Monday, July 27, 2015

BLOG TOUR: Angels, Angels, Everywhere by Michelle Beber

Hi there!
Welcome back to the Monday edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're kicking off the week with a visit from a tour currently rolling through the blogosphere via Pump Up Your Book.  It stars a Children's Picture Book that aims to uplift spirits, comfort the lost, and explain the heavenly beings that surround us...all from a child's perspective.  Intrigued?  Well then, I guess we better get on with the show!  Ladies and gents, children of all ages, prepare to come face to face with those winged beings of religious infamy.  Today's eBook of choice is...
Michelle Beber
Balboa Press
About the book....
Angels, Angels, Everywhere is a non-denominational, multiracial book written in delightful rhythm and rhyme and accompanied by charming illustrations. The themes of constant support and unconditional love are designed to help children deal with everyday experiences in life.
By developing children’s faith in knowing that they are not alone and building their trust that they are consistently watched over, cared for, and loved, children will become empowered to deal with life’s challenges. The book also lets children know that angels are there in good times as well, sharing in their joy.
AMAZON   |   B&N
With picture books, it all comes down to a balance between written word and imagery.  Here, I found the feelings and ideals shared a good fit for the target audience.  They conveyed how much our angels are rooting for us in every situation as well as how their hearts break with our own.  Aside from the jubilant scenes of excitement at accomplishments achieved, my favorite scene was when the angels was providing comfort to a lonely child.  Sad but touching.  Now, over to those pictures...
The illustrations worked well with the messages being shared but they did leave something to be desired in the details.  I can't really explain it, it was more of a feeling.  I did however find it wonderful to glimpse angels of all shapes and sizes.  I mean really, can anyone think of a story where angels of various nationalities/races were represented with child charges as assorted as they?  Exactly.  Often times it's pale faced winged cherubs hanging around in the clouds while here, they are more accessible, easier to relate to especially for the children that are so curious to understand their existence in the first place.
Overall, I can definitely see little ones being caught up in this story on a rainy day or even as a nightly bedside read.  It can help answer those hard questions that curious minds want to know at their tender age like what angels are and where do they come from...with a healthy dose of reassurance for those times when they're feeling less than their bright sunny selves and need a friend of the spiritual variety. 
About the author....
Michelle Beber has certifications as an Angel Intuitive and Angel Oracle Card Reader from renowned "angel lady," Doreen Virtue, as well as certifications as a Spiritual Teacher and Archangel Life Coach from Doreen's son, Charles Virtue.
In 2008, Michelle's life changed when she attended a spiritual retreat and learned about angels and how they communicate through repetitive number sequences known as "angel numbers." Little did she know that this insight would lead her on an amazing spiritual journey that would directly connect her with angels and result in the discovery of her life purpose.
Always grateful for the spiritual guidance she has received, Michelle looks forward to sharing the knowledge she has gained to inspire others, especially children. Michelle is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).
Her latest book is the juvenile fiction/children’s picture book, Angels, Angels, Everywhere.
Special thanks to Dorothy at Pump Up Your Book for the eBook for review as well as the chance to participate in this tour.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the tour, the author, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links included above.  This book is available now via Balboa Press, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.
Until next time...happy reading!


  1. A big an of Angels I'm sure I'd love this book.

  2. wow angels exactly my thing I sure would love this beautiful book
