Monday, November 5, 2012

Red, White or Blue?: Cat or Dog for President by Julia Dweck + FREE READ!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when you're in the mood for some bookish food and your appetite pick.

Quick reminder...we have a contest going on right now for an ebook edition of a YA lit title from author Derrolyn Anderson.  OPEN INTERNATIONALLY; ends 11/11/12!  Don't miss your chance to check out her latest work, The Athena Effect.  Just click the link to read all about it and enter today!  Now, back to today's show....and a show it is indeed.

What show you ask?  Well, it's a little tongue in cheek reference to the BIG DAY know it better as Election Day.  Now there are some things you just don't discuss among friends if you wish to keep the peace (or so I'm told... ^_^):  Sports, Religion and Politics.  No worries!  I have no intention on delving into the who's, why's, what's, and how's of the things happening in the world right now but I can't let the day pass without a mention, ESPECIALLY when I've got a book that fits the bill to a T.  Ready to read all about it?  Unmount your donkeys and elephants because the race is headed to the dogs...and cats!  Today's book of choice is...

illustrated by

In this kid (and political party) friendly story, we have a young narrator and pet owner pondering who should win the latest race...but the candidates are not who or what you would think (or perhaps they are if you read the title of the book there, but just play along...).

We step into the political arena but with a friendlier pair...or are they?  Just because they are four legged friends doesn't mean they play nice when ruling is at stake or see eye to eye.  (Sound familiar?)  Put yourself at the podium as debate hits up (is that fish and kibble I smell?).  We are there as the pros and cons of each candidate winning are presented from the hilarious throne room of cheese (Cat!) to the lack of begging for treats (Dog!), bringing smiles to the faces of readers young and young at heart.  Even their campaigning is something to see; just try not laughing when the cat appears in knickers...yet the slogan he's chosen is purr-fectly suited!    Of course, the same can be said for the friendly tactics chosen by the dog....

It's a riotous romp through an election race seen with the innocent eyes of youth that shares the basics of the political arena just with a lot more heart...not to mention adorable flair!  (Love the illustrations!  They really bring it to life.)  A great read for all ages in my humble opinion whether your party is red, blue or in the corner with a lampshade on.  It's a great way to share with the next generation the concepts of the "race" run every four years and a fun way to break the ice among friends when the discussions get too know, should you desire more options than what's currently out there (^_^) or simply an adorable read that begs the question, why CAN'T we all just get along (...and learn from each other!).

EBook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her other works, check out her full profile page on Amazon, her official website with even more bookish wonders, like her on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  This ebook was published by KiteReaders (also reachable on Twitter) and is available now on Amazon should you desire a copy to call your own.

Speaking of which, BIG NEWS...


Download your FREE copy of...

Well, what are you waiting for?
Go go GO!
Grab your own copy and SPREAD THE WORD!


Until next time…happy reading!