  Now, for the winning name....drum roll please.....

sablelexi @ Reading is Dreamy

*and the crowd erupts with enthusiastic cheers*
 The winners have been contacted but if for some reason their information is not received for prize send out in the allotted time, you'll be the first to know.  Why?  Because then I have to do the dreaded drawing of another name, but we'll see what happens.  *fingers crosses* Special thanks to authors Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie as well as their fabulous assistance Erin for the opportunity to share this recent release with you.  (THANKS ladies!)  For more information on the series, feel free to check them out online or follow along on Twitter (1 or 2). 
Now if you didn't win this time, no worries...they'll be more chances to win coming soon, so stay tuned! 
Until next time...happy reading!

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