Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Taste Testing Tuesdays

Today's teaser comes from an ebook I'm just cracking the virtual spine and is written by one of my favorite authors. No high hopes or anything... *smile*

"I  could  still  remember  how it felt  to be  a  lonely  teenager, sitting  in the  middle of  another mind-numbing  social studies class with old Mr. Tremain  droning  on and on about the  political factors contributing  to WWII... As he  jabbered,  I'd drift  off into my  favorite, most often replayed romantic  fantasy. The  one where  my  high-school crush or my  latest  movie-star heartthrob—or, ideally, both—confessed their  love for  me..."

THE ONE THAT I WANT by Marilyn Brant


  1. Ahhh, Gina, thank you!!
    (And not just for reading the book...but for calling me one of your favorite authors. I'm honored. ;)

  2. Sounds just like my life. everybody's life awesome icey author amazing book. I want to read it

  3. Hehe...nothing like a good fantasy to survive those long lectures!
