Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A MONSTER sized celebration with THE LAST KIDS ON EARTH!

HI there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

So, we've got some AMAZING news today.
In fact, it's SO amazing, we just COULD NOT WAIT to share it!
Good thing too because today is THE day.  
No, not the day, but THE day!
What day? THE DAY!

It's a BOOK BIRTHDAY celebration AND 
a NETFLIX PREMIERE all in one starring

Right?  I know.
I was blown away too, but not surprised.
Wanna know why?
Because I've read the series.

Yup...I already know it contains SO MUCH AWESOMENESS that the fact that it was picked up as a NETFLIX series (premiering TODAY!) was simply a long time coming.  Now, if you're fangirling with me right now, you probably don't need a refresher on all that's come before, but you KNOW you want one anyway just to relive the BATTLES, the MONSTER FACE OFFS, the FRIENDSHIPS, and KICK BUTT FUN!  So, get ready for a quickie flashback...

See how it all began...

Max Brallier
Illustrated by
Douglas Holgate

    It's been forty-two days since the monster apocalypse hit town and pretty much everyone ran away or got zombified. Average thirteen-year-old Jack Sullivan is holed up in his tree house, which he's armed to the teeth with catapults and a moat, not to mention video games and an endless supply of Oreos and Mountain Dew scavenged from abandoned stores. But Jack alone is no match for the hordes of Dozers and Winged Wretches and Zombies, and especially not for the eerily intelligent gargantuan menace known only as Blarg. Jack needs to build a team of whatever kids he can find, and whichever monsters will show him loyalty. With their help, Jack is going to slay Blarg, prove himself the ultimate post-apocalyptic action hero, and be average no longer! Can he do it?

...then get lost in the rest of the amazing series...

...and make way for the LATEST...

Surviving their first winter after the Monster Apocalypse was no easy feat, yet Jack and his buddies waste no time springing to action against some of the nastiest, most evil monsters around. When Jack discovers his Louisville Slicer has new, otherworldly powers, he's thrown into epic training to find out what kind of destruction the blade can wield. But between fighting off zombies, fleeing from strange, glowy Vine-Thingies erupting from the ground, and squeezing in a video game session or two, there's barely time left to figure out what's wrong with their buddy, Dirk, who's been acting weird any time he's around the undead. When an unexpected villain appears, can Jack and his friends save themselves--and the rest of the world--from cosmic domination?

Image result for netflix, last kids on earth

Pretty amazing, right?
So can you freaking IMAGINE what the NETFLIX series is gonna be like?!
Okay, well you don't have to imagine because if you CLICK HERE, you can take a gander at the trailer...and once your viewing appetite is whet, you can satisfy your craving for more because it premieres TODAY!  So go ahead, click on over, WATCH THE MAGIC, and report back with your FIRST HAND ENCOUNTER!  Just watch out for suspicious creatures, or strange wormhole like portals, or any of the myriad of other dangerous things that tend to pop up when this crew is out and about.

Image result for penguin young readers logo

Special thanks to Friya at Penguin Random House for the chance to bring this BREAKING NEWS to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on the series, the show, the author, the illustrator, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  The fifth book in the series celebrates its BOOK BIRTHDAY today, so snag your copy and then settle in for a monstrously fun viewing event via Netflix!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ (or watch!) IT!


  1. Alas not books that particularly appeal to me and we don't have Netflix. Still, I'm sure this news will be be met with excitement by lots of younger readers. I know I shared the news with some of my friends children and they all seemed pretty excited; the news met with cries of 'Can we watch it mam, can we?' Who knows having done so they then might go on to want the books

    1. You're so right Felicity! They may seek them out for more adventures! As for Netflix, I don't have it either, but this would be as good a reason as any to try it out! :)
