Sunday, January 14, 2018

STORYBOOK SUNDAY: Pillow Talk Edition...

HI guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We're celebrating another day of bookish fun with Storybook Sunday! For those not up to speed on the post, I read a lot of great storybooks and thought, why not give them their own day in the sun. Hence, Storybook Sunday! Feel free to join the fun and create a post on your own site with the same name. I'd love to see any linked up in the comments! Anywho...back to the matter at hand.

Today, Storybook Sunday is taking the world of sleepy time comfort to another level.  That's right.  This edition is called PILLOW TALK!  Those soft, big, plump, fluffy, colorful things we choose to rest our weary heads on when it's time to turn out the lights, but these pillows are not exactly as you might expect and most definitely come with some element of surprise.  Ladies and gents, let's take a look at our bookish duo (BOTH coming soon to a bookstore shelf near you!) in the spotlight today...

Laura Gehl
Illustrated by
Viking Books for Young Readers
RELEASE DATE:  01/16/18
A charming story about a pillow, foot stool, jacket, whatever...that keeps moving...and yet readers will understand from the start, we're not dealing with your average, run of the mill furnishings and/or accessories here. At the heart of this clever tale are a cat and a pup seeking shelter from the elements and inadvertently finding a forever home...albeit a reluctant one, at first. Well, it's not so much reluctant as it is confused because honestly, if my jacket started belching, or foot stool woofing, I'd be scratching my head too. It takes the less than subtle reminder from the salesman that he did get what was promised (bringing a dose of snarky humor to the mix), and a kick start from his heart to realize how very much more came along with his purchases that was greater than their monetary value.

With cheerful illustrations and limited words, it makes a great adventure for younger readers to work through while still giving adults a thing or two to chuckle about.


Eric Pinder
Illustrated by
Chris Sheban
Disney Hyperion
RELEASE DATE:  02/06/18

New places can be hard on us all, but there's nothing like the comfort of a familiar friend to chase the shadows away.

Our leading man is a youngster experiencing a lot of newness...bed, house, neighborhood...all at once but an unexpected nighttime adventure brings a new appreciation for his home sweet home.  As we climb, crawl, walk, and fly away with our little friends, we see the world in a new light as we discover the many places our animal friends call home through both the story and the beautiful illustrations, complete in a calming color palette. In the end, he discovers there's a perfect place for everyone to rest their heads but there's nothing to make a house feel like a home than a stuffed bestie by your side.


Image result for thank you

Special thanks to Kaitlin at Penguin Young Readers and the team at Disney Hyperion for the copies for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on these titles, authors, illustrators, or publishers, feel free to click through the links provided above.  My Pillow Keeps Moving hits bookstore and virtual shelves THIS TUESDAY (01/16/18), while The Perfect Pillow releases February 6th, 2018, so mark your calendars, or pre order your copies today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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