Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Counteract by Tracy Lawson

Hi there!
Welcome back to another EXCITING day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers, where we look for any reason to spread the joys of reading EVERY day of the week.

Today, we're closing out the month by circling in on a newish title that places itself in the New Adult and Dystopian Thriller categories. It's the first book in a new series that is sure to get your adrenalin going whether you're a conspiracy theorist or that person who just needs to know the WHY of most situations. I fall in the latter camp myself so at first I was a bit worried if this book would be TOO much “they're out to get us” for me. Was it? Was it not? Ah, you'll have to keep reading to find out. (What? You didn't think I'd make it THAT easy now did you? ^_^) Ladies and gents, prepare to fork over a few minutes of your day because really what I'm asking is seriously a small price to pay in comparison to the folks in this book. Today's book of choice is....

Tracy Lawson
Buddhapuss Ink

About the book...
TWO STRANGERS – their destinies entwined – must work together to thwart a terrorist the country never suspected.

The Office of Civilian Safety and Defense has guarded the public against the rampant threat of terrorism for the last fifteen years with the full backing of the US government. Their carefully crafted list of Civilian Restrictions means no concerts or sporting events, no travel, no social media, no cash transactions, and no driver's licenses for eighteen-year-old Tommy and Careen. The OCSD has even outlawed grocery stores, all in the name of safety.

Now there's a new threat: airborne chemical weapons that could be activated at any time. But the OCSD has an antidote: just three drops a day is all it takes. It's a small price to pay.

Or is it?


So we begin with a world in which all social gatherings are cut down in any fashion, even that meaningless yet necessary trip to the grocery is null and void. We have the government to take care of all of that for us, so who needs it? Yeah...who indeed. *-* Can you imagine? I mean I know some things have gone mostly over to the virtual world but cutting out ALL social interactions in the name of safety doesn't sound like the best plan of attack. There is a cost for everything and it's up to us to decide if it's too high too pay. In this case with the OCSD's little antidote, I do believe I would have had to say NO, as in a BIG N and BIG O. Probably would have had to tone it down so as not to suffer the same fate as the martyr.... *gulp*  Then again he really didn't, I mean...*ahem*...never mind.  ~whistles~  Anywho...back to where we were.  The government is in charge of it all leaving mankind to ...NOT think for themselves; something that becomes clearer over the course of days we're about the experience and yet the WHY to it all we simply can't fathom.

There's murder, there's mayhem.  There's running for your lives and running towards them.  There's bigger pictures you can't possibly see and small details that at first glance may slip through the cracks.  You'll forge connections with many while watching others whither away...GLADLY.  Tommy and Careen may be at the center of the story but they are far from our only leads. The story is told through multiple viewpoints as the days and week progress giving you a more rounded look at what's occurring in many locations.  I loved watching Tommy and Careen interact.  It was awkward and messy, definitely not a match made in heaven or otherwise and yet, given time and circumstance, it worked, growing into something real.  Trina was a firecracker and one smart cookie....even if she WAS on the wrong side of things...initially.   (What?!  I can't say anymore!)  Wes was someone I wanted to believe in and yet his shadiness prevented it from fully happening despite some of his actions.  Kevin on the other hand had equal amounts of shadow cast on him yet I found him easier to accept.  Encompassing the characters was the story itself and as much as we'd like to believe it purely Fiction....I don't know.  It's not too far fetched to be somewhat believable on some levels.  Scary.  *-*

In conclusion, a tale of things we don't want to believe in and yet might could possibly exist in some fashion some day.  *ahem*  Maybe.  The multiple viewpoints take a few pages to get the swing of but it works in the end.  I myself was glued to the page literally finishing it within a 24 hour period and considering I also worked and 11+ hour day that day, that's REALLY saying something.  So, if you're looking to add a GREAT READ to your wish list and you're a fan of the genres tapped, this is definitely a series you need on your radar. 


About the author...

Tracy knew she wanted to be a writer from the time she could read. She grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio and attended Princeton High School. While in a student there, she turned her writing efforts toward journalism. She was an editor for the school newspaper, news director for the Princeton Instructional Television station, and also worked as a reporter and feature writer for the Suburban Press weekly newspaper.

She graduated summa cum laude from Ohio University in 1988, with a Bachelor of Science in Communications degree.

After working for a time in advertising and as an investigative analyst for the Florida Board of Bar Examiners, Tracy settled into a career in the performing arts, teaching dance and choreographing musicals.

Tracy has had a long-time interest in her family’s history and genealogy, and she never lost the desire to write.

In 1990, her parents gave her a special Christmas present. It was a journal written by her great-great-great grandfather, Henry Rogers. He, his wife, Maria, and her parents traveled on a horse-drawn wagon from Cincinnati to Philadelphia, then on to Trenton, New Jersey, during the summer of 1838. The purpose of this working trip was to observe working mills so they could improve the family milling business, and also visit relatives in Ohio and New Jersey. During this trip, Henry kept a journal of what he observed along the way. Tracy enjoyed reading it, and became curious about many of the places Henry and his entourage visited.

After making most of the same trip herself by automobile–along with her young daughter–during the summers of 2003 and 2004, and keeping her own journal, Tracy was inspired to compare and share information about both trips–taken over a century and a half apart–in her first published book, Fips, Bots, Doggeries, and More: Explorations of Henry Rogers’ 1838 Journal of Travel from Southwestern Ohio to New York City.

Tracy’s coming of age novel, Counteract, is slated for release on August 6, 2014–which just also happens to be her birthday! The sequel, Resist, is nearly done, and she’s starting to think about the third volume in the series.

Tracy lives in Dallas with her husband, daughter, and three spoiled cats.



Review copy received courtesy of the great team at Buddhapuss Ink. (THANKS!) For more information on this title as well as their full catalog, be sure to catch up with them online or via social media. This title is available now, so be on the look out for it on bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing. OH! One more thing...there's a small teaser at book's end of book 2 in the series, Resist. According to my info at present day, it's slated for release in 2015. *adds to wish list*

Until next time....happy reading!

Friday, August 29, 2014

BLOG TOUR: My Tethered Soul by Dorothy Dreyer + GIVEAWAY!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place to be when you’re in the mood for something delightful…of the bookish variety.

Today, we’re playing host to a Chapter by Chapter blog tour starring a newish release from Month9Books.  It’s book two in a Young Adult series from none other than author Dorothy Dreyer.  (Hi Dorothy! ~waves~)  If you haven’t sampled her work before, I highly suggest you do…especially if you like magic, danger, family, love, and a healthy dose of the unknown.  Yes, there’s all of this and more just waiting for you discover between the pages, or in my case the epages this go round.  Ready to make friends with a new MUST READ series for your list?  Please welcome today’s blog tour guest and book of choice….

(Reaper’s Rite, Book 2)

About the book….
It’s been months since Zadie faced her sister’s Reaper, months during which she’s been under her mentor’s magical protection. But now that she’s turning seventeen, that protection is about to run out.

When dark forces lure Zadie to wander at night, she’s manipulated into committing unspeakable acts. With her friends and family at risk, Zadie must try to use her powers to break free from the Reaper’s grasp, or surrender to the Reaper’s Rite, which can only lead to death.


First things first, let’s answer a question wondered in regards to any series you come upon midstream…YES, you can read it by itself, but NO it won’t make as much sense initially.  Even if you’ve read the first already, if it was any length of time ago, I’d recommend a reread, otherwise it takes a bit to get back into the world.  (*raises hand*)  It’s not that it’s anything other than fantastic, there are just so many unique things going on in the story that for the connections to fit easily, it’s best to just follow the series in sequence.  Now, moving forward…

The story, oh the story…or maybe I should say the CHARACTERS.
This is very much a character driven book despite the fact that there is a plot line being followed, deaths to avoid, Reapers to escape, ecetera.  It’s the PEOPLE that really make it shine.  From Zadie and her sister Mara, our leading ladies of light and magic, one of which is being controlled by a Reaper…possibly…or just sleepwalking… *whistles* I’ll never tell… the fellows (let’s see that ‘s Chase and Gavin for Zadie and Hunter for Mara…oh and of course Paxton for Naomi, can’t forget our non-magical yet amazing friend!) not only competing for the girls’ attention but leaving their magical marks on the story as well (Alchemists, Cations and witches, oh my!).  From Lilura the amazing, (okay, I added that moniker as cranky and cantankerous fits her a bit better but in the knowledge and heart department, she’s tops)….to Helene the gifted (she can speak to those in the great beyond…and likes to meow…. *-*), Mr. and Mrs. Poulter plus their three children (a witch family with definitely different dispositions and opinions, hoorah!) to those that live in shadow and thrive on fear (the Reapers…. ~shudder~).  Everyone is someone worthy of note and they all work together to move the story along. Now, speaking of story…

We pretty much pick up where we left off.  Mara is back, Zadie is expanding her Vila knowledge with Lilura, Gavin is still in the picture but so is Chase, and Naomi is her awesome self.  We’ve a newcomer to town by the name of Hunter.  Brother to Chase, he’s the one that’s…more full of himself.  *ahem* Don’t get me wrong, there’s more than the exterior he presents but you have to get by the attitude first.  Good luck Mara!  Anywho, just when things seem too normal, powers return to those that were thought to have lost them, a Reaper begins running amuck for no foreseeable reason, illness strikes someone much harder than it seems, and a long lost relative may be making a return.  Let us not forget all the death and danger our group will have to dodge while they are trying to sort things out…and sorted they must be, otherwise more than one life will end, and the tally in this one is already growing uncomfortably large.

So, in conclusion, it’s a great addition to the Reaper’s Rite series that is sure to satisfy those that are fans already accounted for while continuing to add to the fold.  Come on in guys and gals, it’s QUITE the rush.  Recommended for Young Adult fans of all ages.


About the author....

Dorothy Dreyer has always believed in magic. She loves reading, writing, movies, and spending time with her family and friends. Half-American and half-Filipino, Dorothy lives in Germany with her husband and two children.


Special thanks to MaryAnn at Chapter by Chapter and the folks at Month9Books for making this tour possible as well as for the review copy.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, be sure to check out the official tour page listing all the great stops along its virtual journey through the end of the month, including {Bookraptured} yesterday and Nayu’s Reading Corner tomorrow!  To discover more from fantabulous author Dorothy DreyerMonth9Books, or Chapter by Chapter, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time…happy reading!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

BLOG TOUR: In the Mirror by Kaira Rouda

Hi there!
Welcome back everyone as we greet another day with the turn of a page (or hopefully, pages) here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're playing host to a Pump Up Your Book blog tour featuring a Women's Fiction title that will move you in many ways.  It'll warm your heart and break it all at once....and you won't even mind; in fact, you'll LOVE it.  Ladies and gents, please join me in welcoming today's book of choice...

Kaira Rouda
Real You Publishing Group

About the book...
In the Mirror is the story of Jennifer Benson, a woman who seems to have it all. Diagnosed with cancer, she enters an experimental treatment facility to tackle her disease the same way she tackled her life - head on. But while she's busy fighting for a cure, running her business, planning a party, staying connected with her kids, and trying to keep her sanity, she ignores her own intuition and warnings from others and reignites an old relationship best left behind.

If you knew you might die, what choices would you make? How would it affect your marriage? How would you live each day? And how would you say no to the one who got away?

AMAZON   |   B&N   |    KOBO   |   iTunes


I was moved.
I was surprised.
I was pleasantly entertained while gaining a better insight into the mystery that is life.  What more could you really ask for?

Jennifer is an amazing character yet human, i.e. she has faults.  It is through her eyes and memories that the story takes shape.  It is her feelings that fuel the situations both past and present, building connections that you're unlikely to forget.  To me, it was a very unassuming book; that is I expected to enjoy it but not to the capacity that I actually did.  (Well done, Ms. Rouda!) It held so much passion and compassion, risk and timidness, desire and self-pity.  It was truly remarkable.  

I love the way the author left the ending...let's just say there's room for interpretation...and the fact that there's a discussion guide to help you explore the topics covered.  I love that a subject that is tiptoed around so much in life (cancer) was placed front and center as well as the way it affects not only the individual diagnosed with it but the family and friends surrounding them.  I love that there was something MORE added to the story (not that it needed it) with the sinister side trip and the darker side of love's emergence.  

In short, it's a great read for many reasons, but the best part about it is seeing what YOU take away.  So go ahead.  Read the book.  Follow the story.  Draw your own conclusions and SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE.  Can't wait to see what you come back with.  ^_^


About the author...

Kaira Rouda is an award-winning and bestselling author of both fiction and nonfiction. Her books include: Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs; Here, Home, Hope; All the Difference; In the Mirror; and the short story, A Mother's Day.  She lives in Southern California with her husband and four children and is at work on her next novel.
Her latest novel is the women’s fiction, In the Mirror.



Review copy received courtesy of Dorothy at Pump Up Your Book and the folks at Real You Publishing.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this tour, future excursions, the author and more, feel free to click through the links provided above.  this title is available now, so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Wild Ones: The Rebel and the Heiress by Michelle Douglas

Hi guys!
This is Satisfaction for Insataible Readers...the place that helps you say HELLO to a new work/school week with a smile upon your face; after all, there are BOOKS to be shared!

Today, we're diving into an afternoon delight (hence the posting time) with the grand folks over at Harlequin Books.  (~waves~)  It's one of THREE titles featured in their year long "can't get enough of" promotion for August (and one in the three pack YOU CAN ENTER TO WIN right here on the site! So um, you know, just click on over after you finish today's post, kay?  Kay. ^_^) and let me tell you, it was one sweet read!  Ready to join me between the pages?  Here.  We.  Go!  Today's book of choice is....


About the book...
From rebel—to knight in shining armor…?
Losing her family fortune, it's time for once-privileged Nell Smythe-Whittaker to make it on her own…with a little help from delicious bad boy Rick Bradford!

Rick hasn’t seen Nell since childhood, but with a family mystery to solve Rick needs Nell as much as she needs him. Yet with a past as checkered as his, can Rick ever be good enough for this beautiful heiress? It’s something he’s willing to prove….


Okay, so let's start at the beginning....
I'm not normally one for the serial romance type book as I like a little more meat to my read...and no, DON'T read anything into that.  I simply mean I like the time and the chance to get to know my characters and their situations more than the usual serial will allow.  That being said, though I DO wish I had had more time with Nell and Rick, author Michelle Douglas did a splendid job of letting us peek into their histories as well as their futures in the given page space.    (Bookmarks up indeed!)

Nell is the typical "princess".  She comes from a well known family of power and resources.  She has impeccable manners and can speak volumes with merely a shrug.  She's prim and proper and...not at ALL just the things you perceive on the outside.  She has substance.  She  has courage.  She has brains and know-how....and even if she doesn't she's not afraid to seek assistance from those that DO have the expertise.  She may dress in 1950's garb and make cupcakes that one could only dream of, but she's just as much at home with her hands in the soil creating beauty with nature.  She's a conundrum, a puzzle, a mystery, but only to those who are willing to take a closer look.  Enter Rick...

When we first encounter our bad boy type character, he's been summoned into town by the "Princess" for what exactly, he isn't sure.  Sauntering he has one thing on his mind....getting in and getting out.  (What....what were YOU thinking?  Uh-huh...)  Thing is, plans change...whether we want them to or not.  In his case, things are gonna change A LOT...for better or worse, I'll let you be the judge, but trust me when I say though the story is chaste, there are plenty of sparks flying and if they're not careful, something bigger than themselves just might ignite.

To conclude, this may be a serial romance in length and story telling style, but it ROCKS where it counts.  It has a mystery to be solved (a rather creative one too!), relationships to be sorted, dalliences to be dallied, and cupcakes to be eaten!  (What?  YOU try reading the book and NOT wanting a cupcake...or book's end!)  Recommended read for Contemporary Romance fans as well as those in the Chick-Lit and Women's Fiction genres.  It's sweet and simple with a twist of lemon to make things interesting.  


About the author...

Making up stories of her own has always been one of Michelle's passions. She received her first rejection letter at the age of eight for Keri the Koala Baby, and has been writing ever since. A love of literature led her to major in English at the University of Newcastle where she recently completed a MPhil (Creative Writing).

She has worked an assortment of jobs. Everything from waitress at a wedding convention centre (where the staff oohed and ahhed over fairytale wedding dresses) to answering the complaints line at a call centre for a bank. All of which have provided her with endless ideas for stories.

Her own "happy-ever-after" came in 1998 when she eloped to England with husband Greg. They were married in Westminster – the town hall not the Abbey – lived on tinned soup for a month so they could afford to spend their wedding night in The Dorchester, and then flew out the next day to honeymoon in Paris.

She is a sucker for happy endings, heroines who have a secret stash of chocolate, and heroes who know how to laugh. When she's not writing she can usually be found with her nose buried in a book.



Review copy received courtesy of Anna at Harlequin Books.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title (or a chance to win it!) as well as their full catalog, feel free to click through the links provided within this post.  To connect via social media, seek out the publisher on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.  Curious to learn more about the author?  No worries!  She can be found online in the usual haunts.  ^_^  This title is available now via Harlequin Books, so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf or online retailer of your choosing.  Oh and one more thing...there is ANOTHER book that makes THE WILD ONES a duet...Her Irresistible Protector.  Looks like Tash and Mitch get to share their story too!  *adds to wish list*

Until next time...happy reading!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Toothless Tooth Fairy by Shanelle Hicks

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when searching for something to soothe your bookish soul after a long hard week.

Today, we're highlighting a Children's Ebook that was brought to my attention recently that shares a pretty cool message in a most interesting way. It's geared towards little girls who are just trying to find their footing in life..and are constantly being bombarded with messages of what “true beauty” really is. Now don't get me wrong, we've moved ahead in today's society by leaps and bounds, but still in all, we've got a ways to go. That's where books this this come into play and before I divulge any more of my thoughts on the matter, please allow me to introduce today's book of choice...

Illustrated by
Anca Delia Budeanu
Mirror Publishing

Picture it.
The day of the Miss Tooth Fairy Smile Contest has FINALLY arrived and with all your primping and prepping, you're reaching for the win...especially if you were named Bella and had perfect hair, perfect teeth, and beauty beyond compare. (Same old message, I know....wait for it though.) Life was great to be Bella, but it was made even sweeter by her MOST beautiful trait, something of which I've not yet mentioned but that makes her shine brighter than the newest penny on a summer day.

Yep, that's right.
Her KINDNESS...and the beauty that is THIS book is made THAT much greater by the fact that this is what will save the day. THIS is what will push her to the top in the eye's of the judges, whether she actually wins or not is another story. THIS is what will come most handy when jealously rears its ugly side...and guys and gals, suffice it say it greats pretty darn ugly. Try taking the green eyed monster analogy and bringing it to the outside of a this case, it's one tooth fairy named Zelda. She has a plan to make it to the top, even if it is devious, and unbecoming of a tooth fairy to the highest degree. All I can say is we reap what we sow...a lesson Zelda learns in spades...and that kindness, the turning of the other cheek, can bring bigger rewards to us and others in the end...thank you Bella for the insight.

To conclude our flight of fancy, I enjoyed this little romp on Cloud Nine. The characters can certainly teach a thing or two to little ones, while entertaining them visually with the bright colors and fantastical tale. The moral of the story...short and sweet but right on the money for today's generation and beyond.

Special thanks to author Shanelle Hicks for the ebook for review as well as the chance to share this story with all of you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title as well as her future works, be sure to click through the links provided.

Until next time....happy reading!

Friday, August 22, 2014

BLOG TOUR: Murder Strikes a Pose by Tracy Weber

Hi gang!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that knows how to bring the reading fun every (okay, most) days of the week.

Today, we're welcoming a blog tour via Partners in Crime that stars the first book in a new Cozy Mystery series.  Now, if you've been reading my blog for any length of time you know that I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this particular genre.  I get pulled in by the title, the cover and the synopsis, but often times the more-than-obvious ending seen from the start, has me joining the league of disappointed readers.  *sigh*  Don't you hate it when that happens?  So why do I keep giving it a chance?  Well, to be perfectly frank (though not actually a person named Frank), to happen upon reading gems like the one you're about to meet. So, if you would do me the honor, but your bookish hands together and grab your wish list (you're gonna need it) as we welcome today's guest and book of choice....

Murder Strikes a Pose

by Tracy Weber

Book Details:

Genre: Cozy Mystery
Published by: Midnight Ink
Publication Date: January 8, 2014
Number of Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-0738739687
Purchase Links:


When George and Bella—a homeless alcoholic and his intimidating German shepherd—disturb the peace outside her studio, yoga instructor Kate Davidson’s Zen-like calm is stretched to the breaking point. Kate tries to get rid of them before Bella scares the yoga pants off her students. Instead, the three form an unlikely friendship.
One night Kate finds George’s body behind her studio. The police dismiss his murder as a drug-related street crime, but she knows George wasn’t a dealer. So Kate starts digging into George’s past while also looking for someone to adopt Bella before she’s sent to the big dog park in the sky. With the murderer nipping at her heels, Kate has to work fast or her next Corpse Pose may be for real.


That's right!
This Cozy Mystery read was met with in I enjoyed every minute of it without any of the withdrawal the genre normally brings me.  From our leading Yogi Kate to Rene, her friend that couldn't stop meddling if she wanted too, from Jake the butt landlord (and creeper!) to the unexpected catch that is Michael of Pete's Pets (yes, HIS name is Michael, he owns the store and he called it PETE'S...*-*) to George (who is a mystery himself and whom a mystery is created upon), there is someone for everyone to either call friend or foe.  The real star however is Bella, George's German Shepard.  Sorry, but I'm a dog wait, scratch that, I'm SO not sorry...and when a canine is featured in a novel, it brings an extra smile to my heart.  They really did her justice too and I should know....we have a GS ourselves!  They are loving, protective and can seem a bit intimidating but ultimately at heart, they are BIG teddy bears.  Anywho, when Bella is left behind after George's unfortunate accident (or was it?  dun dun dunnnnn....), Kate is the one to take the reigns on getting her a family she can call her own; little does she realize just how easily fur-babies can sneak into our hearts for good.  ^-^

Story wise, we have mystery (well, I should hope so considering the genre), a smidge of romance, friendship to boot, an attempt at balancing our inner chi, and a bit of Pet Care 101 (like how LOVE is the way, not a heavy hand...gotta respect the author for putting that angle in there).  At no time do you simply feel like Nancy Drew solving a crime; the other story lines are powerful enough to have it melt into the mix without falling into the background.  I loved the easy flow to the writing style, the effortless way the author weaved everything together and ultimately brought us to a conclusion we can be satisfied reaching.  It was definitely time well spent and a series I shall keep on my radar for future installments as they release.  What say you my fellow readers?  Interested?  Not?  Feel free to share your thoughts because frankly, that's what makes this bloggy world go round.


About the author....

My writing is an expression of the things I love best: yoga, dogs, and murder mysteries.

I'm a certified yoga teacher and the founder of Whole Life Yoga, an award-winning yoga studio in Seattle, WA. I enjoy sharing my passion for yoga and animals in any form possible.

My husband and I live with our challenging yet amazing German shepherd Tasha and our bonito flake-loving cat Maggie. When I'm not writing, I spend my time teaching yoga, walking Tasha, and sipping Blackthorn cider at my favorite local ale house.

I am a member of Sisters in Crime, The Pacific Northwest Writers Association, and the Dog Writers Association of America.

Catch Up With the Author:



Special thanks to Lance and the entire Partners in Crime team for the review copy and the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this tour as well as those forthcoming, be sure to stop by their official site.  This title is available now via Midnight Ink Books, so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.  In the mean time, discover other views, read an excerpt or two, and maybe even get yourself entered to win a copy to call your own by checking out the other sites on this tour; the list of which can be found below.

This linky list is now closed.

Until next time....happy reading!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Toot Sweet!: Little Elliot, Big City by Mike Curato

Hello again!
Welcome back to the site that aims to please the reader in you from A to Z…Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. 

Today, we’re jumping back into the Picture Book family with a book that stars a delightful and unexpected lead character.  It’s a pachyderm with an usual coloring that’s about to show us how even the smallest among us can have a big impact on others.  Ready to jump right in?  Today’s book of choice is….

Henry Holt and Company

About the book…
Amid the hustle and bustle of the big city, the big crowds and bigger buildings, Little Elliot leads a quiet life. In spite of the challenges he faces, Elliot finds many wonderful things to enjoy—like cupcakes! And when his problems seem insurmountable, Elliot discovers something even sweeter—a friend.


Okay, we have to just take a moment and say what begs to be said…
…ready?  1…2….3….


Now that “awww” can be taken as both a reaction to how adorable the cover is, how sweet the story is, and frankly the fact that it has cupcakes (which the author apparently likes as well)…but it can also be taken as a reaction to the sadness and feelings of being unnoticed that we see Little Elliot and his friend experience as the story progresses.  It’s a double-edged “awww” if you will.  Now, let’s discuss….

Little Elliot is a little white, spotted elephant that is beyond adorable.  He’s sweet, friendly, courteous…someone that I for one would be happy to call friend.  His desire for a sweet little treat is admirable, all things in moderation and such, but the overlooking of him was heart breaking!  I wanted to climb in the pages and shout here he is!  Look down here!  He’s just as BIG as all of you seem to be…or perhaps he’s even bigger.  His reaction to a smaller critter’s plight was AMAZING and that new friend in turn aided him without request in completing his own quest…to finally get that cupcake!  His ability to lend a helping hand, or trunk, turns his party of one into a grateful party of two…with a bright future ahead.  Now that we’ve discussed story, let’s move onto the presentation…

  Have I overused the word adorable yet because really…that fits the bill here.  Little Elliot is of course cute as a button. His new little mouse friend is also a cutie.  I love the combination of the gritty surroundings and colorful forefront.  It’s almost like the illustrated duo was placed in an actual cityscape though you can obviously see the line work and shading utilized to create the overall effect.  The muted color scheme, though not a first choice personally, worked well as it was carried through from cover to finish…allowing the story and lessons to take center stage while the illustrations supported it all, and rather well.

In conclusion, a small read that takes place in a BIG city with two characters you won’t soon forget.  It’s a great reminder that no matter how big, no matter how small, EVERYONE is important; everyone deserves to be seen and heard.  Recommended read for all ages, shapes, sizes, and species. 


About the author….

Mike Curato has the fortune of possessing a designer’s brain, an illustrator’s heart, and an artist’s vision. You can find him on any given day walking around the city eating a cupcake (or thinking about it).

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ARC for review courtesy of Ksenia at MacMillan Children’s Publishing Group.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their complete catalog, be sure to stop by their official site, like them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  This title is set to release in a few days time (at the time of this post), so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you VERY soon!  IN the mean time, if you so desire, it IS available for pre-order!  Just search it out at your favorite online sites and BAM, you’re all ready to go.  Oh and for those that love the little add-ons created to help continue the fun, be sure to check out the FREE Activity Guide on the publisher’s website.

Until next time…happy reading!

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