Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Do the Monster Mash...Literary Style!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the places that wishes you and yours a safe, happy, fun, and SPOOKY Halloween!  Whether you're heading out for tricks and tricks tonight, taking the kiddos or designated as the official candy-giver-outer (the same as moi....*passes spare sash of status*), enjoy yourself and spread the good cheer.

Quick reminder...we've got ONE LAST CONTEST (for now) running on the site with room for more entries! Don't miss your chance to score a copy of RETURN OF THE LIBRARY DRAGON by sharing your reading experiences, library memories and what not...and if you read the post really close, you'll see a chance to win an even BIGGER prize pack from Peachtree Publishers!  Just click on the right hand sidebar under Current Contests for more details.  Now, back to today's post....

We've already teased up my current read, but with today being Halloween, I couldn't let the day pass without something monstrous, something surprising, mash-uppy only literary style.  *raises eyebrows...twice*  It's a 2-for-1 book review post with some alternative reading fun for the holiday.  Alternative how?  Well, it includes monsters but only just and they are definitely family friendly but they also have a unique aspect that will leave "trick or readers" clamoring for your bookshelves or bookstores after tonight.  How so?  You'll se.  Let's get to the stars of the show, shall we?  Today's featured series is The Creature from My Closet by Obert Skye.  Book one...

Twelve-year-old underachiever Rob has better things to do than read. His parents give him lots of books but most of them just end up in the messy pile of junk he keeps locked in his closet that once doubled as a makeshift science laboratory. One day, Rob hears weird sounds coming from behind his closet door and discovers a funny little creature that seems to be a cross between two characters from books he’s tried to ignore. He names him Wonkenstein.
Keeping track of “Wonk” is hard work. But with help from friends and a little off-the-wall magic, Rob and Wonkenstein’s crazy adventures set the stage for great laughs . . . and Rob might even read some good books along the way.

Basically we start out with Rob and his messy room...I mean, closet.  You see, once upon a time it was his "lab".  You know how that kid at school always use to mix their leftover food together to see what would become of it (or perhaps you were the one doing the mixing)?  Yeah, take that and add in a dash more enthusiasm and you have Rob's former lab now turned dump for all things he doesn't have or make time for...including reading. _faints_  ...   *revives*

That's right.  Rob isn't a big reader but little does he know...he's about to become one, or else be saddled with strange creatures that he can't make heads or tails out of for life.  His choice.  Guess which one he chooses? ^_^ on to book two....

The latest creature to emerge from Rob’s closet is a cross between Chewbacca from Star Wars and Harry Potter. Rob names him “Potterwookiee” (“Hairy” for short) and soon Rob finds himself treading water as he tries to figure out how to care for his mixed-up friend. Great laughs and great books help Rob along the way.

Again, a mixed up tale that's one part Star Wars and two parts Harry Potter resulting in an adventure that's out of this world...okay, not really, but he does have some fun times with his friends and with a little help from Hairy discovers that the bigger the bully, the harder they fall...and even the littlest of guys (aka his kid brother) has their day (never underestimate the might of the tike!).

Both adventures offer readers young and old a chance to experience some of their favorite reads of days gone by (but not THAT long ago) while introducing a new audience to those same worlds...both classic reads and more current pop culture choices.  Trust me, when Rob breaks out the books to help understand his little creations, it's a memorable moment for all and one that will impact the young readers in your life.  Turning a non-reader into a reader or even a sometimes-reader is a task and a half, but the easiest way to do that is find a connection between them and what they are reading.  Whether it be an interest in magic (Harry Potter!), movies (Star Wars anyone?), sweet treats (Willy Wonka!), or scary monsters (Frankenstein!), there's bound to be a common thread found amongst this crazy fun assortment....not to mention the next installment Pinnocula! Who knows?  When they finish these crazy fun filled titles, they may even want to check out the books mentioned within....and from there, the sky's the limit!

Overall, a fabulous series thus far and one I'd highly recommended to readers of all ages.  The delivery of the story through text and illustrations takes it a step above storybooks in depth but still leaves room for those not ready for the jump to picture-less reads (think Diary of a Wimpy Kid or MacKenzie Blue!).  These books are available now with the second installment having been released just last month so be on the lookout for them on a bookstore or library shelf near you!

Review copy and ARC received courtesy of Ksenia at Macmillan Children's Publishing Group.  (THANKS!)  For more information on these titles, click through the links scattered throughout the post.  To discover more about the publisher and their full catalog of wonders, visit them online, like them on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.  To enter the world of author Obert Skye on another level, check out his official site (seriously do...the man eats, breathes and sleeps funny!), like his Facebook page or follow his Twitter feed.

Until next time...HAPPY HALLOWEEN...and happy reading!

Taste Testing Tuesdays...on a Wednesday!

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers! Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. 

On the menu this week...a book that just released this month and is the start of a new Young Adult series that sounds pretty darn good so far!  Ready for a taste?  Here we go...


Gennifer Albin

Before this moment, I've only seen looms during testing, and then I spent so much time ignoring my compulsion to touch the weave that its subtlety was lost on me.  Now it shimmers with life.
-- pg 76

Can you imagine having to hide your true self and the talents you possess 24/7 in order to avoid being snatched away from your family and given was appears to be a privileged (yet apparently is decidedly NOT) life?  Okay, so maybe you can...but would you WANT to?  That's the dilemma Adelice Lewys is faced with...and she doesn't even know WHY/  This is the first book of a new series and from the sound of it so far, a whole new world where time can be woven like the threads of a canvas, but whether into a masterpiece or fiasco remains to be seen.

This title is available now via Farrar Straus and Giroux.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

*Grab your current read 

*Open to a random page 

*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) 

*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! 


Until next time....happy reading!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

WAT!: Pursuing the Times by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

 Hi guys!
Welcome back to another day another post here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We started the day with a spooky tale (a good fit considering Halloween is tomorrow) and now we're bringing things back to another "horror-ific" word for some readers....CHICK LIT.  AAaaaaah!  Just kidding.  I love the genre despite the less than friendly welcome it receives at times and today's title is perfectly fit to show the world that you can't keep a good writer down which leads me to proclaim....


The WAT! MEME stands for 'What A Tease!'. It exists to showcase those samplers and book excerpts that you've read and wish to highlight to some degree on your site...yet you have not had the chance to read the entire book for a review....thus, the "tease" aspect. Have you run into this problem as well? Feel free to "borrow" this MEME and post away!

Now on to today's feature...


From the Amazon......
All that popular Chick-Lit author Mercury Lauren wants is to have one of her books reviewed by the New York Times Book Review - just one - and she'll do almost anything to get it. In this contemporary romantic comedy, with a nod toward Pride and Prejudice she crosses swords and hearts with the Editor-in-Chief of the NYTBR in a madcap adventure that takes her from her home in Westport to a yoga retreat to a golf course in Florida. Will she get what she wants and will she finally be happy if she does? Only one thing's for certain: nothing will stop her from Pursuing the Times.

Read the full excerpt here...


First off, love the title actually functioning within the story; too often to we see a case of mismatch where they go together like oil and water.  Second...hello?  Did you read the synopsis?  Did you click to read the excerpt?  Trust me, I did and it deals with the book world as we know it, authorial talent waiting to be discovered, the hard climb to the top, and the lengths it apparently takes to get an invite to the National Book Awards ceremony.  Umm, yeah....Mercury?  Good thing you were talking to her over the phone because you might have had some face to save, or dirt to wipe off your nose.  (LOL.)  I must say, Mercury's characters is easy to know...and see yourself in just a smidge (~whistles~).  

It takes a fast paced and satirical look at the world of Chick-lit, the writers that inhabit it, and the potential not-so-friendly distance between them and their authorial counterparts.  Some look down on the genre, automatically saying "nay" to a title as soon as they hear that "tell-tale" genre (like Frank)...but you know what?  THEY ARE MISSING I can only presume the potential readers/reviewers of Mercury's work are in the book; including the New York Times Book Review (take that Frank!).  Crossing my fingers she gets a chance to live out her story...or at least dreams a new dream.


Final thoughts...what a tease!

With the excerpt as fun filled and snarky as it is, one can only guess what's in store as we read further...but my money's on a fun time indeed with many cases of "foot-in-mouth" disease, eraser logo or not.  (Inside the excerpt, you'll see.) I'll be checking this one out further next year (darn...I have to wait to find out what the deal is with the RICE acronym!) but if you're looking for your next read of the moment, feel free to check this title out on Amazon as it's available for download now.

Special thanks to author Lauren Baratz-Logsted for the heads up on this release as well as the upcoming read.  (THANKS!)  For more information about this title or her full body of works, be sure to check out her website, like her on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.

So...questions? Comments? Thoughts?
Is there something YOU'VE been teased with as of late?
Feel free to share any and all...
*grabs wish list and pen*

Until next time...happy reading!

One Hospital Nightmare by A.P. Kasch

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the site that aims to please the reader in you....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. Don't forget...tonight marks the end of TWO contests here on the site, with another's deadline fast approaching!  Don't miss out...spread the word and get your entries in today.  Now back to today's post...
Well well's the day before the Big H, the Candy-holic Hay Day, the day dreaded and loved by dentists round the world...Halloween. If you're anything like me, and let's face probably are in some fashion (oh come on, that's not so bad!), you're probably looking for a few last minute creep-tastic reads. I don't blame you...reading is after all one of my favorite past times too. ^_^ In any case, today I've got a story for your perusal that falls under the creepy guise of the season...but only just...and plays upon a fear that many people share. It mixes the here and now with days gone by and well...I'll let you draw your own conclusion before I throw my final two cents in. Today's novella of choice is...

A.P. Kasch

From Amazon...

Something just isn’t right at Battlefield Memorial Hospital. Nick Moore, a sensible middle-aged man from Eastern Texas, must admit that his best friend Jared might not be losing his marbles after all. By an eerie twist of fate, both of them end up in this same out-of-the-way hospital at the same time. Nick soon learns that Jared’s irrational, terrified rants about the place don’t tell the half of it.

The year is 2010 when Nick checks in, but at this hospital, time doesn’t seem to cooperate and the line between nightmare and reality starts to become blurry. Somehow, Nick becomes involved in a famous local Comanche Indian fight from the year 1840. As the mystery unfolds, his values are tested and keeping his sanity becomes more important than his physical healing.

Sound good? Yes...and yet not all I had hoped. *sigh*

Perhaps it was a case of a mismatched read and reader as I generally do not gravitate towards historical reads; for me, any history in a work of fiction gets a free pass for creative licensing. I think my disappointment with the read came from the confusion I felt while traversing between reality, delirium, fantasy (yeah, that's what I'm labeling the portion that illicited the PG-rated moniker given to this little read), and...something else. By story's end, yes....things are straightened out for the most part and we are brought into the loop in regards to what's really transpiring but even the actual ending kinda fizzled out for me. Cie la vie...can't adore every book that comes my way I suppose.

That being said, the read wasn't a total loss despite my thus far negative tinged review...sorry about that; I'm all about getting it all out on the table. The settings chosen, both a hospital and a former battlefield, are equally creepy and if you add in the way Nick ends up there (a car accident no less!), scary to boot! You're playing off of some of the ingrained fears of society AND the fodder for many a horror film (good call!). The characters, mainly Jared and Nick, are likeable enough making you actually care whether they are simpy letting their imaginations run wild or fighting for their lives. The appearance of the mysterious figure (decked out in a New York Yankees baseball cap...interesting choice) was well timed and speaking of time, the inabilitiy of the clock to actually MOVE FORWARD when watched, TOTALLY true.

Finally, I have to give a purposeful nod to the author for his "about" me section. In it, we receive wishes of happy reading and the revelation of Mr. Kasch's love of history, but also acknowledgement of the joy reading provides. He said it quite well himself, so I quote...

"...Besides being a temporary escape, reading allows us to reap the benefits of other people's experiences. The only other way to do that is to get out there and do a lot of living, which is what I wish for you. Maybe someday I will be able to enjoy one of your books."

(right) Author A.P. Kasch
 In conclusion, I added this one to the Halloween reading rotation with the hopes of having another creep-tastic read moved from my "to read" to my "read" list...and came up a bit short. While the elements were fine individually and the author's purpose full of heart, they just didn't work cohesively for me...but that's okay! To each reader their own and perhaps out of my experience, you or someone you know may have found your next read. That is the point of a book blog after read, share and discover, right? Right! If you like a little mystery mixed with some halluncination worthy experiences (...or are they? Dun dun dunnnnn...), check into Battlefield Memorial Hospital; just don't count on catching a lot of Z's.

Ebook for review courtesy of author A.P. Kasch. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, check out his author page on Amazon.

Until next time...happy reading!

Monday, October 29, 2012

WISDOM of the House of Night

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that's keeping things lively even as All Hallow's Eve night creeps ever closer.  *-*

QUICK REMINDER:  Yep, you guessed it.  CONTEST mania is still sweeping the site with three contests going on right now!  Don't miss your chance to win some amazing prizes from some fabulous authors that are reaching out through the blogosphere to bring their bookish wonders to you!  Details can be found on the sidebar under Current, on with the show!

Today we are checking out a bookish item that has strong connections to a Young Adult series many of you know and love and not a book (well, solely at least).  It's arrival is a perfect match for the time of year (how so?  You'll see...) and offers a chance for readers to step into the world created by author P.C. Cast just a bit further.  Today's post may not be for all, but give it a'll never know what you're missing if you don't!  Without further ado, today's bookish item of choice is... 

Oracle Cards
A 50-Card Deck and Guidebook
P.C. Cast and Colette Baron-Reid

From the publisher...
For the fans of the best-selling House of Night series, the Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards provides a unique interactive experience with the vampyre Goddess Nyx. Packaged in a keepsake box with a guidebook, the deck contains fifty gorgeously illustrated cards, many of which are based on characters in the books.
To begin, simply ask Nyx a question: What should I do in this situation? What is going on with my relationship? What will result from my next action? Then select a card and consult the guidebook to discover the message that Nyx intends for you. Just like Zoey Redbird and the other fledglings of the House of Night, you will be encouraged to trust your intuition and make powerful decisions about your life!
The Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle Cards is an original divination system, created by P. C. Cast and oracle expert Colette Baron-Reid. It draws inspiration from the Tarot, Norse runes, and the I Ching, but no special expertise is required to use these cards. The illustrations are by digital artist Jena DellaGrottaglia.

Whether a current fan of the series or potential future fan (*raises hand*....hey, I HAVE a few of them, just haven't made it around to reading them yet...), this curious set can be enjoyed by all.  Before anyone starts gathering the dry twigs for the burning or pointing accusatory fingers to call out those perceived as different, allow me to state that these cards are purely for fun...and clarification.  They are there to make you think and consider, not connect with something "other".  Moving on...

What is there is say about these cards that hasn't already been perceived by the goddess Nyx?  Still much indeed!  First off, they are really gorgeous...I mean, really.  Silver edged, glossy finish, sturdy design and lovely illustrations make these a work of art...but look a little further (as in, inside the guidebook) and you see their use.  Now, don't expect to become the next infamous TV fortune teller after cracking the lid on this box because that's not what these are all about.

Similar to an eight ball, you clear your mind and pose a question...except in this case, you want to avoid the yes/no type.  Draw a card.  Review its meaning and see how it applies back to your own situation.  Sounds easy I decided to do a "reading" for today.  The results....

So, let's see.  In its most basic explanation... 

Card 1:  VISION - When you choose this symbol, it means that no matter what you lose in life, something better will replace it.  

Card 2:  INVISIBLE - Sometimes you may feel like you don't fit in, as if you are invisible to others.  As your goddess, I see you, I know you, and I believe in you.

I can live with the message of card 1 and card 2 does make sense.  Something to think about, that's for sure...

....and again, that's the point!  Not only are these fun cards to "see the future" and add another element of fun for House of Night fans, but they make you think and consider the possibilities that the unquiet-ed mind may have missed.

In conclusion, though some may balk at my recommendation, I say these are good for mid to older teens (with a little guidance) and beyond.  The tiny glimpse of the world within the pages of House of Night stimulate the curiosity as well as the quick introduction to the journey's that await us.  Besides, when could we NOT use a little helping hand in our day?  I'm all for things that help make life just a smidge easier for us...especially when bookishly connected and presented in good fun.

Review set received courtesy of Allison at Clarkson Potter / Potter Style.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this item as well as their complete catalog, be sure to visit them online, like them on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.  This set was released earlier this month via Potter Style, an imprint of Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc and should be available now on a bookstore shelf or online outlet near you.

Until next time...happy reading!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Old Tom: Man of Mystery by Leigh Hobbs

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that knows how to let the good times roll.

QUICK REMINDER: Several contests going on right now, here at the site. Some GREAT prizes and prize packs up for grabs too! Don't delay...get your entries in today!  It's easy peasy, promise. ^_^  In fact if you'd like to win TWO TICKETS TO A 'TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD' SCREENING IN YOUR AREA + A COPY OF THE BOOK, you might want to enter right after this post because the winner will be drawn at the stroke of midnight.  Now, back to today's post...

Today we are taking a step back from the uber scary and twisted times to celebrate a masked (hence the Halloween-esque aspect of the post) crusader...that's not who you're probably thinking of right now and gets into his own variety of trouble.  It's a rip snorting time that's sure to have you gasping as the audacity of it all while trying to squelch a severe case of the giggles.  Let's meet an "old" friend on a new adventure then, shall we? Today's book of choice is...

Leigh Hobbs

Yes, Old Tom is back and this time he's adopting and alter ego. Before you start with the Robin Hood comparisons, allow me to remind you...this IS Old Tom. *-* While he is adorable and fluffy, he's also a handful to say the least.  Good thing Angela Throgmorton, his owner, is SO fond of him because he really needs a good etiquette class post haste!

Angela is a trusting soul and forgiving considering all the antics Old Tom gets into...but this time takes the cake.  As she is a busy woman, she needs a little help around the house...nothing crazy, just your average chores. Old Tom jumped at the chance to help
...or rather not. (If I tricked you there, you apparently weren't listening about our furry friend here!)  Old Tom has other ideas and plays the sympathy card by saying he's sick...thoughtful caring Angela falls for it hook line...but not sinker.  You see she's noticed that the appearance of a certain "Man of Mystery" happened to coincide with Old Tom's ailment.  But what could it mean?  She aims to find out...and what ensues is someone being outed, a forced facing of facts and a future dreaded by certain parties. (Dun dun dunnnn)

Don't one was hurt and everyone still has a home, but what unfolds is a quick game of cat and mouse that, well...the cat IS the mouse!  This is another classic storybook combo where the words are just as important as the images...and how hilarious those images are! Seeing Old To...I mean the Man of Mystery in his little get up, watching his face when asked to help around the house, Angela catching him red handed in a fib...too cute and all laid out for you in colorful page after colorful page.  My favorite is probably when he's on his escapades, all the goody faces and dangling about....haha!

Overall, a great read for the whole family with an air of mystery perfect for this time of year.  Old Tom will captivate you once again as he tries to prove the best things in life are free and should all belong to him with nary a toe lifted!  Think of him as the Garfield for a new generation, just lazier and without the supreme love of lasagna. ^_^

Review copy received courtesy of Peachtree Publishers. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, be sure to stop by the website or follow along on Twitter.  This title is available now and should be at a bookstore near you! Don't forget to check out the Peachtree Publishers contest going on now for your chance to win a copy of Return of the Library Dragon by Carmen Agra Deedy and so much more!

Until next time...happy reading!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Season of the Macabre by Damien Kelly

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that knows how to let the good times roll...and this of year, it includes a pumpkin! ^_^

QUICK REMINDER: Several contests going on right now, here at the site. Some GREAT prizes and prize packs up for grabs too! Don't delay...get your entries in today!  It's easy peasy, promise. ^_^  Now, back to today's post...

As the night of ghouls and goblins (and candy!) draws ever closer, I find myself drawn to some recent creepy reads I want to share.  The selection today definitely falls under that category and due to the chosen delivery method, makes this one a great pick for bite sized reading.  That's right! We've entered into the realm of the short story and while sometimes they leave us wanting more in all the wrong ways, this just right. WARNING: Creep factor intensifies ahead; if easily creeped out or may want to read this in the daytime, or with a group of close friends,  or with your protective fur baby. Without furthe ado, today's book of choice is...

Damien Kelly

This is one collection of stories that will set your spine tingling and your senses on wary.  Mr. Kelly offers us a selection of winter themed delights ranging from overly helpful prison guards to little boys wanting a method of defense against the creatures that stir at Christmas. Each story spins a tale mundune at first glance but just when you think you're looking at a quiet ending, BOOM...the twist arrives in living (or formerly living) color.

It's commonplace to have favorites amongst a collection like this and while most made pretty high marks in my mind, there were a few that stood out.  THANKLESS shares with us a reminder to stand up for the ones we hold dear (even if it is a turkey)...and NEVER take without asking.  A POLITE EXCHANGE shows us that diamonds (well, jewelry) are a girls best friends...and shines new light on gift returns.  THE RARE GIFT shares its tale through the eyes of a reindeer...and brings a new meaning to Santa's reindeer games.  Last but not least WINTER BARLEY will leave you chilled to the bone and with a tear in your eye (it has a sad twist but amazingly you don't see it coming in the least!).  That's just the tip of the iceberg...

So, in conclusion, if you're looking for a great collection of well written creepy reads, look no further.  From draft induced chills when no draft exists to stop your blood cold, there's something for everyone.  Word to the wise, I'd limit this one to older teens through adults due to content and some language...but I'd definitely recommend adding this to your reading repetoire.

Ebook for review courtesy of Clarion Publishing. (THANKS!) For more information on this title ( as well as their growing catalog, be sure to visit them online ( This book is available now should you be looking for a great addition to your Halloween reads...or a way to make the upcoming Christmas season a little more red. (*-*)

Until next time...happy reading!

Friday, October 26, 2012

BLOG TOUR: She's BAAACCCK! - Return of the Library Dragon by Carmen Agra Deedy + CONTEST!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....the place to be when you wish upon a star and that wish included some GREAT READS.

Today is no except to that wish sent or granted as we play host to a stop along a very FUN tour indeed thanks to the fabulous folks over at Peachtree Publishers (Hi, Emily!).  It features a one of a kind story about books, our love of them, and those that would protect them...though perhaps a bit overly at times.  It's got a BIG heart and offers readers of all ages a chance to explore their literary world in a creative and interactive way; just avoid the mention of ebooks while reading this one, don't want to rile up Miss Lotty.  Without further ado, please welcome today's blog tour guest and book of choice....

Illustrated by

From the publisher...
In this sequel to The Library Dragon, Miss Lotty is finally checking herself out of the Sunrise Elementary School Library, but not before Lotta Scales makes one final, fiery stand.

Experiencing a moment of deja vu?  With good reason as I actually featured a review of books 1 AND 2 a few months back; just click HERE to be whisked away to that world of double post fun.  So what's with the double vision?  Well, when you have such a GREAT BOOK on your hands by such a GREAT AUTHOR and you're offered the chance to host a stop on a blog tour from a GREAT's hard to say no; not that I wanted to in the least!  You know me...have/read good book, will party!  ^_^  So I bring to you today, Return of The Return of the Library Dragon....aka my post about this fabulous book, why you should read it AND ENTER TO WIN some fab prizes, part deux.

I said it before and I'll say it again...I LOVE THIS BOOK!  No really, the title itself is great but the story within is fabulous!  It captures the reading world as it is today, all transitions and new horizons, blends it together with a heaping dose of book BOOK (as in paper book or tree book) love and shows us the final results through the eyes of both a child AND one obsessive...I mean ADORING librarian.  ^_^

Miss Lotty *flip* Miss Scales!
It's no secret, I'm a BIG fan of paper books.  They are my GRADE-A-NUMBER-ONE-TOP-NOTCH choice when it comes to my reading preferences, but if you've followed my blog at all, you've probably seen ebooks pop up from time to time.  Here's the thing.  I don't think ebooks are evil or vile; I just prefer my reading time to be spent UNPLUGGED if possible.  Let's face it, it's a "crazy-online-all-the-time-tweet-like-post-tumblr-til-you-can't-see-straight" kind of world; it's nice to kick pack with something "old school" for a while without all the bells and whistles.  Okay, so that last part is not exactly true.  The bells and whistles remain even when UNPLUGGED because you're engaging your imagination and bringing the story to life in a whole other way.  When reading to yourself, the story forms in your minds eye.  When reading to another, you're creating a magical place shared by two.  When reading aloud to a group, the possibilities are endless...especially when a fun book like this.

Basically what I'm saying is that there is a time and place for everything...something that Miss Lotty learns thanks to a dear old friend.  The world we live in is a BIG place and changes in the blink of an eye.  Allow yourself time to slow down and enjoy the small everyday moments...and the company of a good book.  You may be surprised at the ideas, the conversations it sparks not to mention the instant addition of family/friend time to your uber busy schedule.  Who couldn't do with a little more of that?


Now, on to another bit of fun....THE CONTEST!  The first of TWO to be exact...(for details on the second one be sure to keep reading this post!) and an exciting one indeed.  Thanks to the generosity of the publisher, it's your chance to win a copy of this fabulous book!  Remember, though it's a sequel to Miss Lotty's first adventure, book one is not required reading to enjoy book two!  Ready for the details?  Here we go...

The prize:
(1) copy of Return of the Library Dragon

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

How to enter:
Leave a comment on this post sharing a something about YOUR reading experiences!
Not sure where to start?  How about...
...your favorite memory of a trip to your local library...
...a librarian that made a difference in your reading life...
...your reading preference (paper or ebooks) and why...
...or how your passion for reading was sparked!


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 

The rules:
Open to US residents only, no P.O. Boxes please.  Entries accepted TODAY through October 31st, 2012 at midnight CST.  Winner will be contacted by Friday, November 2nd, and have 48 hours to respond with their mailing information.  If not response is received within the given time frame, a new winner will be chosen.


Special thanks to Emily at Peachtree Publishers for the blog tour invite.  (THANKS!)  You can always count on a good time and some GREAT reading when you're involved with these folks...including the book I'm reading now, The Theory of Everything by J.J. Johnson, but that's a post for another day.  ^_^  To check out the rest of the tour, click HERE for the complete schedule.  For more information on this title as well as their entire collection of bookish wonders, be sure to visit them online, stop by their blog, like them on Facebook or follow along on Twitter!

Oh...I almost forgot!  That SECOND contest!  There's an AMAZING contest from Peachtree Publishers,  now in progress through midnight 10/31/12, where you can enter to win SIGNED FIRST EDITIONS of both Library Dragon books, Library Dragon flip doll, audio CD, Skype session with the author and MORE!  Just click HERE to read all about it and show off your Miss Lottie or Lotta Scales side.

Until next time...happy reading!

50th Anniversary Celebration: To Kill a Mockingbird

You've read the book…now see it come to life on movie screens nationwide!

For one day only on Thursday, November 15th, select movie theaters nationwide will show the award-winning film version of Harper Lee’s classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird, in an event in honor of its 50th anniversary. In partnership with Fathom Events, Harper Perennial is offering YOU a chance to win 2 tickets for this event, plus a copy of the book!



First: Click here for a list of participating theaters to confirm there is a screening of the event near you!

Second: Comment on this post (be sure to include your email address!) and share it with your friends on your own blog, Facebook timeline, or Twitter! 


**A winner will be selected at random by end of day Sunday, October 28th...contacted via email by Monday, October 29th and MUST RESPOND WITHIN 24 HOURS or a new winner will be selected. (Tight schedule with the contest in order to get all the tickets and books out to the winners!)

**REMEMBER:  To participate, you MUST first CONFIRM there is a movie theater in your area!


An exciting event indeed and my thanks to Regina at Harper Perennial for the chance to bring this special event to you!  (THANKS!)  To discover more about Harper Lee's classic work, check out my review or click on over to the publisher's site.  

Until next time...GOOD LUCK...and happy reading!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Awakening of Leeowyn Blake by Mary Parker

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when life comes a callin' and you want nothing more than a time out for reading.  Time out...granted!

Today, today...well, it's been a busy day!  Aside from the usual mayhem, I'm coming up on a few days off from both jobs (YAY!) which means relaxation in abundance but also the oh-my-goodness-do-I-have-everything-in-order-so-it-runs-smoothly panic.  So far, so good.  ^_^  Now, a quick reminder....CONTESTS CONTESTS CONTESTS CONTESTS CONTESTS galore now running on the site!  Several happening right now (one that ends tomorrow...hint hint) and more still to come (VERY soon)!  Don't miss your chance to get in on all the fun; check out the right hand side bar under Current Contests for all the links you need to know.  Now, back to today's post...

Today, we are going to explore a Young Adult ebook that came my way that sounded promising and turned into something so much it was chosen today for another reason.  Most of what happens centers around the main character's birthday, and guess who is celebrating a birthday today?  (hehe  ^_^)  So in the spirit of celebration and sharing all things bookish, let's take a look at today's book of choice....

Mary Parker

From the publisher...
I’m a normal teenager. I have a normal teenage life with normal teenage problems. The summer is my heaven. I live with my mom during the summer months. We stay in her tiny condo in Jacksonville, Florida. My parents split up when I was little. I’m not sure why. My mom never talks about it. Whatever it was, it was bad enough to make my mom pack me up in the middle of the night when I was four years old and run to my Gran’s condo.My mom got the condo after Gran died. From that time on all I had known my entire life was beach life.
Until four years ago.
Until my uncle found me.

Strange name, FABULOUS book...though the cover I'm not "in love" with 100%.

So, pronunciation wise for her (the main character) first name, I'm at a loss officially, but in my mind I went with something phonetic...Lee-o-win.  My apologies to the author if I butchered it.  Ms. Blake is a 14 year old going on 18 year old with a bright future a much more literal sense than she knows!  With the passing of the father she hasn't seen since she was four, events are set into motion that are beyond her control (supposedly, but what teenager do you know that gives up that easily when told they can't do something?  That's what I thought.) leading her to a fork in the road the size of New York City.  No really, if the forthcoming change or decision were laid out in blueprints, it'd be THAT big, or BIGGER.  So many people are depending on her...for so many reasons that she DOESN'T EVEN KNOW.  What's a girl to do?  I mean, there's only so far you can keep someone in the dark before they either A) go insane or B) break free of the ties that bind them and find their own way into the world...for better or worse.  Let's just hope that the lack of information shared (and all the mind wiping a certain "best friend" performs to stop a potential love interest from revealing those hidden secrets) doesn't lead her to her doom.

Sounds exciting, right?  It was!  This was one of those books that I had to wait on reading for a bit (due to my own fault though) and once I started, I couldn't put it down.  I had to read a little more, another page, another passage, another chapter....until finally all 384 pages of it had flown by and I was looking for more.  (Yes, about that...umm, WordCrafts?  There will be a sequel, right?  Please?)  Story wise, we have a classic case of girl with a future beyond her wildest dreams, gobs of people that are aware of said hidden future but aren't sharing and dire straights of which she again knows not (and are rather frightening!) if things don't work out as planned.  Add in a heritage that includes more than a few dusty old books (though I'll take them off your hands!  ^_^), a power only dreamed of in passing when your imagination went REALLY wild and a decision to be made that affects everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) and've got the bread and butter of this story.  It's fascinating really, the world within worlds (within worlds) that the author created here; even though we don't get to explore all of them or even the possibility of all of them in this book...that is if they survive. (dun dun dunnnnn)  Let's talk characters...

Leeowyn is a blast.  From her show-no-mercy teenage attitude (when necessary) to the heart of gold that beats within, she's a puzzle made of pieces that have had to fit together in order to make life in general work.  Too bad for her the glue holding it all together is about to check out...permanently...but lucky for her that she won't be all alone.  She feels things strongly and with her whole being (probably why some of that power is so volatile) making it easy to gain her trust but almost impossible to gain back if you break it (or her heart...Mr. Sunshine....).  Life hasn't been easy for her, but she's made it work and I've no doubt she can handle whatever comes her long as she believes in herself.  No room for doubt when dealing with people (well, sorta people) like this.  Moving forward...

Though Leeowyn is our star, she's not the only player here...otherwise this wouldn't be a story per se but some type of biography or monologue.  The cast is pretty extensive so I won't divulge all the players to you but there are a few that I simply must mention.  First up, Perennial, aka Peach; she's a bundle of unending energy and yet obviously hiding something....not a good stance to take when making friends but a necessary one (again, supposedly) in this case.  She's also a bit of a rule bender...but she's nothing compared to Alex.  *sigh*  Oh Alex.  Leeowyn almost saw right through you and your gorgeous, stomach flipping, heart racing self...almost.  You had her til the change when she was no longer tongue tied by your charms.  I must say though as much as you want to hold his secret holding against him, he is the only one that actually tries to set things straight despite "the rules".  You gotta give him credit for that...even if it was slightly self-centered (the truth of which remains to be fully seen).  Last but not least, we have the Empty Princess; a character that resides much more on the other side of the character coin.  ~shudders~  She's not present for most of the story, only in memories and reflections, but she's potent nonetheless.  If I were you, I'd keep an eye on her...

Now, while characters make the story, it has to take place somewhere so let's spare a moment to discuss setting.  There's something to be said about the right location.  I don't know about you but I find that when I'm reading a book sometimes the setting can draw me into the story even further, especially if its an area I'm familiar with.  The bulk of the story takes place in (or around...sorta) Jacksonville, FL and while not personally acquainted with the area, I've traveled through it (and to it for a Matchbox 20 concert...yeah baby!) plus its in my current home state...thus instant connection.  Being a non-native Florida resident, I find that same connection with works taking place in my original home state, Pennsylvania.  Anyone else find this odd yet interesting connection between books they've read and where they reside?  That being said there's also a plus to keeping the setting anonymous so that readers can imagine it wherever they like.  Thoughts? *curious*  Anywho...

In conclusion (because if I don't draw one soon I'll probably talk forever, this is a story you should read sooner as opposed to later.  It has all the elements of a fantastical read with real world ties that anchor it to our own reality with a story line that will quicken the pulse, catch your breath and leave you wanting more.  I see no mention of a second book at the time of this post but you can best believe...I'll be watching.  Recommended read for teens through adults; no foul language or racy scenes, but there is a death none too pleasant that little ones may not take in stride.  Get lost in the world between worlds as Leeowyn Blake makes her presence'll be glad you did!

Ebook for review received courtesy of WordCrafts Press.  (THANKS!)  Haven't heard of this publisher before?  Allow me to acquaint you....

WordCrafts is a small, independent publishing company dedicated to the idea that there is no greater means of communicating truth than the medium of story. Great stories lift us out of the mundane, exhilarate us with adventure and passion, open our minds to great ideas, and remind us what it means to be human. We publish both novels and non-fiction.
We invite you to take a break from the daily grind, turn off the television, brew up a cup of hot tea, open a book and read for a while. Who knows, you might find a whole new world to explore.

For more information on this title as well as their full catalog, be sure to stop by their site, or like them on Facebook.  This title is available now in both print and ebook formats so no matter what your preference, you can partake in this magical adventure.

Until next time...happy reading!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Journey into the Realm: The Spell Master by Markelle Grabo

Hi there readers!
Welcome back to the site that understands the Barenaked Ladies song "Who Needs Sleep?" a little TOO well....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Quick reminder....don't forget to check out the right hand side bar for all the contest goodness you can shake a stick at!  FOUR chances to win, FOUR different prizes (or prize packs...depends on the contest!).  Don't miss out!  Now, back to today's post number two....

We've already declared our stand against bullying with this morning's post (click HERE to check it out and make your voice heard), but I simply couldn't leave well enough alone; especially when a recent read that just so happened to need reviewing had a bit of bullying, prejudice if you will, in it as well.  It's the second book in an eventual SIX book Young Adult series (for those of you that prefer to wait til they are all published before embarking on the journey, I highly suggest you break the habit) dealing with magic, fairies both good and not-so-good, elves and elfens, secrets kept, families lost and...well a lot of other really exciting and curiosity inducing things that make this a must read.  If you haven't heard of this series before, it's high time you did (click HERE for a glimpse at my review of book one as an introduction).  Without further ado, today's book of choice is...

Journey into the Realm, Book 2:

From the author...
Only one key can unlock the secret...
After discovering her true heritage and rescuing her sister, Ramsey Wilder is finally adjusting to life in the Elf Realm. She still has a lot to learn though, especially about her new power, which makes her start in ability school extremely convenient. But even as she immerses herself in school life, the secret she has yet to learn continues to linger in the back of her mind, as well as thoughts of Finn and his dangerous promise to return. And with Stellan away at war and Zora acting strange, Ramsey has no one to turn to but Nathan, an elf from school with much more to him than spells and a sarcastic sense of humor that Ramsey can't help but gravitate toward. And as danger reenters Ramsey's life, the terror and mystery only brings them closer together, threatening her future with Stellan and jeopardizing her relationship with her sister.
Ramsey can't lie to herself forever about what - and who - she truly desires, but is she ready for more changes to be a part of her already uncertain future? In this thrilling second installment, the key to Ramsey's secret may very well also unlock the secrets to her heart.

So much drama...but in a "I-must-know-what-happens-next" sorta way.  ^_^

Ramsey is the elfen girl we've grown to love over the course of book one; in book two, we find her adjusting to her reclaimed life in the Elf Realm...with a slew of new problems about to befall her.  Finn, the dangerous and evil Element Fairy, is still after her.  Zora, the elfen sister she rescued, is treating her like a stranger not family, holding her at arms length  and still withholding the BIG secret that concerns Ramsey herself!  Of all people, she NEEDS to know (as do we!)!  Stellan, the elf she fell in love with (a little too quickly but I understand), is away at war fighting to keep their realm safe, and his elfen alive.  That enough drama for you?  Oh wait...there's more....

Enter Nathan, the unintentionally (not really) suave, dashing, green eyed Spell Master elf that...oh wait; she KNOWS him!  He's "the Stranger" from book one (and the subtitle of book 2...TADA!  Can we say semi-starring role in this book? ^_^), and yet upon running into him at ability school....he acts as if they've never met.  Strange, no?  More like strange, yes!  KUDOS to our girl Ramsey for letting it go and actually actually learning more about the fellow behind the air of mystery; that simultaneously makes her feel safe, connected...and weak in the knees.  Smell trouble ahead?  You'd be right on that assumption; suspicion too especially when odd elemental occurrences keep randomly popping up throughout the realm (which signifies an Element Fairy in the area...usually...not that I'm gonna ACTUALLY confirm that theory or anything...^_^)...usually in her general vicinity too.  Thank goodness for good friends, right?  ~whistles~

Perhaps a more curious and certainly FUN pair introduced are Ramsey's and Zora's newly hatched dragons.  Yes, DRAGONS!  Imagine having one as a pet/companion?  Well these little guys are simply adorable and thanks to the delightfully described firsts for little Kalani (Ramsey's dragon), I have this little pudgy purple dragon tottling around in my mind's eye.  Mind you, she's not so little anymore, but she is just as spunky, take charge, and save the world as Ramsey...a perfect match.  There are other players here that you will both love and loath.  Some are obvious choices (such as Brielle, princess or not we know she's anything but conventional); others are well cloaked (like Em, what CAN you make of her snarky self?).  One character I was totally right about their true nature (well sorta, there's still things to be sorted there) despite the valiant efforts the author employed to throw us off the track.  Getting back to the story...

It's not all about fairy wars and heartfelt longing; it's also about finding and ACCEPTING your true self.  Allowing others to see those things that make you who you are and giving them the chance to open their hearts to you.  Here's where we get to the bullying part.  When THE BIG SECRET is revealed (thanks to some creative help from dear old mom...wait, wasn't she deceased?  Hehe...), those that know are but a few; by book's end, it's out there for all to see.  Despite how easily she made friends when she arrived in the Elf Realm, they turn their collective cold shoulder to her.  Even Aayliah, the forever bleeding heart of the group ready to make things better with a cup of tea and some kind words, avoids her like the plague.  Grant it, she's grieving right now....whom she is grieving will remain a mystery until you read this one yourself...but still, it's never stopped her before.  The changes in their attitude despite all the changes that have occurred in and to Ramsey really take their toll on her.  She's a stronger version of herself than ever before but even the strong feel the weight of the careless glances and hushed whispers thrown their way.  If I could climb through the pages and offer her a hug in support, I's simply heartbreaking.  Nevertheless, the story moves on as does she because this is hardly the end of things to come for Ramsey.  Oh no...things are JUST getting started and with her Spell Master by her side (mini-spoiler, but only just), there's nothing she can't do.

Author Markelle Grabo
In conclusion, a great addition to the series and one that left this reader satisfied...yet still wanting more!  The only less-than-positive critique point I had was in regards to the flow of the story.  Overall it was good, but there is an abrupt change in direction a time or two that left me wondering if either A) they were simply trying to draw things to a closing point, albeit a tad rushed (even if it IS almost 400 pages), or B) the later half of the story should have been considered for the beginning of the next installment in the series.  Cie la did not ruin my enjoyment of the adventure within nor lessen my desire to add book three to my reading list.  (Though I'm not certain when it will be available as our young author is embarking on her college journey, I'm keeping a nice spot on my wish list ready and waiting.  ^_^) Recommended read for teens and beyond.  If you're a fan of the Young Adult genre, love a good mystery, a healthy dose of magic, a journey of self-discovery that is laden with danger and a little love for good measure, this is definitely one for you.

Review copy received courtesy of the author's number one fan and great PR presence, Maryanne Grabo (yep...her mom!).  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as the entire growing series, be sure to visit her official website, check her out on BookBlogs.Ning, or follow along on Twitter!

Until next time...happy reading!