Wednesday, May 31, 2023

WHAT'S THE BUZZ!: The Little Bad Book #3: Your Time Has Come by Magnus Myst - REVIEW!

Today, we're spreading a little pre book birthday BUZZ about a new title COMING SOON from Delacorte Press/Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing!

Riddle me this, riddle me that.
How are YOU at riddles?  Puzzles?  Brainteasers?
Love them?  Like the challenge?
How about a cute...I mean, dastardly bad (but actually really good!) story?
Now how about we COMBINE the two?
The final results...a choose-your-own-adventure style read the likes of which you've probably never seen...unless you've been using LBB's time machine, and you've already been here, read this post, and are getting ready to read it again... 😉  Unless that is the case...and I suppose, even if it is...get ready for a BUZZ worthy title coming your way VERY SOON!

The Little Bad Book series, Book 3
Magnus Myst
Illustrated by
Thomas Hussung
Delacorte Press
Release Date: June 6th, 2023

About the book...

Hey, you! Good thing you’re here! See, I need a reader who’s got some guts. And who’s brave and clever and cunning—plus also, ideally, super delicious. Uh, no, not delicious. Forget I said that. Brave and smart, I meant to say. Exactly. Are you brave and smart? And do you want to help me? I promise you this: if you read me, it’ll be the last thing you . . . uh, no, the best time you’ve ever had in your whole life!

So how about it? Do you dare read me? If so, here’s a hint . . . be sure to pack a Time Travel Emergency Kit. You might just need it!


As you can see, this is a BAD book.  Really bad.  Like needs his little booger face wiped sort of bad.  Like want so much to be a BIG bad book that he explores the contents of a mysterious spell book without reading the warnings fully or taking heed of the cautionary statements, travels through time making changes here, there, and everywhere, and awakens the dreaded Time Wo...I mean, hang on.  Stop the presses!  A deviously cute little bad book would never do a thing like that!  Nor would he endeavor to put some non-existing creature back to rest with an even MORE devious plan that you won't be privy to until it's too late!  I mean, that's absurd!
Right?  😮

All of that unnecessary worry aside because we KNOW the LBB would never do that to his readers...*ahem*...this is a FUN read!  Yes, you dodge pirates.  Yes, you're outrunning the police.  Yes, you go to the future and encounter a purer time where technology is now a part of you.  That's all a part of the allure!  HOWEVER, in order to get from point A to point B, it's not as straightforward as reading the book.  You have to participate in the book.  There are choices to be made, puzzles to solves, and riddles to be tackled, and some are easier than others.  No, really!  I was STUMPED at one point and kept getting circled back to the Time Vortex, and seriously thought I'd be stuck there forever with them (at least there was good company!), so pay attention!  Don't miss a trick, or you too might end up wasting unnecessary time and become besties with those pesky pirates!

A fun read that also makes you put those brain muscles to use, though my first time in the series, I can honestly see it being a favorite with readers of all ages, if not for the story alone, then the added challenges that await!


Special thanks to Cat at Nicole Banholzer PR for the chance to bring this title to you and to Delacorte Press for the copy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the series, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available June 6th via Delacorte Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House, so plan a stop by your local brick and mortar, or order your copy online today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Monday, May 29, 2023

WHAT'S THE BUZZ?: Lia Park and the Heavenly Heirlooms by Jenna Yoon - REVIEW!

Today, we're spreading a little pre book birthday BUZZ about a new title COMING SOON from Aladdin/Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing!  It's the second installment in the Lia Park series, and it does not disappoint!  I LOVED the first title (check out my review here), so I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one for another dose of all the mystical, magical, cultural fun (and danger!) that await Lia and her friends.  This time around, we're heading off to IMS....that's International Magic School...but you'd be wrong if you thought it would be all schoolwork and no play (or danger!) because there is SO MUCH MORE AT WORK!  Ladies and gents, tuck in closer to the screen as we dive between the pages of today's book of choice...

Lia Park series, Book 2
Jenna Yoon

About the book...
Twelve-year-old Lia Park and her best friend, Joon, are now full-time students at International Magic Academy after defeating corrupt diviner Gaya, and their first assignment is an ambitious one. The evil nine-headed monster and King of Darkness, Jihaedaegukjeok, wants to destroy the three Heavenly Heirlooms that create fire and light to plunge the world into darkness and destroy humanity.

The heirlooms can only be destroyed if they are all together, so over time, they have been hidden carefully with magic. Except now, one of them is missing. Lia, Joon, and their classmates have been tasked with recovering the lost heirloom and bringing it to IMA for safekeeping. They expected the task to be difficult, but the number of obstacles the magic trainees run into makes Lia start to wonder if the sabotage could be coming from someone inside the school.


Oh my goodness...what has Lia gotten herself into?

I was all over the place with this one...not in my love of the book, because I loved it, but in my choice of the villain within!  At first I thought, yeah, that's the culprit, and then I would read a little more and think but that person is REALLY sketchy, and the pattern would repeat.  I did have a defining moment of triumph in my decision making process, but it comes at a CRUCIAL point if you're paying attention to the details, and...I'll let you discover it for yourself.  See if you spot it when you're reading and report back!  Moving forward...

I love there's just as much story as there is history, and culture immersion.  You get a history lesson without it feeling like a lesson.  You learn about Lia's Korean heritage as she's learning about her powers (and mayhap why they're malfunctioning!), making friends, keeping friends, and just whom she can REALLY trust.  She's faithful to her core, unless you give her a REALLY good reason to doubt you, and while that easy trust gets her into some jams here (especially one in particular...eek!), I wouldn't want her any other way.  She's real, she's authentic, she's easy to connect with, while being someone readers can learn from and grow with.  Her passion for learning, doing the right thing, and giving people a chance are heartwarming.  Her steadfastness in her friendships is inspiring.  The fact that she doesn't call it quits when it seems the world is pretty much against her is remarkable, and just goes to show you that inner strength definitely starts with belief in yourself and the infinite things you are capable of.

A great read for Middle Grade fans of all ages, and an exciting adventure to be had between the pages.  


About the author...

Jenna Yoon studied Art History at Wellesley College and received her master’s degree in Korean art history from Ewha Womans University. She’s lived about half her life in both Korea and the United States. When she’s not writing, Jenna loves to travel, find yummy eats, play board games, and take skin care very seriously. Currently, she lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and two kids.


Special thanks to Lindsey at Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing for the copy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is out today, so seek thee out a copy wherever books are sold.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

RRR presents... Troy Story by Carla Luna - GUEST POST!

Okay, so with the coming Indiana Jones installment on the horizon, a book like this has DOUBLE the appeal!  I know, I know...what he does isn't realistic, but it's a movie...not a biography; I leave room for artistic license the same way I do in Fiction novels.  Anywho, this one definitely struck me as a sure dig...I mean, find, and while my reading schedule was too tight to partake, it doesn't mean yours is, and THAT'S why we're here today!  Shining the book spotlight on our featured title, touring with Rachel's Random Resources, and sharing a special GUEST POST from the author herself about The Joy of Archaeology (it's not what you think!)...

Troy Story
Carla Luna

About the book...
The friendship that launched a thousand adventures is about to embark on the greatest one of all…

Ever since Stuart Carlson and Dusty Danforth met as kids on a dig in Egypt, they’ve been best friends, supporting each other through heartaches, triumphs, and countless archaeological expeditions. So when Stuart gets hired to help run the American excavations at Troy, he asks Dusty to join him as the site illustrator.

For Dusty, the Troy project isn’t just another adventure. It’s the chance to tell Stuart how she really feels. After years of pining for him, she’s ready for more than friendship.

But soon after they arrive at the site in Turkey, they’re caught up in a feud with a group of German archaeologists. While both teams are eager to make a major find, Stuart’s boss is so determined to beat his rivals that he’s willing to break a few rules. Or laws.

As Stuart and Dusty work together to keep the dig on track, they give in to the passion that’s been simmering under the surface. But will their romance survive when their boss’s scheme puts the entire project in jeopardy?


~~~ GUEST POST ~~~

The Joy of Archaeology (it’s not what you think!)
...with Author Carla Luna

Since Troy Story takes place at a dig in Turkey, I wanted to share my insights into real-life archaeology,
based on my own experiences in the field. When I tell people I used to be an archaeologist, they usually respond with enthusiasm. Inevitably, they’ll ask stuff like, “Did you find anything?” or “Was it an exciting job?” The answer to both questions is yes, but not for the reasons you might think.

In the media, films like the Indiana Jones movies, The Mummy, and The Lost City portray archaeology as an action-packed treasure hunt—a search for lost idols, pharaohs’ tombs, golden chalices, and valuable artifacts. Usually, the characters are racing to retrieve their prize before it gets snatched up by the bad guys (smugglers, looters, Nazis—take your pick!).

Real archaeology isn’t like that—at least not from my experience. To be fair, there have been some spectacular finds made in the jungles of the Yucatán Peninsula and the Amazon that would make for great cinema. But, sad to say, none of my digs involved lost cities or treasure maps!

This doesn’t mean real archaeology is boring or unsatisfying. It’s still a rewarding practice, even if those rewards aren’t made of gold. Here are some examples of how real-life archaeology differs from the pop culture version:

⦁ When archaeologists dig up a site, they almost always find things. Why? Because before grabbing that shovel, they do a lot of preliminary work. They conduct ground surveys on foot or use remote sensing to detect buildings underground. They read old excavation reports and talk to locals about artifacts they’ve found in the area. By nature, excavations are destructive, so archaeologists want to make sure they’re digging in the right place!

⦁ Archaeology is all about camaraderie. While Indiana Jones usually works alone or with a few allies, actual fieldwork involves a whole team—students, professors, specialists, illustrators, and local laborers. Everyone works together and shares in the excitement whenever there’s a breakthrough. Archaeologists are also known to party a lot when they’re off-duty, especially if they’re working in a country where the beer is cheap!

⦁ Finds that might seem boring to the average person can be exciting to an archaeologist. While surveying in the mountains of Cyprus, I discovered a large cluster of potsherds dating to the Cypro-Geometric Period (8th Century B.C.). These were just small fragments—basically ancient garbage—but they were evidence of a settlement. Since sites from this era are rare in this part of Cyprus, this was a significant find.

⦁ Digging up a site is only one aspect of an archaeologist’s job. When not in the field, they analyze their finds, write up reports, and figure out where to excavate next. While site reports can be dull (a lot of pottery descriptions!), they’re also used to piece together the “big picture.” Based on the evidence they’ve uncovered, archaeologists can better understand what daily life was like during ancient times—what people ate, how they buried their dead, and what types of communities they lived in.

⦁ Most archaeologists are specialists. Not to disparage Indiana Jones again, but he’s a globe-trotting guy who knows a lot about numerous ancient civilizations. It’s true that as a trained archaeologist, you can work anywhere, but you won’t be an expert. For example, in Troy Story, Dr. Stuart Carlson is a classical archaeologist, which means he knows Greek and Latin, and has a lot of experience digging in places like Greece, Italy, Cyprus, and Turkey. But if you plunked him down in a Maya site in the jungles of Belize, he’d be out of his depth, because he doesn’t speak Spanish or know how to read Maya hieroglyphics!

In my Romancing the Ruins series (Field Rules and Troy Story), I’ve tried to portray archaeology realistically. That doesn’t mean my stories read like dry excavation reports! To spice things up, I make sure there’s lots of swoony romance, humor, and steam. When you read my books, my hope is that you’ll not only get caught up in the romantic elements but also enjoy learning a bit more about archaeology!


About the author...

Carla Luna writes contemporary romance with a dollop of humor and a pinch of spice. A former archaeologist, she still dreams of traveling to far-off places and channels that wanderlust into the settings of her stories. When she’s not writing, she works in a spice emporium where she gets paid to discuss food and share her favorite recipes. Her passions include Broadway musicals, baking, whimsical office supplies, and pop culture podcasts. Though she has roots in Los Angeles and Vancouver Island, she currently resides in Wisconsin with her family and her feisty Siberian cat.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you, and to the author for the guest post to share! (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, it looks good, READ IT!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

RRR presents... Her Unforgettable Knight by Melissa Oliver - REVIEW!

Back again with another Rachel's Random Resources tour starring the latest from author Melissa Oliver! It's a NEW TITLE available via Harlequin Books/Mills and Boon featuring knights in shining armor, ladies in distress, and a diabolical plot to take down a nobleman, and, long game, the Crown! Shocked? In dismay? Don't be as there's so much more to look forward to! Ladies and gents, I give you today's ebook of choice and blog tour guest...

Her Unforgettable Knight
Melissa Oliver 
Harlequin Books  |  Mills and Boon 

About the book...

She never forgot him…
Can she ever forgive him?

Part of Protectors of the Crown
Marguerite never expected to see Savaric again—let alone to have to help him when she finds him outnumbered in a fight. He’s the brooding knight she fell for two years ago, until he left her unexpectedly. Now Marguerite is a hardened spy, and wary of trusting him again. But how long can she resist their connection when they must work together to protect the Crown…?

Amazon UK - US


This story picks up two years after the last one left off, and yet it didn't feel like nary a day has passed. Marguerite is still a remarkable and surprising woman, willing to do whatever it takes to restore her family's name. She's denying the feelings she still carries for a particular Knight for all the right reasons, well... to her at least, and yet if they were opening acknowledged there could be so much more worth fighting for.  Savaric is still a remarkable man despite his inner monolog of worthlessness, and overwhelming festive desire to remain alone to avoid anyone else facing the scorn he has his whole life.  Despite his many acts of goodness, all he can hear are the taunts, slurs, and weighty looks thrown his way. It'll take a special lady indeed to get passed his defenses, but the particular feisty lady that speaks to his heart, just so happens to have a the skills necessary to sneak right on by. Will the survive the challenges ahead to see this thing through? *dun dun dunnn*

I felt for BOTH of these characters so very much. Firstly, they've been dealing with these major bad guys for some time now, so a rest was sorely deserved, but would never be granted until all was said and done. FYI... all is said and done in this book! Second, they've both lost so much along the way, it was high time all their hard work and sacrifice paid off with more than another death on their hands. Thirdly, I wanted to see their hearts healed. I wanted to know that Marguerite was over her deadly encounter, and wouldn't be haunted by that snake any longer. I wanted to feel that Savaric accepted himself, and allowed others to as well, without worrying that those he trusts will turn on him. I wanted to see that happily ever after within their reach, realized... and followed to the end of its rainbow. I wanted a lot for this story, for these characters... and by jove, the author delivered!

A great read for Historical Romance fans and a wonderful addition to your summer reading list.  If you've read the other books in this mini series, you're all set... but if not, you can still make a go if it as a standalone. 


About the author...

Melissa Oliver is from south-west London where she writes sweeping historical romance and is the WINNER of The Romantic Novelist Association’s Joan Hessayon Award for new writers 2020 for, The Rebel Heiress and the Knight.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as the ecopy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

RRR presents... Claimed By the Viking Chief by Sarah Rodi - GUEST POST + GIVEAWAY!

Time to get your Viking on with a NEW TITLE via Harlequin Books / Mills and Boon!  Currently touring with Rachel's Random Resources, it sounds like EVERYONE is going to be rather surprised by the attachments made, and the partners they REALLY get, but don't take my word for it.  CHECK OUT MORE below, enter the giveaway before you go (UK ONLY!), and visit the other sites participating in the tour!

Claimed by the Viking Chief 
Sarah Rodi
Harlequin Books  |  Mills and Boon

About the book...

She can be his lover 
…but never his wife! 

Forced into servitude, Wren is quietly miserable…until Jarl Knud arrives at her settlement, seeking an alliance through marriage. Despite their initial sizzling attraction Wren despises everything the Jarl represents—and he needs a high-status bride to save his people, not a servant like her. As Wren uncovers the man beneath the fierce Viking chief she’s tempted to claim one forbidden night of passion…but will it ever be enough? 


~~~ GUEST POST ~~~

It’s all about the characters!
...written by Author by Sarah Rodi

I loved writing Wren and Jarl Knud’s story – these two characters are made for each other, even though their stations in life couldn’t be more different! 

This is a rags to riches, enemies to lovers, forced proximity story, and I hope you enjoy it.

Set on the mudflats and hinterland of the Danish coast in the ninth century, Jarl Knud needs to secure a marriage alliance to keep his stronghold safe from the raiding tribes in the south, so he and his convoy from Nedergaard are on their way to Boer to talk terms of the marriage agreement between him and Earl Ingrid. 

When he arrives, he is disturbed to see a beautiful thrall at Earl Ingrid’s side. Since he has ruled in Nedergaard, he has made it a place free of slavery, and the young woman, Wren, vulnerable yet spirited, reminds him of ghosts from his past. 

Jarl Knud stands for everything Wren despises… When she was five years old, she was taken from her family by a Danish chief and given to his daughter (now Earl Ingrid), to be her thrall. She is quietly miserable and longs for escape. As she waits on Jarl Knud and his men, her contempt for him burns as fiercely as her sizzling attraction.

When Boer is attacked and Earl Ingrid is injured, Jarl Knud stays with Wren to help. As they attempt to escape their enemy and make their way to Nedergaard on a perilous journey, they grow closer. Yet Knud knows Wren is forbidden, and he must do his duty and marry Earl Ingrid once she has recovered, for the sake of his people. As Wren uncovers the man beneath the fierce Viking chief, she’s tempted to claim one night of passion… she can be his lover but never his wife, yet will that ever be enough?

I love to give my characters a tough time as then their successes and rewards are all the more meaningful. And boy, have Jarl Knud and Wren both suffered so much pain in the past. Jarl Knud is traumatised by a past relationship. His first experience of marriage, when he was a younger man, has left him ashamed - and determined never to fall in love again. Wren has had her freedom and family taken away from her and finds it hard to trust anyone. She has vowed one day she will be a free woman, and will never marry and be ruled by anyone again, not even a handsome Viking chief. 

I knew these two were meant to be together from the start, and I had a great time setting these two on a path of adventure, watching them grow, develop and change throughout the story to achieve their happy ever after. I hope you enjoy getting to know my characters and share in their ups and downs, and I hope their personalities stay with you long after you’ve finished the last page. 


About the author...

Sarah Rodi has always been a hopeless romantic. She grew up watching old, romantic movies recommended by her grandad, or devouring love stories from the local library. Sarah lives in the village of Cookham in Berkshire, where she enjoys walking along the River Thames with her husband, her two daughters and their dog. 

She has been a magazine journalist for over 20 years, but it has been her lifelong dream to write romance for Harlequin/Mills & Boon. New for 2023, she is the New Writers Scheme Coordinator for the Romantic Novelists’ Association. 

Sarah believes everyone deserves to find their happy ever after. 



(Open to UK Only)

To mark the launch of her latest book, Claimed by the Viking Chief, author Sarah Rodi of Harlequin/Mills & Boon is giving away a signed copy of her latest historical romance, PLUS a bottle of Nordic Spirits Valhalla liqueur, A Melt In Time wax burner and Viking wax melts. 

*Terms and Conditions –UK entries welcome. Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below. The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over. Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data. I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you, and to the author for the guest post to share! (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Friday, May 26, 2023

RRR presents... A Laird For the Highland Lady by Catherine Tinley - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

Did I mention I'm a fan of Historical Romance? Oh, wait...I did! Well good thing too,  seeing as today's Rachel's Random Resources tour stars another FABULOUS title from this genre! 😀  I'm excited, are you? Great! That means we can leave any further introductions by the wayside and dive right in. Ladies and gents, make room on your TBR for today's blog tour guest and ebook of choice...

A Laird for the Highland Lady
Catherine Tinley
Harlequin Books  |  Mills and Boon 

A sparkling, witty Regency set in the Scottish Highlands

Becoming a laird
…worthy of the Highland lady?

After an unexpected encounter with Eilidh MacDonald, Max Wood thinks this shockingly beautiful woman is unlike anyone he’s ever met! Working to restore the Scottish estate long neglected by his family, Max is achieving more than he thought possible. As a carefree second son, he’s never considered marriage—until now… But is shaking off his decadent persona enough to win the flame-haired lady who’s captured his heart?


Oh woah is me! 
When I first started this review, I had actually just finished reading yet another (STAY TUNED!) Historical Romance and, quite frankly, was getting my thoughts jumbled! 😂 Oye, such are the troubles for avid readers, but I digress...

This story was unique. Full stop. No, really. It's the first time that I've read a book that, while possibly part of a mini series, or at least a loose duology, delves into a story that is not just familiar, but will give you a massive case of deja vu. I don't mean that in a bad way, just an unexpected way. Have you ever wanted to know about two side characters and the lives they carry on whilst reading a story about two other characters? THIS is your chance. You're thrown back into the situations and storyline from the preceding book (which, of course, makes this a great standalone read as well!), yet are viewing them through another set of eyes. Familiar, yet fascinating, and then halfway through the story, we move forward...

At this point, I was already fully invested, but very much ready to see how Max and Eilidh might carry on, once she was back on her home turf. I mean, Max had some rude awakenings coming, and certainly some enlightening revelations as well, but he needed to remember...he was not his brother, and there's always room for love. Pretty sure Eilidh was just the woman to show him those truths because you'd certainly need to be just as strong willed (stubborn, unrelenting... all said with kindness!) as this English gent to get through all the self loathing, and self doubt, to claim the heart of gold underneath it all. 

A great pick for Historical Romance fans penned by an author that knows her craft!


About the author...

Catherine Tinley is an award winning author of historical romance. She writes witty, heartwarming Regency love stories for Harlequin Mills & Boon. Her first book, Waltzing with the Earl, won the Rita Award for Best Historical Romance 2018, while Rags-to-Riches Wife won the RoNA Award for Best Historical Romance 2021 as well as the 2021 HOLT Medallion for Best Historical Romance.

She has loved reading and writing since childhood, and has a particular fondness for love, romance, and happy endings. After a career encompassing speech & language therapy, Sure Start, maternity campaigning and being President of a charity, she now manages a maternity hospital. She lives in Ireland with her husband, children, cats, and dog and can be reached at, on facebook, twitter, and instagram.


Giveaway to Win a signed copy of A Laird for the Highland Lady!
(Open INT)

*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome. Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below. The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over. Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data. I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you and to Harlequin Books for the ecopy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

RRR presents... An Unsuitable Heiress by Jane Dunn - REVIEW!

We're counting down the final days of May, but the great reads just keep rolling in... like today's featured title! It comes to us via Rachel's Random Resources and Boldwood Books, featuring the work of author Jane Dunn. You might already be a fan, but if not, you might slay remember a prior title of hers that I featured some time ago. No worries; you won't have to have read the other book in order to enjoy this one. It works beautifully as a stand alone, but it doesn't stand alone long because fans are lining up in support of this fabulous find, including this reader! Ladies and gents, I give you today's adventure through the pages...

An Unsuitable Heiress
Jane Dunn 
Boldwood Books

About the book...
‘Do you realise, Corinna, just how hard it is for a young woman of irregular birth, without family, fortune or friends in the world? Marriage is the only way to get any chance of a life.’

Following the death of her mother, Corinna Ormesby has lived a quiet life in the countryside with her cantankerous Cousin Agnes. Her father's identity has been a tantalising mystery, but now at nineteen Corinna knows that finding him may be her only way to avoid marriage to the odious Mr Beech.

Deciding to head to London, Corinna dons a male disguise. Travelling alone as a young woman risks scandal and danger, but when, masquerading as a youth, she is befriended by three dashing blades, handsome and capable Alick Wolfe, dandy Ferdinand Shilton and the incorrigible Lord Purfoy, Corinna now has access to the male-only world of Regency England. And when she meets Alick's turbulent brother Darius, a betrayal of trust leads to deadly combat which only one of the brothers may survive. 

From gambling in gentleman’s clubs to meeting the courtesans of Covent Garden, Corinna’s country naivety soon falls away. But when she finds her father at last, learns the truth about her parentage and discovers her fortunes transformed, she must quickly decide how to reveal her true identity, while hoping that one young man in particular can see her for the beauty and Lady she really is.


My heart went out to Corinna, otherwise known a Cory. She had a hard life growing up... not knowing her father, losing her only parent who truly cared about her, finding a home with distant relatives none too happy about another mouth to feed... but she never let it truly get her down. Whether it was simply her self reliance, or the easy friendship she struck up with the neighbor's son, I couldn't really say... but I will say that her sunny demeanor went a long way. In fact, her look on the bright side of things attitude and sheer determination are what lead her to become more Cory than Corinna, taking matters into her own hands, in an all or nothing search for her father. 

She makes some truly good friends along the way, discovers more than just her family ties, and, in time, will grow to know what love truly is. Of course, that didn't mean her course runs smoothly. No siree. There are the naysayers, there are those that would take advantage of her, there are those that would manipulate (and try to!) her future for their fortunes, leaving her as a friendly casualty of war. Yes, times may have been different, but not SO different... and yet, and yet... those friends she made? That makeshift family until she might find her blood? Yeah, they'll stand by her, protect her when needed, and demand retribution if wrongs occur.  Good friends to have... even if one might just have unexpectedly, and unknowing stolen your heart. 

Oh how I loved getting acquainted with Cory! She was such a gem. She had a heart of gold, a sharp mind, was quick on her feet, and never let others tell her it couldn't be done. True, those feelings were easier to stand tall with when her fortunes changed, but that was just an aftereffect not the start up. Watching her go after what she knew in her heart to be true was inspiring. Seeing her grow her family along the way, heartwarming. I was holding out hope for her happy ending until the bitter end, and shed a few tears along the way as heartache was known. Still, by book's end, you feel like you really know the young woman she's become, through her thoughts, actions, and overwhelming heart... and can't help but be glad of all that the future may hold for her.
A great pick for Historical Romance fans and a wonderful addition to your summer reading!


About the author...

Jane Dunn is an historian and biographer and the author of seven acclaimed biographies, including Daphne du Maurier and her Sisters and the Sunday Times and NYT bestseller, Elizabeth & Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens. She comes to Boldwood with her first fiction outing – a trilogy of novels set in the Regency period, the first of which is to be published in January 2023. She lives in Berkshire with her husband, the linguist Nicholas Ostler.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you and to Boldwood Books for the ecopy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

AWARENESS TOUR: Vivienne in Paris by Maria Castellucci Moore - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

Ready for a trip to beautiful Paris?
Ah, then you chose the perfect time to visit my site because today we're packing out virtual bags and saying BONJOUR as we welcome today's AWARENESS TOUR via The Children's Book Review.  The star of the show is a Storybook that while a bit longer in word count will easily charm readers young and old alike as it invites them to look for what makes their heart smile.  Curious?  Let's get started then!

Maria Castellucci Moore
Illustrated by
Emanuela Mannello
Ages 4+ | 38 Pages
Mascot Kids

About the book...
Vivienne in Paris follows a young Parisian girl on a journey through Paris to find what makes her tick. Join Vivienne as she discovers the sights, smells, tastes, and sounds of the city that make her feel alive. What better place to explore, observe, and delight in her senses than Paris?

This book tells a story of mindfulness and insight into how the surrounding world can really move you. It unites curiosity, wonder, and marvel to enlighten, surprise, and tickle your deepest spirit. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that bring you the greatest joy.


This is the charming story of Vivienne and her day around Paris in search of her happiness.  No, it's not that she's lost it, but her grand-pere posed a very good question to her during their morning visit..."do you remember a time when you felt most alive, full of spirit, zestful, and sparkling with enthusiasm".  As she follows her heart around the city, she discovers many things that give her joy, but one thing that truly moves her heart.  Along the way, readers are gently introduced to the French language, while the pictures allow you to discern their meaning, if not their pronunciation.  I admit to butchering a word or two, but it wasn't anything that Google couldn't help me out with...and that's the added wonder with a story like this...the edutainment value in addition to the story time enjoyment.

From the darling illustrations to the beautiful color palette that carries from page to page, this is as much a work of art as it is a delightful, and inspiring tale that will easily enchant wee readers and beyond.  After all, when was the last time YOU felt the feelings Vivienne is seeking?  Is it spending time with your family?  Is it when you visit a particular place?  Is it curled up in a cozy chair with your favorite book?  Or perhaps it's something totally unique you haven't even thought about for quite some time, and now that it's on your mind, you might seek it out.  Whatever the case may be, indulge in Vivienne's journey through the City of Lights, and take a trip round the world without ever having to leave your living room.


About the author....

Owner Entrepreneur, first-generation American, writer, and mother to four children. Maria Castellucci Moore strives to bring passion and enthusiasm to all her endeavors. A lover of all things European, María has found great passion through her travels to Paris, Italy, Spain, and South America. Her affection for winemaking, foreign languages, the arts, ballroom dancing, and traveling has given María a unique and grateful perspective on life. Her love for her family and helping others through charitable giving has enabled María to thoughtfully curate purposeful life adventures.

María Castellucci Moore earned her bachelor of arts degree in finance from Dominican University on a tennis scholarship, and later pursued studying at New York University and the London School of Economics with a focus on global affairs. In 2016, with her siblings, Maria founded Castellucci Napa Family, a luxury wine and real estate brand. María runs her wine label and a family real estate development company in the greater Bay Area. She is a board member of the San Francisco Opera Guild and is enthusiastic about building opportunity and community through the arts.

María resides in Saint Helena, California, with her husband and four young children. She enjoys writing; traveling; attending the opera, ballet, and symphony; flower arranging; winemaking; ballroom dancing; and playing tennis and the piano.

For more information, visit


Enter the giveaway for the chance to win a signed hardcover copy of Vivienne in Paris and a Kindle!

One (1) winner receives:
- A hardcover copy of Vivienne in Paris signed by Maria Castellucci Moore
- A Kindle (2022 release)


Special thanks to Bianca at The Children's Book Review for the chance to bring this tour to you and for the copy for review. (THANKS!) This post is sponsored by Maria Castellucci Moore. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the stops on the tour for more bookish fun!


Tuesday, May 2, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Thursday, May 4, 2023
A book activity paired with Vivienne in Paris

Friday, May 5, 2023
Author interview with Maria Castellucci Moore

Monday, May 8, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Tuesday, May 9, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Thursday, May 11, 2023
A book activity paired with Vivienne in Paris

Friday, May 12, 2023
An article by Maria Castellucci Moore

Monday, May 15, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Tuesday, May 16, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Author interview with Maria Castellucci Moore

Thursday, May 18, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Friday, May 19, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Monday, May 22, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Thursday, May 25, 2023
A book review of Vivienne in Paris

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Author interview with Maria Castellucci Moore

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!