Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blaze-ing Paranormal Romance Giveaway with YA Author Kaitlyn Davis!

Why hello there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place to be if you suffer from the debilitating (not really) disease (more like affliction) often referred to as “there-are-never-too-many-books” syndrome.  Yep.  I’ve been stuck with this (most enjoyable) issue for many moons now and I do believe (if possible) it’s getting worse.  *-*  Oh well.  Guess there’s nothing to do about it but spread it across the miles to all of YOU.  (hehe)

Author Kaitlyn Davis

Today, we are playing host to a blogosphere celebration for author Kaitlyn Davis.  Does the name sound familiar?  It should.  She’s the creative mind behind the Young Adult series that goes by the name of Midnight Fire…and I just so happen to have hosted a blog tour stop for her with Tribute Books once upon a time.  It sure was A LOT of fun (just click HERE for a brief flashback of said fun) so when I heard from the author that book 3 was coming soon, I was SO there.  Yes…fan-girlish I know but hey, it’s a GOOD series!  Let’s take a look at things so far….

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Book 1:  Ignite

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble   |  iTunes   |   Sony   |   Kobo   |   Smashwords

“With one last look, one final search of the lines of his face for some sign, Kira turned and ran away from the sound of the man she loved laughing in the face of her death.”

When Kira Dawson moves to South Carolina, she meets Luke, a blond goofball who quickly becomes her best friend, and Tristan, a mysterious bad boy who sends shivers down her spine. Kira knows they're keeping secrets, but when she discovers Tristan's lust for blood and her own dormant mystical powers, Kira is forced to fight for her life and make the heartbreaking decision between the familiar comfort of friendship and the fiery passion of love.


Not exactly what one plans for when they move but umm, yeah…not too shabby either despite the fact that she might burst into flames if she can’t control her powers.  Now onward to book 2….


Book 2:  Simmer

Amazon   |   Barnes & Noble   |   iTunes   |   Sony   |   Kobo   |   Smashwords

Slowly, like a whisper almost blown away in the wind, two words streaked across her mind: "Kiss me."
Kira may have survived the eclipse, but her troubles are far from over. She's headed to Sonnyville with one goal in mind: to learn more about her parents. But with Luke and Tristan competing for her heart and Diana gunning for her head, time is running out on the search for her mother. And the closer Kira gets to answers, the more terrified she becomes. The conduits fear her, the vampires fear her, and Kira is starting to wonder if maybe they're right...


Dangers lurk around every corner….even the hot ones.  *wink wink*  Her heart is up for grabs (sorta) as her family history unravels to reveal a story she never dreamt possible…and the possibility of a happy ending.  *dun dun dunnnn*  See?  How could you have read BOTH of these and not be clamoring for the next installment?  I know I couldn’t…and didn’t, hence today’s post!

Now, please join me in a celebratory yell, heck do the wave if you have enough people around, as we welcome the third book in this fiery YA series….


Book 3:  Blaze

Amazon   |   Smashwords

“Kira gulped, unable to stop the growing sense that everything in her world was about to change...”
With Aldrich’s note burning a hole in her pocket, Kira is off to England to finally reunite with her birth mother. But what begins as a dream quickly turns to a nightmare and Kira is left questioning everything she has ever known. Can she be the conduit Luke wants her to be? Can she be the rebel Tristan needs her to be? Or is she something else? Something no one, not even Aldrich, ever saw coming…


That’s gonna be some family reunion…IF she’s really there and Diana wasn’t pulling her leg.  Who will win her heart?  What’s this “something else” she could be?  Is it those we learned about in book 2?  Curious minds want to know!  For a sneak peek at Chapter 1 of book 3, just click HERE and you’ll be whisked away to the author’s Facebook page for a little reading appetizer.  When you’re through, return here because the fun is not NEARLY through!


Alrighty, so…you’re back!
Way to follow instructions (hehe) and seriously, you won’t be sorry (^_^) because now is when you learn why this post had “giveaway” in the title.  That’s right!  This is not JUST another blog tour (though it is a pretty good one at that).  This is not just another book release (though it is EXCITING to say the least).  This is a CELEBRATION and author Kaitlyn Davis knows how to throw a party if I do say so myself.

Here’s your chance to check out the series, spread the word AND get yourself entered to win one of several FABULOUS prizes the likes of which will dazzle your eyes and your bookish minds.  Ready for a look at all the prizes?  I’m not one to make you suffer…much…here ya go!  Prepare to be dazzled….

Awesome, right?
(Just click on it for a larger image should you desire a close up...)

It boils down to this….
…10 E-Copies of Ignite and Simmer!
…The Paranormal Package!
…The Dystopian Package!
…The Angels, Demons & Magic Package!

You’ve got everything from the Midnight Fire series to LucidBloodlinesWitherStartersThe Raven Boys…and much MUCH more.

So, multiple prizes obviously means multiple winners and multiple ways to enter but they all start with the Rafflecopter below!  Now there is that one little thing we need to cover BEFORE you enter.  We may not love them but we know we need them...and need to know them.  Here are the rules...

- The giveaway runs from September 27, 2012 -October 27, 2012
- Winner breakdown:  TEN winners of e-copies of Ignite and Simmer, ONE winner of the Paranormal Package, ONE winner of the Dystopian Package, and ONE winner of the Angels, Demons & Magic Package.
- Winners will be notified on October 28th and will have FIVE business days to respond before the prize is forfeit
- International entries are welcome, but if you live outside of Canada/US, you are only eligible to win e-copies of Ignite and Simmer

We all clear?
Now, let’s get YOU entered to WIN!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Special thanks to author Kaitlyn Davis for the chance to participate in this celebration  (THANKS!) and a very HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY to you as Blaze makes its mark on the reading world!  To find out more about the author, this series, and everything else life throws her way, you can find her online over at her blog, on Amazon, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Pinterest and on GoodReads.  You know….pretty much where all the cool bookish kids hang out.  ^_^

Oh…OH!  I almost forgot!  For those that are curious, THIS JUST IN!  There will in fact be ANOTHER book (the final book….~tear~) in this series to close things out.  It’s scheduled for some time in 2013 and is currently titled….


~adds to wish list~

Until next time….good luck to all, spread the word….and happy reading!


  1. Ooh you are a tease, such wonderful and intriguing extracts AND I love the covers of both Ignite and Simmer .... not too sure about Blaze though. And such generous giveaways as well, good luck everyone.

  2. This series sounds interesting, and wow what a prize package. I am looking for wonderful world-building and fleshed-out characters in my next YA read.

  3. The covers for these series are so inventive. I especially like the fire rose.

  4. These sound very good, and the eyes! I have to say the eyes of the girls are amazing and eye catching. :) Thank you.

  5. Hi Everyone,

    Thanks so much for participating in the giveaway! I'm so happy so many people are excited about it!

    Also, a HUGE thank you to Gina for posting about the giveaway and helping me out!! Oh, and for making me laugh out loud with the amazing commentary! Your posts are always hilarious!

    Good luck to all!
    - Kaitlyn
