Sunday, May 6, 2012

BLOG HOP: Children's Book Week

Hi everyone!
Welcome back to the Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....the place where you're always welcome to FEED your NEED to READ.  Today, we're kicking off a week long celebration with a blog hop of monumental proportions.  Why is it monumental?  Have you SEEN all the blogs taking part?!?  Yeah, it's a big one and lucky for me (or is that lucky for you?), I signed up to join the celebration.  Here's the scoop directly from one of the hosts.....

Children's Book Week Giveaway Hop
May 7th - 13th

Hosted by 


What is Children's Book Week?
Established in 1919, Children's Book Week is the longest-running literacy initiative in the country. Each year, books for young people and the joy of reading are feted for a full week with author and illustrator appearances, storytelling, parties, and other book-related events at schools, libraries, bookstores, museums, and homes from coast to coast!
For more information please visit:

Sounds like the PERFECT reason to celebrate the joys of reading, right?  (AS if we needed one.... ^_^)  So in the spirit of the week, I give you MY contribution to the hop.


(1) hardback edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling
You now the one.  It contains the wizard tales told to non-Muggles as a child.....

(1) The Characters of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Stained Glass Art book
It's a coloring book, only not.  The pages are sorta see through so if you color them with markers, you get a unique work of art that looks like stained glass when displayed on a window!

(1) paperback edition of 43 Old Cemetery Road, Book 1: Dying to Meet You by Kate Klise
Another of my favorite children's series, every story is told through letters, emails, menus, newspaper clippings, etc.  It's quite creative and oh-so-much fun! 

(1) chapter sampler of Young Fredle by Cynthia Voight
If you're like me, you're always on the look out for your next read...and what better way to try out a new book than reading an extended sample!  It wets your whistle and leaves you thirty for more...and really, the little mousy on the front of this one is TOO CUTE!

(1) promo activity pack from The Duckling Gets a Cookie plus balloons, pencils and stickers!
Who doesn't love this series with it's simple yet always great artwork?

(1) four pack of signed bookplates from the Magic Tree House series
I know there's a lot of fans of this extended series out there....and these bookplates are just the ticket to keep them safely in YOUR library.

(1) sheet of 39 Clues bookmarks
Self explanatory....what reader couldn't use MORE bookmarks?!

(1) bookmark featuring the great children's book, Big Boys Don't Spy by K.E.M. Johnson
Again with the bookmarks, but this one features a children's title you may not have seen and want to check out in the near future.  Been there, read that...and thoroughly enjoyed it!  Check my site for the review if you're interested in finding out more...

Sound good?
I thought you might enjoy it.
Now, here's what you've been scanning this post for.....

Just fill out THIS FORM and you're in!

Open to U.S. residents only (sorry guys, I'm footing the bill on shipping but I'll have something else coming up soon for everyone, even my international friends).  Entries accepted now through midnight C.S.T. May 13th, 2012.  Winner will then be drawn and contacted.  If the mailing information was not submitted with the winning entry, entrant will have 48 hours to respond to my email with the needed information or another will be chosen.


All through here?
Oh the fun has only JUST begun.
Check out the linky below for all my fellow bloggers participating in this hop and more chances for you to win!  (IF the linky happens to fail, just head over to I Am A Reader, Not A Writer to get back on track once again....)

Until next time...happy reading!



  1. Good? It sounds awesome! Thank you for the opportunity. This is pretty awesome.

  2. Wow! That's an incredible giveaway! Such good books and bookish goodness. Very awesome indeed. :o)

  3. Oh my gosh. This is an absolutely amazing giveaway. Although my kids are a little young (4 and 2 lol) to read this now, I will certainly add them to the stack I have for them when they get older! And of course, I will just have to take a stab at them myself ;)
    laurenkloeffel AT gmail DOT com

  4. So many awesome books! Good luck with the giveaway!

  5. thanks for the giveaway!

  6. What a positively fun giveaway! I will take my time browsing the many other linked sites. Happy Children's Book Week!

  7. Thanks for the opportunity. This is a great blog :-)

  8. Wow! There's so much here, both my 8 and 5 year olds would love it!

  9. Wow! What a great giveaway. I look forward to enjoying your site.


  10. So many wonderful children's books out there, thanks for providing all these links.

  11. A marvelous giveaway. My grandkid would be ecstatic if I won it for them!

  12. My kids would love this so much, thanks for the great giveaway!

  13. Fabulous post! Fantastic giveaway, Thanks! I am participating in the hop as well (#60 ~ Fairday's Blog!) Have a great night : ) ~ Jess

  14. I love Harry Potter we have all the books but none of the awesome swag you are giving away. My family would love it!!!

  15. I love Mo Willems! And I haven't read Tales of Beedle the Bard yet. The HP Art Book sounds interesting!

    Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway!

  16. Awesome prize. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. I would absolutely love to win these for the Alamance Christian School library.

  18. What an absolutely fantastic prize. We have some big readers around here who would love it.

    (on GFC I am Marguerite)

  19. Thank you so much for the giveaway! I would really love to win :)

    -Rachael Henzman


    Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway!


  22. Amazing giveaway - Thank You!!
    GFC - Kim Reid
    Facebook - Kim Reid

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  23. What a generous prize.. thank you so much!


    Tracy J.

  24. Thank you for this awesome giveaway.
    :)Jeanne B.T.

  25. This is such a great giveaway. Thank you!

  26. my kids love to read and would love these books wilcarvic
