Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wishing you and yours...

...the very happiest new year!
May your days be bright, your steps light and your nights be filled with family, friends and fabulous reading.



  1. Oh Gina what a gorgeous post.

    And have I thanked you for the lovely card. I was on vacay and it was such a nice surprise to come home to. :)

  2. May our TBR piles never get as big as the one the little boy is climbing! Happy New Year, my friend! :)

  3. Juju: You're welcome...I hope you and yours had a VERY happy holiday! ^_^

    Alexia561: LOL! Hey as long as there is movement in both adding and subtracting from the mountain...BRING IT! ^_^ Happy new year!

  4. Happy New Year to you too my friend! I am excited about all of the new books and discoveries awaiting us..and of course all those sequels I have been drooling in anticipation for!
