HI guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
So, today we're playing host to a stop along an OUT OF THIS WORLD tour featuring a NEW RELEASE via Peachtree Publishers! It's the first in a new kid lit series that from the looks of things, makes promises that is CAN deliver. So, if you're ready, let's take a closer look at today's title in the spotlight...
Johnny Marciano & Emily Chenoweth
Illustrated by
Robb Mommaerts
Penguin Workshop
About the book...
Klawde is not your average cat. He's an emperor from another planet, exiled to Earth. He's cruel. He's cunning. He's brilliant... and he's about to become Raj Banerjee's best friend. Whether he likes it or not.
Klawde had everything. Sharp claws. Fine fur. And, being the High Commander of the planet Lyttyrboks, an entire world of warlike cats at his command. But when he is stripped of his feline throne, he is sentenced to the worst possible punishment: exile to a small planet in a quiet corner of the universe... named Earth.
Raj had everything. A cool apartment in Brooklyn. Three friends who lived in his building. And pizza and comics within walking distance. But when his mom gets a job in Elba, Oregon, and he is forced to move, all of that changes. It's now the beginning of summer, he has no friends, and because of his mother's urgings, he has joined a nature camp.
It's only when his doorbell rings and he meets a furball of a cat that Raj begins to think maybe his luck is turning around...
Looks nifty, right?
...but it also got me thinking.

Have you ever noticed the PLETHORA of cats in books? I mean, they are quite LITTER-ally everywhere! From the library to boats, dystopian worlds to steampunk fantasies, our feline friends make themselves known. So in honor of today's featured title, I thought WHY NOT...let's do a TOP FIVE post featuring a few of these whiskered wonders! Ready, set, POUNCE!
(...in no PURR-ticular order...)
Call it a double your pleasure, double your...fun? Okay, well Filch's cat gets a bad rap, but we all know Crookshanks was on to something with a particular long tailed "friend"...
2. Cheshire Cat...and technically Dinah, too!
Another two for one, if you will, but actually a little closer to a one for two! After all, Alice wiled away the afternoon with her little friend in our world, and then had some rather MAD adventures with her alter ego in the land of WONDER.
3. Garfield the Cat
How could I NOT include this lasagna loving, Odie kicking (bad kitty!), Nermal mailing, sarcastic, old and black kitty chubster (no offense)?! I mean, come on....he's a classic! We use to watch his holiday specials EVERY YEAR!
4. Puss in Boots
Hello! He's cat wearing snazzy boots and kicking tails as he upholds truth, righteousness, and honor. Nuff said!
5. The Cat in the Hat
I don't there is a generation who DOESN'T know this infamous feline. He's known for his signature style, clever rhymes, and a lot of adventures that straddle the line between fun and potentially trouble-making.
So...who would YOU add to the list?
Which feline friends (or not so friends) would you spare a space for? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Special thanks to Friya at Penguin Young Readers for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the series, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title just celebrated its BOOK BIRTHDAY yesterday (woo hoo!) via Penguin Workshop, an imprint of Penguin Random House, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing...and don't forget to check out the rest of the series as they release as well as the tour making its way through the blogosphere RIGHT NOW!
Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!