Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Monday, August 31, 2020

Double Your BOOK BIRTHDAY Fun with Author Corey Rosen Schwartz!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

It's a TWO post sorta day, and this second post is no less important than the first...and it in fact contains TWO more reasons to celebrate!  WOOT WOOT!  So break out the confetti, and grab a cupcake (or two!), because we've got a DOUBLE BOOK BIRTHDAY in the house TOMORROW for author Corey Rosen Schwartz.  You may remember the name from her Twinderella release featured here a few years back, or Ninja Red Riding Hood, or Ninja Chicks, or several other titles that have come down the pipe in the mean time, but today, we've got two unique titles.  One focuses on friendship, while the other reminds us to check our MOO-ds at the door.  Both have fabulous illustrations to entertain the eye and the mind as well, so can't go wrong!  Oh, wait a might help if I actually introduce the titles then, right? Right.  Got it.  Okay.  Without further ado, make room on your shelves for today's choice titles...

Corey Rosen Schwartz & Rebecca J. Gomez
Illustrated by
Hilary Leung
Orchard Books
RELEASE DATE:  09/01/20

This is the story of two FAST friends that loved nothing more than to spend their time together speeding here and there, to and fro, near and far...until one day, they go a bit TOO far.  I mean their folks told them to stay close and watch the time, but what could possibly go wrong when they were together?  A fork in the road and these two friends are headed in the wrong direction, getting Rig and Mack severely off track.  The night moves in and the going gets rough, but these two are made of tougher stuff!  Despite their worries, regardless of their fears, they never give up.  That bright light of their friendship, and a little ingenuity on both their parts, shines like a beacon in the night to get them back together and everything set to right.

So the moral of the story, good friends may be hard to find, but they will always be there for you in the end...and that's something worth SHINING, I mean smiling about!


Corey Rosen Schwartz & Kirsti Call
Illustrated by 
Claudia Ranucci
Little Bee Books
RELEASE DATE:  09/01/20

This is the story of how one little cow took her bad day and turned it around...but not before her BAD MOOOD got the best of her!  It reminds us through wordy puns, and utter COW-lamity, that a bad day is really all in how you look at it.  Once we decide to not take things so personal, once we establish that it's just something that happened not the way things will always be, once we see clearly that's it's a bad day not a bad life...things start to look up and sometimes we can even see the humor in a situation that previously would have dire COW-sequences on out attitude.  Readers will delight in Mootilda's misfortunes, but only to the extent of the funniness that can be found in another's circumstances when it isn't us...teaching a good lesson on empathy to be quite honest.  I mean, you can't help but laugh at Mootilda's reactions, but if we place ourselves in her hooves, you can see why her mood went sour.

All in all, a funny story filled to the horns with the COW-tasophies that can happen in life, and a gentle reminder that while things could always be worse, they are bound to get better and that much quicker if we choose to see the silver lining in that cloud of gray.


   Bonnier sells US children's publisher Little Bee Books | The Bookseller

Many thanks to author Corey Rosen Schwartz for the ecopies for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on the titles above, the author, or the publishers, feel free to check out the links provided above.  Two Tough Trucks Get Lost is available tomorrow via Orchard Books, an imprint of Scholastic, Inc...and Mootilda's Bad Mood is also available tomorrow via Little Bee Books, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copies today and SPREAD THE WORD!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

RRR presents... ESCAPING DEMONS by Killian Wolf - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we've got another Rachel's Random Resources tour coming your way and with a title that'll definitely get you in the mood for the upcoming reading season.  Thing about it is, I had a SERIOUS case of deja vu when I started reading it. I couldn't quite put my finger on it at first.  I was thinking maybe I saw somethin similar on 'Supernatural' or maybe it's just similar to another reaper book I've read ...not that I've read THAT many with them as main characters.  At one point, I was seriously thinking something else entirely unpleasant so I did a little digging and...TADA!  Mystery solved.  Wanna know how it all panned out?  Great...READ ON!  *giggle*

Escaping Demons
Killian Wolf
Grim House Publishing

About the book...
One phone call landed me the perfect job. Too bad it didn’t come with life insurance.

I didn’t think this job would be anything special. Sure, the first phone call was weird, and yeah, maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to come to someone’s house before I met them in person, but Dax seemed nice. All he wanted was a caretaker for his sick father.

Oh, and an exorcist for the spirits haunting his family’s estate. Now he’s left me alone with his father, and the ghosts know my name. Caring for an old man with dementia, I can do. Fighting evil spirits? That’s way above my pay grade.

But Dax has disappeared so I have to learn on my own or both Orlando and I might not live to see tomorrow...



Image result for spooked smiley

So, what's with the deja vu?  Well...
...I was surprised it took me so long to catch it actually...
...because an author name like that isn't very common.

I dug around in my GoodReads lists and my review history notes only to discover that YES, I had indeed read another work by this author...but it was in fact THIS work, under a different title (The Haunting at Paradise House).  You have NO IDEA how relieved I was!  No, really...I thought I was losing my reading mind...but anywho, now that the mystery was solved...I did indeed read this edition to see if things were as I remembered.  My results?  Yep...most definitely, but in the best ways possible!

It's creepy, spooky, spine tingling, mysterious, and all the other adjectives you can throw at a New Adult title that you just want to pick up and read from virtual cover to cover.  You can't help but wonder why Addison would take a job under such strange circumstances and with so many hair raising moments to stop you cold...but later on, we discover a bit of the reasons why and they weren't really in her control.  The sparks felt between her and Ambrose were certainly awkward to say the least, but that sorta goes with the whole "I'm-not-exactly-human" territory, right?  The curious events that seem to plague our girl from day one on the job are just frightening enough to make the suggestion of leaving a light on a little less far fetched (creepy room of dolls in a spooky mansion, anyone?).  The job she was hired for, at least on the surface, made sense with her background, but the care she takes and the trials she must go through to actually keep him in health go WAY above and beyond the call of normal duty.  It all eventually climaxes with what we perceive to be a showdown...but as with most things we've been exposed to along the way, I wouldn't take it at face value.  Just saying...

All in all, an enjoyable reading escape with much promise and potential for further installments to come!  If you're a YA lit fan who loves his/her reading with a paranormal twist, this might just be the perfect fit for you!


About the author... 

Killian Wolf is a Miami, FL native who enjoys pirates, rum, and skulls as much as she loves writing about dark magick and sorcerers. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Cultural Anthropology and Sociology and a Master of Science in Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoeconomy. Killian writes books about obtaining magickal powers and stepping into other dimensions. She lives in England with her husband, a tornado of a cat, and the most timid snake you’d ever meet. When she isn’t writing, you might find her at an Archaeological dig, rock climbing, or sipping on dark spiced rum while working on a painting.



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