Hi guys!
Welcome back to
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place that loves nothing more than to
whisk you away on a grand adventure through the pages of my latest read. That description isn’t too far off either
considering today’s featured title.
It’s a new release
scheduled to hit store shelves TOMORROW (12/11/12), the first of a series if I
understand correctly, aimed at Middle Grade readers but suitable for those
beyond as well. To me, the simplest way
to describe it is this…take one part Indiana Jones and one part Steampunk, mix
well and BOOM; you have an explosion resulting in epic goodness…but of course
you know me and “simple” isn’t usually my style. ^_^ Allow me to divulge a bit more about this
treasure as we take a closer look at today’s book of choice….
Illustrated by
From the publisher…
Computers have failed, electricity is extinct, and the race to discover new lands is underway! Brilliant explorer Alexander West has just died under mysterious circumstances, but not before smuggling half of a strange map to his intrepid children-- Kit the brain, M.K. the tinkerer, and Zander the brave. Why are so many government agents trying to steal the half-map? (And where is the other half?) It's up to Alexander's children-- the Expeditioners-- to get to the bottom of these questions, and fast.
I’d imagine you’d be hard pressed to find a reader that
doesn’t enjoy some aspect of this book.
From the characters (which we will get to in a second) to the
multi-layered story, it’s an adventure and a half just waiting for you to
embark upon the journey. Take three
children whose lives were turned upside with the mysterious passing of their
father (okay, not THAT mysterious since he was an explorer but still…I have my
suspicions…), which left them orphans fending for themselves against the
world. They only have each other and you
know what…that may just be enough; of course it would be FAR easier if the man
with the mechanical hand never got involved.
I mean really, what was he THINKING giving a young boy a box with a
secret compartment containing…umm, well something unimagined but apparently
EXTREMELY popular with the BNDL (Bureau of Newly Discovered Lands…aka part of
the governing body). In fact, they’d
give pretty much anything to get their hands on it. How peculiar?
Especially when you consider it’s only half of what they seek…well, only
half if you aren’t smart enough to figure out where the rest is hidden and how
to decipher it all. Good thing his
children are as smart as a whip and twice as fast.

Each sibling plays his or her role well and it’s hard to not
play favorites amongst them, but favorites I did develop. Our narrator for the most part is Kit, the
middle child (ironic it being a middle grade read and all…^_^); surprisingly,
he does not suffer from “Marsha/Jane Brady syndrome”. Does he have moments where he’s jealous of
his older brother? Sure; though the same
goes for his younger sister….but it’s merely a passing though, he is human after
all, and something that’s a part of growing up.
You come to realize that you each have a place in your family and they
are all of great importance just in their own little way. It was great to watch Kit grow in his
confidence, explore his abilities (this kid is GREAT with a map!) and even get
a first glimpse at love.
Next on the favorites would be M.K., the youngest and only
girl amongst them (their mother passed away many years ago), she is a little
spitfire…and I mean that with a capital “S”.
When trouble comes a knocking, she knocks right back…no really, she
does! You’ll see what I mean when you
read the book but let’s just say that putting her within range of a wrench or
even a pocket knife if you’re trying to hold her captive is not such a good
idea. You have been warned. Seriously though, she’s much stronger then
her tender years should allow but when you’ve had to grow up quick, it can’t be
helped. She’d much rather take things
apart and put them back together again than play with dolls or put ribbons in
her hair. Such is the times, and such is
the need, especially since she wants to keep up with her brothers. Speaking of which…
We can’t let the eldest slip by without a mention. Zander may not be my favorite but again, he
too plays an important role in the story.
To me, he’s trying too hard to shine after they lost their father;
perhaps even trying too hard to walk the narrow line between brother and
guardian in such uncertain times. I get
it, he feels responsible for them, but perhaps he’d do better to drop the macho
act he dons here and there, and just feel the situation for what it is. That being said, he definitely cares for his
siblings without a doubt and all living things for that matter, which certainly
explains how he got Pucci as a pet and protector. Oh, Pucci?
He’s a parrot…with mechanical legs/claws. Yeah, you see there are many nations that
believe they could be utilized as bomb carriers and worse when gasoline and
electricity left the world in the dust and so they outfitted them with the “proper
gear”. Not cool…not cool at all but
Pucci is a survivor just like these kids so he fits in perfectly.
Though the West family is in the starring role of this
story, there are many other characters that make their presence known…some for
longer periods of time than others. (Dun
dun dunnnn…..) From Mr. Mountmorris to
Mr. Foley, Sukey to Raleigh ,
there’s a wide range of faces and ages you’ll meet within these pages. You’ll befriend some, be suspicious of others
(and sometimes, rightfully so…sometimes not), and never trust a few more; in
short, they’ll keep you on your toes in a good way. You also pick up a skill or two over the
course of the read in reference to map making, map reading and a slew of other
quirky bits. Hey, you never know when
they might come in handy…though let’s hope we never have the same shortages
they do. Can you imagine…no
electricity? ~shudders~ One more thing
before we draw this post to a close…
Far be it that this work be considered a picture book but it
contains pictures nonetheless. Don’t
worry big brain thinkers out there that feel pictures in stories are only for
the kiddos, I promise your intelligence will not be questioned if anyone
captures a still shot of you reading this book.
The illustrations are scattered throughout the novel and work hand in
hand with the text in both structure and medium. They are pen or pencil drawings, purely black
and white, and have a certain roughness to them that works well with the type
of story not to mention they will help younger readers capture who’s who among
the group THAT much faster allowing them to enjoy the ride…or rather walk, fly,
run, swim…you get the idea.
In conclusion, a great choice for any reader able to read
predominantly on their own that enjoys adventure, quests, treasure of all
varieties, and discovering the real value of people, places and things beyond
the obvious. It’s a reminder how money
isn’t everything and that there will always be places to explore in this great
big world…as long as we keep it that way.
A hidden message of conservation and preservation is definitely a vein
running throughout the work much like the gold in…never mind…ahem, but it
doesn’t overshadow the story in the least, merely deepens the lessons carried
ARC and finished copy received courtesy of McSweeney’s
McMullens. (THANKS!) For more information on this title as well as
their complete catalog, be sure to visit them online, like them on Facebook, or
follow along on Twitter. This book is
scheduled for release tomorrow (12/11/12) so be on the look out for it on a
bookstore shelf near you (would totally make a great addition to someone’s
holiday gifts this year…just sayin’. ^_^)…and don’t forget to check out the
back side of the cover! A cool discovery
awaits the curious there. In the mean time, feel free to view the official book trailer for another peek at the adventure that awaits you.
Until next time…happy reading!
Terrific review! This is the kind of book I loved as a kid and still do today. I will never be too old for this kind of fun and adventure! Thanks for the info. I'll be looking for this one!
Wonderful review, the tale seems magical and the siblings unstoppable!
Wonderful! Sounds like a great read for middleschoolers and older. :) Thanks!
Sounds like another fun read! Although I'm pretty sure you could make any book sound good, as your reviews rock! Another job well done! :)
This sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the review. I'll have to check it out. :)
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