Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Rockstar Book Tours presents... THE MORTIFICATION OF FOVEA MUNSON by Mary Winn Heider - EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining Rockstar Book Tours for a stop along their current tour starring a new release via Disney Hyperion!  It's a Children's Fiction title that sounds AMAZING, and quite frankly I'm jealous that YOU (probably) have the time to read it right now, while I must place it on the old wish list.  (*looks at TBR day, one day you shall be conquered*)  Cie la vie, there are worse things, but let's not dwell on that because HELLO....AMAZING TITLE AHEAD!  Ready, set, let's take a look at today's title in the spotlight....

Mary Winn Heider
Illustrated by
Chi Birmingham
Disney Hyperion

About the book...
Fovea Munson is nobody's Igor. True, her parents own a cadaver lab where they perform surgeries on dead bodies. And yes, that makes her gross by association, at least according to everyone in seventh grade. And sure, Fovea's stuck working at the lab now that her summer camp plans have fallen through. But she is by no means Dr. Frankenstein's snuffling assistant!

That is, until three disembodied heads, left to thaw in the wet lab, start talking. To her. Out loud.

What seems like a nightmare, or bizarre hallucination, is not. Fovea is somebody's Igor, all right. Three somebodies, actually. And they need a favor.

With a madcap sense of humor and a lot of heart (not to mention other body parts), this is a story about finding oneself, finding one's friends, and embracing the moment.

Amazon  |  B&N  |  iBooks  |  TBD


Chapter 1

Dead bodies are the worst.
I’ve been trying to explain that to my parents for years.
Mostly, I don’t come right out and say it, but sometimes I
can’t help myself.
The main problem is that they just don’t seem to get it.
I’ll say: “Dead bodies are the worst.”

They’ll say: “Fovea! They’re so helpful! There’s nothing
better than a good, helpful dead body!”

“Especially,” my dad might say.

“When you need a hand!” my mom will finish.
Then the two of them probably high-five over the dinner
table, giggling.
On the other side of the table, Grandma Van will have
fallen asleep over her turkey slab. It’s a sort of protest, I
Then dinner just keeps going while my dad talks about
a knee he was really fond of, and my mom wonders if the
shoulder they have in the freezer at work will be muscly
enough, and I try to figure out how I keep failing quite so
And how the heck I wound up in this family.
The truth is, there’s nothing wrong with my parents that
a dead body can’t fix. Except for their cheerfulness issues.
I’m not sure anything can fix their cheerfulness issues.
And anyway, after everything that’s happened, I can

confirm that dead bodies are absolutely not helpful in any

way whatsoever. Also, I think that stuff is gross, and I want
to be clear about it, so you don’t think I’m into gross stuff.

It’s exclusively my parents who are seriously into gross stuff.

They’re surgeons. They used to be regular surgeons,
and then they stopped all that so they could have a better
schedule. The regular surgeons of the world sometimes
have to race to the hospital in the middle of the night to do
random surgeries. But that’s only an issue if your patients

are ALIVE. So these days, my mom and dad do surgeries
on dead people. Completely predictable dead people.

Sorry. Cadavers.

My parents love the cadaver biz. They get to work normal
business hours and have a regular schedule. They get
to teach eager med students who are excited to practice
surgeries. They deal exclusively with dead patients, who, as
a bonus, will never argue with them. Also, as you may have
noticed, there’s the death-defying wordplay.
And that never stops.
There’s also my name. In medical lingo, my first name,
Fovea, means “eyeballs.”
They named their only kid “Eyeballs.”
And it’s not like I can go by my middle name either.
It’s Hippocrates. Super catchy, I know. They’re obsessed
with the original Hippocrates, aka the Father of Modern
Medicine, and even though he’s been dead for over two
thousand years, our apartment is a shrine to the guy. His
picture is everywhere: T-shirts, soaps, even the toilet seat.
I was the only kid with a Hippocrates backpack in kindergarten.
They have matching tattoos with Hippocrates’
favorite slogan, “Do No Harm.” They can’t get enough of
him, and they’ve been trying to get me on board since the
day I was born.


About the author...

[Mary Winn Heider] Author of THE MORTIFICATION OF FOVEA MUNSON, June 2018, Disney-Hyperion. Barrel of Monkeys Company Member.


Image result for contest time

3 winners will receive a finished copy of THE MORTIFICATION OF FOVEA MUNSON!
US Only.


Special thanks to Rockstar Book Tours for the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is newly available this week via Disney Hyperion, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  Be sure to catch the other stops on the tour for more bookish fun...

Tour Schedule
Week One:
6/4/2018- Beagles & BooksReview
6/5/2018- Always MeReview
6/7/2018- Here's to Happy EndingsReview
6/8/2018- The Book Girl - Interview

Week Two:
6/11/2018- Two points of interestReview
6/12/2018- Lattes & Paperbacks - Review
6/13/2018- Wonder StruckReview
6/14/2018- A Dream Within A DreamExcerpt
6/15/2018- BookHounds YAReview

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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