Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Museum of Us by Tara Wilson Redd

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Image result for fourth of july

First and foremost, Happy Fourth of July to all my fellow stateside friends/readers.  Here's to you and yours, and I hope your day is spend in merriment with friends, family, and in memory of all those that helped us get as far as we have today.  Now then, on to the books...

Today, we're joining Random House Children's Books for a stop along their current tour starring a NEW RELEASE title via Wendy Lamb Books.  It's the first novel from this talented writer and while it fits snugly in the Young Adult genre, I've got a feeling it will connect with readers much beyond that target audience.  So, if you're ready to discover your next potential must read, here...we...go!  Today's book of choice is...

Tara Wilson Redd
Wendy Lamb Books

About the book...
Secrets are con artists: they trick you into letting them out. 

Sadie loves her rocker boyfriend Henry and her running partner and best friend Lucie, but no one can measure up to her truest love and hero, the dazzling and passionate George. George, her secret. 

When something goes wrong and Sadie is taken to the hospital calling out for George, her hidden life may be exposed. Now she must confront the truth of the past, and protect a world she is terrified to lose.


This is a story that hides its depth within the simple pleasures often found between the pages.  It's a tale of how one tragedy, one accident acted as the Zero Point for the shattering of a heart and mind into so many pieces as to be unrecognizable by the "owner" until things began to slip too far...almost out of reach.  It's a story that many readers AND writers will find themselves in, to some degree, allowing that deeper connection to be made, a necessary "evil" for the challenges our leading lady must face to become her own hero, face her own destiny, and reclaim her life.  It'll haunt and amuse, try and confuse, perplex and leave you to ponder, but ultimately, its true colors come shining through, leaving behind much more than we at first thought was possible with truths unable to be denied...and yet filled with a beauty all their own. 

After the crazy work week(s) I've had and the severe lack of free time cutting into my extracurriculars, I think I actually feel closer to Sadie than I would otherwise.  Seriously, in my half lucid state at the moment created by having to adult, it seems easier to make those connections.  I mean, fact...I'm an avid reader.  Fact...I love to escape into other worlds because let's face it, the majority of the real  Also fact...I know the difference between reality and fiction....I've never had an imaginary friend, nor have any "book boyfriends" ever taken their best qualities combined and tried to make any leap from the 2D to the here-and-now...and while life can certainly be traumatic to every one in its own way, I've never been one drawn to things that would harm others or myself.  A vivid imagination is a powerful thing and can get us through a lot of difficult times, but knowing where fantasy ends and reality begins, understanding that pretending is fun but should not be an alternative to living, needs to be a solid stone in its is the knowledge that WE ARE NEVER TRULY ALONE.  There are always those out there willing to help "seek and find" our true selves and while the road may not be paved in yellow bricks, or traversed by a majestic steam locamotive, it doesn't make it any less worth the journey.

Recommended read for Young Adult fans of all ages.  The author really places you in the story, in the moment, for better or worse, allowing you to take your own journey with Sadie, both near and far, while staying grounded in the reality of your own life.  She celebrates the joys of being a reader, writer, or otherwise creative mind, while also emphasizing that "to live would be an awfully big adventure".


About the author...

Tara Wilson Redd, a graduate of Reed College, grew up all over the United States, including in St. Louis, Seattle, and Central Oregon. An impenitent dilettante, she is interested in everything, but especially language, travel, and animals. When she is home from her adventures, she lives in Washington, DC, where she works in libraries. The Museum of Us is her first novel. Visit her online at


Special thanks to Kathy at Random House Children's Books for the ARC for review as well as the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Wendy Lamb Books, an imprint of Random House Children's Books, so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  Be sure to check out the rest of the stops on the tour as it makes its way through the blogosphere for more bookish fun...

Here's to Happy Endings                                   6/25/2018
Reading Teen                                                     6/26/2018
Take Me Away to a Great Read                        6/27/2018
Take Me Away                                                   6/28/2018
PageTurners                                                      6/29/2018
Picture Books to YA                                           6/30/2018
Jessabella Reads                                               7/1/2018
Quite the Novel Idea                                          7/2/2018
The Reading Cafe                                              7/3/2018
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers                    7/4/2018
Selina Falcon                                                      7/5/2018
Booklish Lifestyle                                                7/6/2018
Such a Novel Idea                                               7/7/2018   

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you and yours a happy July 4th.

    I really like the sound of this one. I suspect it may well be one of those YA novels that a lot of us, err,'adults' will enjoy.
